Yeah I'll get back to it. I can't have sex at all yet until my bleeding stops though. So maybe by Christmas or so? I know we gotta get back in the groove. No doubt. But this sort of stress in life just takes over & kills my mood entirely!
Anyway so things are a bit funny here at work with Cash Flow right before Christmas & I am not even certain now we're going to get our Christmas Bonus. At least maybe not until the new year? And we're counting on our bonus to pay for IVF. So I have a feeling I will have to wait a bit longer even*sniff*. Ugh this sucks!!!!
Yeah I"m counting down the hours. Less than half of an hour! But Nathan works late most of the time so I will be here after 5pm as per usual.
At least one good news - finished my Christmas Shopping! WAHOOO!
Interview? A job for you or you are doing an interview for your company?
Totally understandable about the sex thing.. wait until its kosher and then see what your feelings are on spicing things up.. I can always contribute to that discussion if you ever want a real TMI talk haha!
That's too bad about your bonuses... I really hope it comes through despite how it looks now... I am not lucky enough to get any kind of a bonus at work ughhhhh its only been 7.5 years! My hubby gets year end bonuses based on sales though and its usually a good one thankfully...
No I mean I am conducting an interview lol I should have been more clear..
My in laws come home from Florida today for a few weeks for xmas.. will be nice to see them after several months of a quiet house! and their puppy too!
Hey Sis, welcome back!
Hey Meg - what did you guys do last night? Did you go out to dinner?
Yeah it's a cold one today
It was Naiomi's 9th birthday yesterday but her mom had her this year so we are seeing her tonight. We will take her out for dinner, back to the house for some cake & presents. It's always really long days when we have to pick her up so I recon it'll be a late night.
Tomorrow I have acupuncture (ahhhhh...) and then one more day of work until Xmas holiday's! FOR TWO WEEKS! YEAH!!!!
Cake is good! I had cake last night
Yep your Progesterone makes sense. It's like what, 2 or 3 days after Ovulation?
Day 21 isn't going to work out every cycle. Woman's cycles aren't always on the clock. I only predict my periods b/c I knew when I ovulated. And some times its 30, 31, 32, 33 days. Some times 29! WHOA!
Acupuncture tonight! Whop!
I got my nails done today & took the dog to the park.
Yeah I'm really working hard today, girls![]()