How is everyone doing?
Barb, I read your update on your blog. What a cutie!
Mowat, How are the twins?
Sis, You know me I stalk your thread XD hope all is going well.
Everyone else, how are you!?
We are doing well here. To my measurements Logan is 26.5 inches long and about 20 lbs. Such a big boy. Right now we're dealing with some cradle cap but now that I'm on top of it instead of leaving it for my husband, things are finally clearing up. (Husband and I got into disagreements) but I'm taking charge now. Not happy with it but whatever. (basically he believes I do little all day while he works. Sorry watching a 2 year old and a almost 4 month old is a lot of work. Basics I do every day dishes, two washes of bottles, clean the living room, sometimes laundry, etc. He said I wasn't doing anything...and that he is the only one to clean. X_X PFFT screw you. So I stepped it up and now he feels bad GOOD! I'm running myself on higher stress but whatever. Maybe it'll get his ass to clean more. Lately I have been really keeping the house clean or doing other stuff.
We are slowly introducing some veggies to Logan. (Just started the other day and will be going VERY slowly). We did the same with Claire and I trust what is going on. Logan is up to 50 oz of formula a day and it isn't because we're caving to him when he cries. He rarely cries. He takes 5 bottles a day. By the measurements around here he is roughly the size of a 9 month old, which we get told that a lot by strangers. They don't believe us when we say he really is 3.5 months old.
Claire is doing great and is such a wonderful big sister

She's learning more words every day. Some days it seems she just suddenly learned a lot.
I am pleased to say I am now down to 199.6 lbs. Down 40 lbs from the last day I was pregnant with Logan.
Anyway pic of the kids:
I have a feeling Logan is going to keep his blue eyes as well. It's amazing to see both our kids have my blue eyes. Blue eyes don't really run in our family. Both Grandpa's (mine) have/had them and one Uncle.