LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Happy New Years ladies !! Lost my power three times last night lol. Went to bed around 130am Zzzzz now up with sore low back.

Did everyone have a nice night?

Barbs yayyyyy for AF!! Haha! Last time I will praise that bitch lol. So happy look now it's jan! Your turn to jump back into the fun! FX you join me in January!!

Nat FF seems to be very confusing. So confusing is why I've never used it lol. So you are 10dpo today?!? So sorry bout the stupid bfn. So glad you've got that appt booked. KICK ASS 2014!!!

Welcome eyemom! You've lamed yourself in a group of great women and I look forward to getting to know you! We all use our first names but that's totally up to you! I am Meg :)

What to do today! Hmmm I say nothing lol! I got bacon and eggs and. Hash browns to make a yummy breakfast.

One day till bloods ahhhhhh ! Maybe I'm crazy to go tomorrow with it just reopening though.... It's going to be so Busy and I would have to leave my house at 7! Ahhh lol not sure what to do here.
Hello eye mom! I've seen you around BnB :)
Definitely check your Progesterone. But spotting could mean nothing too. Your story reminds me of me. Get all years you can. Have you gotten the Dye test or Saline year to check your tubes? I'm not sure how much is covered in your insurance but if you can, do it. My tubes ended up blocked.

Yeah funny how I'm happy for AF lol
Well, it's a part of IVF that means I can start growing my eggs.
I'm pumped! I just hope the drugs agree with me and I don't feel like shit.

Nat did you test today? I ought to check your journal.

I woke up with a cold. Traded in being hung over lol
Hi Meg!

Yeah go in tomorrow!
You working this week??

I have to go in tmr too.
But we don't have to be at work.
Ahhh okay I don't mind using my real name. You can call me Erin. I will try to remember what real name goes with what screen name here. :D

Barb, it always feels weird to be happy about AF, but yay, best of luck as you proceed. Yeah I think I had my HSG (dye test) just a few days before yours. Thankfully mine ended up clear on both sides. Hope you're feeling better soon!

Meg, looks like you have a recent BFP????? That sounds like a yummy breakfast. I thought I was doing something special for my DD today and made her "Minnie Mouse" pancakes. She said she didn't like pancakes!?!?? and ate yogurt and an orange instead. Haha oh well I tried.
Hi Meg!

Yeah go in tomorrow!
You working this week??

I have to go in tmr too.
But we don't have to be at work.

Yep going back tomorrow ! At least it's only a 2 day work week before the weekend hehe .....

I am all sniffy too. Feels more like allergies blah. I would have this over a hangover anyway!
Hi Erin! Yep I got a bfp on Xmas Eve ....
Hoping it sticks I have not had great luck so far unfortunately. Going for bloods tomorrow so we will see how it goes !

I Couldn't agree more with the others on getting that progesterone checked. I didn't have mine tested but after my loss In November my specialist put me on it and said t could help so I've been on them for a month or so:)
Ohhh I'm sure if/when I get another bfp, I'll be excited but terrified at the same time. But anyway, I'm going to be optimistic and say congratulations!

Anyone know...with the Clomid. I've heard it can have no bearing on progesterone. But I've heard it can make me ovulate better and so the better egg means better corpus luteum which makes more progesterone. This idea makes sense, but maybe I just want it to fix everything!

I used to have progesterone symptoms during my cycle. Even when we had still been ttc for a while. But now I basically feel nothing all month. But again I don't know what's real and what's me just looking for something or paying too much attention.
I don't know anything about clomid but Barb had taken it so she can give better input :)
Hi ladies.:)

Woohoo it's 2014 ...:)

Sorry I haven't been on here yet today....just brung together a nice beef's smelt ABSOLUTLEY amaizing.:) yummmmmm
We had ...
Beef,sprouts,carrots,swede,brocoli,yorkshire puddings,suffing,roast potatoes,and gravy....
And for starter we had a prawn cocktail and salad.:)

I am fat full and friendly now lol.:)

Oh no meg...your power went out three times?...
I hope you manage to get a better nights sleep tonight- I'm sorry your lower back pain is soo bad for you too...but it IS A good sign of things progressing well.:thumbup:
And I am rooting for you at the clinic I the morning'll be in my thoughts.:hugs:

Barbs...did you manage to stay awake for New Years last night lol...did you have a good one..?...
My mom and step dad and 10 yr old niece rocked up at 11pm and gate crashed our "quiet night in" it was still nice tho :)

Sis...a polyp...oh glad they didn't find nothing tho.:thumbup:
So it's iui with no meds this round right? Sorry I ask I am getting slightly confused tee hee....good luck sis...I hope this is the one this time :) you had the dye tests...:) ...and they came back "all good and well" ?
That's good.:)
That's funny about your lo not wanting the pancakes you lil boy would do that to me lol..I would make an all out effort for his breakfasts and in the end he just wanted a fruit
But luckily he loves his weetabix now so all is good for the mornings...I hated the "fussy" stage....but it does pass...and then return and then pass again...oh did I mention it returns and passes again lol.....hahahaha.
So you test this weekend did you say? Good luck love...:thumbup:
I am terrible at testing...I tell myself no...but I cave lol

Becky woo hoo almost d day....hee are you doing anything special for the night before? Are you going to be in your wedding suit getting ready sipping champers?
So when are you going to test Becky?...10/11 dpo?....or much much remember how you would start really early...didn't you get your super faint bfp at 7dpo before?
Lol don't worry about the ss already...we have all done it...dam our body's making things look so convincing eh lol.

Well ladies...I'm supposedly 10 dpo (according to ff)
Yes meg very confusing lol (this cycle- normally very accurate normally tho) :)
If ff is wrong I am out bc I tested this am and I got a bfn but if ff is right I'm still in woohoo...a girl spy old me she got her bfp at 15 dpo last cycle and we got the same lp...16 that gave me some hope back.:thumbup: ..

Right I'm off for now...I have a strawberry cheese cake calling me from the fridge ..

Natalie xxx.
Clomid: I don't know about Peogesterone. It's meant to make woman ovulate who other wise may not or produce multiple eggs to increase pregnancy odds. It can thin the lining of the uterus however which can be detrimental.
It's a risk.

Nat your dinner sounds amazing. Can I come to your house?! Anyway all your meal sound great. I'm not a night owl. I had to nap around 10:30pm and woke up at 11/45 lolllll I just can't stay up late anymore. Least not if I'm home.
I fall asleep on the sofa. Hehehe.

Today is a super lazy day. Sneezing away!
Tomorrow is busy! Clinic in the morning, brunch with friends at noon & dinner with Anna! So I'm not sure when I will have a moment tomorrow to update but if. It tomorrow then Friday for sure.
Ahhh that meal sounds amaaazing. You ladies are making me hungry. ;) Tonight DH and I are going out for an anniversary meal, but we still can't decide where we want to go. :P

Yes, so far my testing has all turned out totally normal! Not that I really want anything wrong with me, but on the other hand, I'd also like answers ya know?

My DD will be 3 in Feb and only in the last few weeks have we entered our first picky eating stage. She'll still eat enough good things, but a lot of the things she always ate before, she decided she no longer likes them. :P And I used to be able to introduce something new and she'd try it with enthusiasm. And now she'll say she doesn't like it without even trying it. Like the pancakes, haha.

Thanks for the well wishes with the testing. I don't usually even try to tell myself not to test. I do try to hold of though if I only have one or two around. But I know I have no will power. And besides, that's why Internet Cheapies were invented, right?
Hi all

Barbs how exciting tomorrow is here already.....i cant wait ti hear how you get on and i so hope the meds don't make u feel crappy FX for you!!! Hope your enjoying your relaxing day - i cant wait to have a duvet day after the wedding.

eyemom i totally understand the urge to test early! Ic's where used lots when i was ttc harrison - if they are in the house i can't resisit ZERO willpower here ....i need to sign up for POAS annonymous haha! I took several rounds of clomid and was told the same as Barbs but interestingly my progesterone levels post 0 where very high....i can't compare to not on clomid as i don't or didn't ovulate without it...FX you get your bfp this cycle and don't have to worry!

Nat i agree dinner sounds awsome - can i come too.?!..i cobbled a fish pie together for dinner (i'm certaninly no Delia )this evening oh wasn't too impressed walked through the door to find chaos in the kitchen with pots everywhere and harrison in his walker opening and shutting all the doors making a bang - the only way i can get any time too cook is to let him do it! I dare say i'm setting myself up for problems when he is walking but i will hopefully keep him out of the kitchen....he's a lazy monkey so plenty of time to worry about that yet!

Sorry about the BFN hun but as you say still time yet!! No i don't intend to test until at least 12dpo but i may cave...i'm not great on the old willpower front but im hoping i'll be so busy i'll manage....Last time i used to test from about 7dpo as i was so desperate and just needed to test but i didn't get my actual pos untill 11/13dpo FF changed her mind on 0 that month. I think it was one of the others on the tread that got it super early. I wish!! I'm really hoping i can wait as i'm not totally sure i believe FF on the 0 front as docs said highly unlikley from bloods etc so i'm pretty sure it will be a BFN ....lets see i maybe posting next week at 8dpo that i caved and tested LOL!!!
Nat I want to come to dinner too!!!! Lol

Erin I meant to ask where you are from ??
Wouldn't it be amazing if we could all meet one day?! I know its unlikley as we are opposite sides of the globe but hey you never know.....
Thankyou ladies on my dinner invites...and you know...I would sooo love to have you all join me.:)
I cooked there best beef ever today aswell...slow cooked on 160 for fell apart....OMG.I keep nipping out to the kitchen to have a cheaky piece whilst pete is not looking hehe...

Yes Becky...I have often said this you know...we should all meet up one day...

My sil has a villa in Florida...we can get it cheap-
We should defo take advantage of that one day soon and have ourselfs a girly holiday :thumbup:

Hee hee....Becky I feel for you and trying to get the cooking done whilst babba is into everything.....Harry STILL does this to me...I'd like to say Harrison will soon grow out of this stage but "anytime soon?" Sorry no...
What I do is encourage Harry instead....I give him a pan or a plastic bowl and a spatcula and tell him to make as much noise as posible....or sing me some songs....he sits on the floor and thrashes's PROPPER headache material and my neighbours hate it ...but it's tough!
He loves it...
Hehe I can just picture hubby's exciting about tmr...Yaye.:happydance:
Really looking forward to your update with the RE....

Meg...I will be thinking of you tmr am...your nervous drive there and the in the waiting room...I wonder if you see any familiar faces again...:)
it will all be ok...and you have us to yap to if you are waiting a loooong time in that waiting room...I will try and be online for your AM time...:)

Well ladies...I am looking at my Xmas tree thinking...oh your soooo gone tmr!
I can't wait to get it all put away again...I am desperate to do a throrough clean down lol...we desided to start packing this week too..llwe haven't got a move yet but we intend to anytime now....I thought might as well start getting the useless things out away ready to go....
Got a whole lot to do tmr...but I fully intend to take lots of breaks's the tww so I can't push myself like I usually would.

Anyways...I'm off to finish up my words with friends and then it's off to bed.:)

Nighty night ladies :)

Natalie xxx
Hey meg...:) online if you wanted to chat...good luck love :)

Barbs....good luck to you too..:) ...oh this is a good day...I can feel it in me bones :)
Natalie xxx
Hey meg...:) online if you wanted to chat...good luck love :)

Barbs....good luck to you too..:) ...oh this is a good day...I can feel it in me bones :)
Natalie xxx

Hi Nat! You were so right about how you pictured me this morning haha... but hey its done now! I was in and out in 5 min and there was NO wait ahhhh I could have slept another half hour - I got to work an hour early!! bahhhhhhhhh lol oh well! Now I just wait for the results..

Lucky day to those of you not going back to work today haha... at least its only a 2 day work week for me! Whoop!! Gotta see the positives...

Nat, how are you? are you testing again today? whats your plan hun xx

Barb - Today is RE day! Update update!!

Becky.. 2 days until the big day whoop whoop!! So exciting :D

Erin - Nice to know where you are from, I thought American but was not sure :D
Hey meg...:) online if you wanted to chat...good luck love :)

Barbs....good luck to you too..:) ...oh this is a good day...I can feel it in me bones :)
Natalie xxx

Hi Nat! You were so right about how you pictured me this morning haha... but hey its done now! I was in and out in 5 min and there was NO wait ahhhh I could have slept another half hour - I got to work an hour early!! bahhhhhhhhh lol oh well! Now I just wait for the results..

Lucky day to those of you not going back to work today haha... at least its only a 2 day work week for me! Whoop!! Gotta see the positives...

Nat, how are you? are you testing again today? whats your plan hun xx

Barb - Today is RE day! Update update!!

Becky.. 2 days until the big day whoop whoop!! So exciting :D

Erin - Nice to know where you are from, I thought American but was not sure :D

Ahhh so glad you didn't have to wait long Been through enough emotionally certainly don't need to be waiting around pondering the what ifs...:flower:

So they phone you back today with the results?.....

Afm...tested this morning got a big white sucker in my face lol ....******* tests lol....(skews my language lol)

Hope your work day zooms by so you can go home again love :thumbup:

Be checking in to see your updates :thumbup:

Natalie xxx
Ugh Nat, so sorry about the BFN honestly it is just shit and not nice!! :( I am really glad your apt is around the corner.. makes such a difference to the mentality to be proactive doesn't it? You waited so long with Harry you deserve a speedy baby this time!! I curse the AF gods for you lol

tick tock tick tock when will my phone ring?? this website has a huge range for HCG levels at 4+3..avg is 700 but could be 400-1000! like wtf lol...

I am shocked at my own nerves right now I feel shakey almost

and Yes Nat they will call me anytime now...
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