LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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I'm pretty sure they will do 2 embies Barb. Pretty sure they'll do a reduction if two take. The wait is killing me. Counting down the days.
mowat, interesting that I"m not the only one who's been open to a double transfer with the idea of reduction if both took. I haven't really found many people willing to go through what I'm going through. But I also completely understand the thought process and emotional process of it. FX that it happens on the first go!
Congrats on a Lil Girl Erin so so jealous!!! :)

I'm here just been busy and not really TTC at the moment no treatments just all Naturale!!

FX for u Nat!!!
Hi Ladies just a very quick post from me - i don't have good internet signal here (we are in spain for the next 4 weeks or so) I'm still recovering from my leaking spinal fluid but i'm mostly better now than god as it was truly hurrendous!! I had an appt with a new fertility clinic and they agreed to a monitored clomid cycle even with my cyst and then if that doesn't work maybe injectibles and natural or iui. She gave me prog to take as i haven't had a propper period since feb when i stopped the clomid only crazy spotting! Plan take it the week before i come home to the UK then book in for monitoring day 6 of cycle - guess what.....i had a faking period the last few days!!! crazy body so now i have to phone them and see if i still can take the stuff.

Anyhow i will catch up with you all asap.

Hope everyone is ok!!

Nat i'm so sorry to hear you are having a shitty time sending you the biggest hug!!

barbs nice to see you back :)

Sorry i'm not addressing everyone it takes about 5 mins for a page to load here LOL!!!!!

Nimbec! Things are good.
Wow, leaking spinal fluid???
I hope you're OK xo
Sorry kills me to do this...but I can't keep repeating, it hurts too godam much :(
Big BIG hug to you, Nat!
Onward to a new chapter in life. Always here for you xo
*hugs Nat* I am so sorry but at the same time so happy for you that you are entering a new chapter of your life. From what I can tell with you you are a VERY strong woman. If you need anything including to just vent/rant we're all here for you. *hugs*

Sorry I haven't been on been busy and this week has been rather shitty for us. DH's job is going to be bought out. I don't think he has to worry about his job but who knows. Thankfully the field he is in he can easily get another job hat would pay him what he is currently at or higher. Wish I knew what to tell him though he's stressed as well as I. Then DH's grandma (no relation by blood and he isn't/wasn't that close to her) but she passed away on Monday, funeral/wake is on Friday. I loved her, she often reminded me of my on deceased Grandmother. Such a sweet old later. Claire also had a shitty start to the week too. I thought Sparky (dog) had finished his dental bone that I had given to him an hour prior but apparently he hadn't (it's always gone within ten mins) and Claire went to take it and he snapped her. No actual wound or bite mark but pretty sure he grazed her because Claire was quite shaken up. She's fine though. Sparky learned too what he did was a BIG no no but I will keep a closer eye on when he has treats and make sure they are gone before I put Claire on the floor. And then same day, she is in front of her toy car (doesn't move) and for whatever reason decides she's going to climb it. Head first onto the floor. She was more shocked anything else and was fine in a matter of seconds. Tough cookie.

On a happier note, been planning Claire's first b-day party. Ordered her cake yesterday. 5 weeks 2 days roughly. Woot.

I am currently day 13 of this cycle. Last cycle my LP was actually 10 days almost 11. I was spotting and didn't start until late night on day 10 dpo so I'm going to just keep an eye on it for now. I think I still will mainly focus on losing weight the next three-five months and if we do not fall pregnant I will ask my doctor at that point. Down just 5 lbs yet but been busy the past few days that I didn't get a good workout in and I've also been eating poorly since we are so stressed. Damn you food for being a comfort of mine.

With the workout though I am pleased to say when I first started out on the bowflex (treadmill, climber, and something else all in one) I could only do 15 mins and I was DYING at that point and walked .50 miles going at max speed of 2.2 mph. I am in my third week of it now and I am at about 20 mins now at roughly speeds of 2.5 mph sometimes 2.8 mph and I go at least .75 miles. On Sunday I even went the full mile in 24 mins and 20 secs. In my eyes that is a huge improvement from when I first started this workout routine. Slowly but surely I will get into shape.

Anyway I hope the rest of you ladies have been doing awesome!
butterfly, when it rains it pours! Good luck with everything!!!
I worry about our fur baby when real baby comes. I think she'll be a bit jealous. Plus she's really energetic and not the gentlest!

And so good on you for keeping up the work out! I would like to do a bit more physical activity but I'm scared to. I just don't want to be this bowl of jelly & just gaining weight for the next 6 months!
Amy, sorry about the job stuff with your DH. Something similar happened to my DH a year or so ago. His department was essentially outsourced, so first question was - Do we keep our jobs? Okay yes, everyone kept their jobs. Next question - Do we want to keep our jobs. Answer turned out to be NO. He was lucky to quickly get another job elsewhere that paid better with better benefits. But it was still a stressful change. I hope it turns out great for him and your family, one way or another.

So sorry to hear about the loss in the family. :hugs:

Glad Claire got away from those incidents unscathed! Lucky with the dog, but other than that...we just do the best we can. Luckily, for being so little, they are pretty durable. Can't believe it's almost time for her birthday! So exciting.

That's great to see progress with the exercise! I think if I attempted something like that now, I might kill myself. :dohh::dohh: Sounds like you are doing awesome.

Barb, I can totally relate to wanting to do stuff and not be jelly, but it's just so scary!

AFM, I'm going to be making an effort to lay low for a while because I am super behind on a lot of important stuff at home. The computer is just too much of a distraction. Still in lurk mode and will reply to PMs. Today turns out to be a slow day at work...frustrating when I have more to do at home than I do at work! Really makes me want to get out of here!
Erin, you're half way there!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Well I decided I can do yoga & light weights for arms/shoulders. And squats. I think that's not so bad. Long as I'm not getting an intense cardio work out.
I"ll be asking my OB soon. I keep forgetting!!!
If it's light weights, it seems like it should be okay. I was given a 25 lb limit.

So Tuesday, last night, and this morning, I've had some light bleeding. Looks like fresh but mixed with mucus (sorry TMI). At first I thought it was because of O (not ovulation, the other O :haha:) but now it's for sure not. My SCH is gone so that's not it. Have a message in with my Dr. Getting nervous b/c the weekend is coming up and I need to know that things are fine. With the first bleed they said with a normal sono I didn't need to be checked, but since it has continued with nothing that should aggravate anything, I'm worried about my cervix. Ugh. For a lovely 7ish weeks I really thought I was going to get to enjoy a nice boring pregnancy.
erin, that's always so scary. when can you go see a doctor about it?
Erin, yikes! Did the bleeding stop? I can't believe they wouldn't see you. I know my doctor would tell me to get my ass up there asap.

Been busy again on my end, moving things around in the house, packing some stuff up. Chances of us moving next spring should still be high otherwise it'll be the spring after. Either way it can't hurt to start packing up some stuff.

Anyway got a positive OPK late last night so it seems I'm nearly following the same cycle as last month. Maybe, just MAYBE I might finally be regular again. *shrugs* Time will tell. I would be happy though if this is my new 'norm'. Ovulate around day 17-20 and then period around 28-30. I'm currently day 18.
I wish I could be as on the ball as you! I'm horrible at procrastinating in spite of good intentions.

Hope all the cycle stuff turns out good. :)

So anyway, update, YES they saw me this morning. They got back to me Monday morning and said to come in and make sure. They still thought it was PROBABLY fine, and I agreed it was PROBABLY fine. But I'd really like to know for sure.

Turns out I have a cervical ectropion which is okay when pregnant. But can case some discharge/bleeding. But no concern, whew! I'm just so happy to know where it's coming from! Also made sure my cervix is closed, and it is. I knew I'd be happy to have some reassurance, but after I left I was just feeling really GOOD! Like I can enjoy being pregnant again.

In other news, the closest I have to a BIL and SIL (DH's best friend since they were little kids and his wife) just lost their son at 22 weeks. :cry: So sad. We were so excited to have kids the same age again. She was losing amniotic fluid a few weeks ago, but she was doing okay on bed rest. That is until Saturday when she went to the bathroom and saw prolapsed cord. :cry:

Today's the 2 year anniversary of our loss. Continued my weird tradition of making "birthday" cupcakes. Doing okay though. Cried once after I put out the cupcakes and DH gave me a big hug...hadn't cried about it in a while. The one I'm carrying doesn't really replace the one I lost, but it does help to have that hope this year. Still missing my angel baby, but really today I have felt really positive about things.

I wish I could be as on the ball as you! I'm horrible at procrastinating in spite of good intentions.

Hope all the cycle stuff turns out good. :)

So anyway, update, YES they saw me this morning. They got back to me Monday morning and said to come in and make sure. They still thought it was PROBABLY fine, and I agreed it was PROBABLY fine. But I'd really like to know for sure.

Turns out I have a cervical ectropion which is okay when pregnant. But can case some discharge/bleeding. But no concern, whew! I'm just so happy to know where it's coming from! Also made sure my cervix is closed, and it is. I knew I'd be happy to have some reassurance, but after I left I was just feeling really GOOD! Like I can enjoy being pregnant again.

In other news, the closest I have to a BIL and SIL (DH's best friend since they were little kids and his wife) just lost their son at 22 weeks. :cry: So sad. We were so excited to have kids the same age again. She was losing amniotic fluid a few weeks ago, but she was doing okay on bed rest. That is until Saturday when she went to the bathroom and saw prolapsed cord. :cry:

Today's the 2 year anniversary of our loss. Continued my weird tradition of making "birthday" cupcakes. Doing okay though. Cried once after I put out the cupcakes and DH gave me a big hug...hadn't cried about it in a while. The one I'm carrying doesn't really replace the one I lost, but it does help to have that hope this year. Still missing my angel baby, but really today I have felt really positive about things.


I'm one that has to be on top of things. It can get annoying at times. Right now I've been chewing out DH's butt because we're suppose to be doing a weekend trip (4 hour drive) to see his birth mom and her dad come July 19th. Guess what, he still hasn't worked out the plans and I kind of refuse to talk to her unless I have to. (I don't get along with his birth mom an out of the 9 years I have dated/been married to her son, I have seen her once and that was at our wedding over three years ago. Even then at the wedding she had so little to do with me). So I really don't want to go but trying to get things figured out so I can make it the best for him. *sighs*

Glad it's nothing major for you Yay! Glad you're feeling good about it now too *^^*

I am so sorry about your friend losing their baby :( DH's not related by blood cousin, he just lost his baby yesterday too. He and his girlfriend are on drugs...illegal kind. She was about 6 months 1 week pregnant or something like that. He was born June 11th I think it was or right around there. Poor baby...I'm just glad he no longer is suffering (the baby). We wont have me voice my opinion on the matter of the mom being on illegal drugs while pregnant though. My heart though is just aching the most for the baby but also for them. I can't imagine losing a baby like that. I can't. Yea I've been through 1 mc and 1 cp but that I can deal with. To actually be that far along or to birth the baby. T_T I'm still kind of dealing with my emotions for the little one. He seemed like he was going to be a fighter but...he didn't make it. I met him once and would have loved to have met him again but the dad was asking us for money for more drugs -_- So we didn't want to see him.

And *hugs* The pain is always there no matter how much time has past. It aches because it was the 'could have been'. I looked at it this way that when we got pregnant with Claire it was the first baby's way of saying to heal our hearts and rejoice. This is my gift to you as my parents. Yea I know corny as all hell but that is my belief. And I'm going to feel the same way now when we get pregnant again with a sticky. That Chem baby, he/she is watching out for us. I just know it.

Wow...I was not expecting to type up a novel. I'm gearing for bed and I type this. ^^;; sorry. I also realized it was a bit of a vent for me too. Which I apologize for as well. Anyway tomorrow is another day. Hope ya'll doing great.
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