LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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OK take two: had to repost.
Thanks for your concerns ladies & positive thoughts.
Things are status quo today. My cramps have improved lots so I'm holding onto that.
I think even if I felt better tomorrow, I'd want another night for assurance that it's not a fluke.

The blood pressure meds seemed to have helped reduce my BH a lot. And by reducing that, hopefully making my uterus happier. I'm still ever nervous.
I also hope the meds are not the sole cause of the cramps easing up b/c I'd love it to be gone because my uterus is just happy again. You know? I don't want the meds to be a bandaid solution.

How are you girls all doing?
So glad you're doing a little better today Barb. Sounds like you're being well taken care of anyway. Really hoping you get to go home soon. When were you finishing work?

Not much new here over than the fact that I woke up this morning without a headache! Woohoo! I think I've had a headache everyday for the last four weeks solid. It's amazing what you can get used to.

How's everyone else?
Gosh barbs what a rollercoaster :( So pleased you seem to have a great ob! Fx things start to improve again and you will be home in no time!! I had Harrison at what they thought was 36wks but turned out to be 34 weeks he was in scbu for a week but then home with me - i'm sure you have heard lots of positive stories tho! x
I had a better nights sleep, no cramps over night or this morning. Hoping it stays this way. It's hard to trust my body. Mornings start out well in general.
But at this moment I feel more like myself since Monday.

I had lots of headaches in my first trimester during my first pregnancy. It was daily. Didn't have it this time around. Pregnancies are really just SO different.
I'm glad things are going so well for you xo

Nimbec, lots of positive stories yes. But I need to hold out longer than 30 weeks. I'm at 30 today. I also don't really hold much value to preterm success stories because my daughter didn't survive being born at 32 weeks when everyone told us how well she was doing and no one had any concerns about survival. I would still like to make it to at least 37 weeks. Holding onto hope.
Great news things remain positive today :) I really hope you make it to at least 37 weeks and are complaining at 40 weeks that you want him out!! It could still happen he may calm down and stay comfy for a while longer. I have everything crossed for you!!!!!!!!!!
Glad to see this morning is better for you Barb. Really hoping you'll be able to go home today or tomorrow. Yay for 30 weeks. Seven more to go, hear that little baby boy? You gotta stay in there for your own good and your mama's sanity until then! So get comfy for awhile longer! Keeping you in thoughts/prayers

Well 7 weeks 1 day here and honestly my pregnancy symptoms have almost all gone away. Minus the if I wake up at 2 or so in the morning I am starving. And Still being tired, but other than that it's mirroring now Claire's pregnancy. I personally can't wait until 8/9 weeks when hopefully I can pick up this baby's heartbeat with my Doppler. I still can't feel at ease even after seeing the heartbeat. No idea why, but I can't. I was the same with Claire though and I didn't calm down until 20 weeks when I knew everything was all right with her.

Mowat, WOOT! Glad you didn't wake up with a headache. I had many of them with Claire, found out it was related to my body needing caffeine. Which was weird cause 1) I don't drink coffee at all and 2) about two/three months prior to getting pregnant I had sworn off soda. So all I did was drink soda once a day (great while I had two) and headaches would be gone. Didn't help with the fact that I still woke up with them though.

...I lied ...Nausea said hi again this morning. Thankfully it's really only been nausea so far and I have yet to toss up my cookies.
Amy, that's how it works - you jinx yourself if you say you dont have symptoms lol
Yes - this boy has to stay IN! I am really hoping with bedrest, I get this baby as far as possible. 37 weeks would be wonderful!

Well girls, I'm not going home yet. I have to stay the weekend, re-evaluate Monday how I'm feeling. If I don't have symptoms, we need to reduce my meds - the Adalat (BP meds) to see if I remain symptom free off the drugs. And only AFTER that can we decide if I'm staying or going. I have this horrible feeling however that I'm staying.
Yes jinxing...XD At least the nausea seems for the most part settled down now so not too bad only about an hour worth of it today.

Sucks you're still there this weekend, but it's for the best. I hope Monday everything will look awesome though for you. I know it's hard to stay optimistic (Usually I'm one to plan for the worst but hope for the best), but we are all hoping for the best for you and your little boy.

I'm really praying that you get there to 37 weeks. Only 7 more to go.
Barbs so glad things R Calming down but sorry u have to stay a Lil longer but we All know its for the best!! Hang in there Baby B listen to Ur Momma!! :)
I don't write on this thread as it doesn't really apply to me and I don't want to intrude, however I have known Barbs for a while and constantly read to see how she is doing (although funnily enough have been reading about all of you lovely ladies and wish the best for all of you!!). Anyway Barbs I just wanted you to know I am thinking of you lots and wishing and praying the best for you! Look after yourself and as scary as everything must be you are in the best place possible (even if the food totally sucks ;)!! ) Big hugs :hugs: (If you don't remember me I'm from the 35 and trying for 19 months thread.... ) xxx
Yep I remember you :) thanks for the kind words. It's a very stressful period and I'm trying to remain hopeful and positive. There are days and moments it is difficult.
I want nothing more than this baby to bake to term.

I don't have much updates currently.
I did have some concerning discharge this morning and waiting for nurse to make her rounds. Ugh, always on my toes.
WhiteOrchird, Hello and you are never intruding here ^^ We are all friends here.

Barb: Baby boy is really keeping you on your toes huh. I hope the discharge is nothing important. If I could I'd wave a magic wand and make it be 7 weeks from now. Doesn't work that way though...grr.
Are you having cramping yet or they still subsided?
nurse & doctor say its normal. long as its not green, brown, bloody or my amniotic fluid is leaking. but it doesnt make me feel any better.

no cramps yesterday, today a bit. my stomach is also upset today so I'm having a hard time figuring out if it's b/c my stomachs' angry or it's my uterus.
we'll see what tomorrow brings.
I hope you've got a private room at least Barb. Yuck, I hate being stuck in the hospital.
i couldnt score semi. had the room all to myself until Friday night which was SO nice. This girl's nice enough but she's quite noisy. Hard, hard time sleeping with her here. I'm exhausted.
I'm sorry you couldn't have a private room. The hospital I go to has only private rooms which is nice.

Anyway saw on your blog you were going to update and I am hoping for the best for you! Can't wait to read your update! Hope you're doing all right.
Ooops I was going to update & honestly got distracted.
Things are going well today - nothing to update on my end of things.
I am without my roommate today because she went into labor, had her baby boy. Shes a few days shy of 24 weeks so I'm really nervous for her. It was very emotional this afternoon.
This place is great for anxiety I tell ya!!

Amy, how are you feeling??
Ooops I was going to update & honestly got distracted.
Things are going well today - nothing to update on my end of things.
I am without my roommate today because she went into labor, had her baby boy. Shes a few days shy of 24 weeks so I'm really nervous for her. It was very emotional this afternoon.
This place is great for anxiety I tell ya!!

Amy, how are you feeling??

Being distracted is okay too though. Keeps you busy. Glad things seem to being doing good for you. Did your doctor lower your meds to see how your cramping goes?

OMG! She is in my thoughts/prayers.

I see it's very good for anxiety! Not that you need anymore!!

I'm doing good. Realizing how slow the first trimester goes. Forgot how slow it can go. Right now I just want to get to my next apt. on Nov 21st. Hoping before then I can pick up the heartbeat on my Doppler though. That helped me so much with Claire.
Today I have been super tired though. I mean, sure I've been tired since finding out, but today my goodness. No energy what-so-ever.
I'm off my meds officially as of today. So far, so good. Fingers are crossed.
I still wish I didn't have the discharge I'm having :/
I'm checking every time I go to the bathroom. I even had my nurse inspect it. I'm crazy paranoid. But I don't trust this nurse, so waiting for night nurse and if it is who I think it is, she will have a better answer for me. That's how much faith I have!!

I bet you're anxious. I was anxious for each & every single one of my appointments. All the way up to & including the last OB appointment I went to which was two weeks ago, tomorrow.
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