Hehe that's too funny meg I love that...
I'm here....where IS Everybody eh lol....
Hope all is ok and well.
Natalie xxx
PHew! Lol I was worried haha.. Nat tell me, what is on the menu tonight?? I want to live through your cooking!
I am doing good.. less than an hour to go at work and I just ate a big gingerbread man with some iced tea lol... tea time if you will, Nat!

lol your are REALLY funny today ....
So on the menu tonight was store made curry...tandoori chicken...petes version of "making dinner" lol...bless he tried.
Shhhh don't tell it was gruesome.lol
I ate half of it and sort of said,...I'm not so hungry today...lol....
Of course I attacked the chocolate cake an hour later...oooops...
Oh yes tea time!....I will please....I never turn down a cup of tea....I live for my cups of tea....if tea was wiped of the face of the earth I could just die...lol...and ginger bread man

.....run run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the ginger bread man.....what DOES that mean ?....I never got it lol
Tmr it's creamy tuna pasta bake...with home made garlic bread...

I'm licking my lips already...
Go course lashings of cheese On top of it......pics when master piece Is done ? Lol
You know I should start a blog of my food art lol...receipts and methods....I really should do this...I would love that.
I was thinking earlier ...how did you get out of the "no drinking " situation this NYE?....I hope it wasn't too hard
Natalie xxx