LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Glad to hear that being off the meds isn't upsetting your uterus. Hopefully that means baby and uterus have calmed down. I wish I could tell you more on the discharge but I can't remember with Claire. Maybe I'll try and dig through some of my old threads and see if I can find anything. I do remember getting yellow/brown thick discharge towards the end of pregnancy but I couldn't tell you when it started. I really hope it isn't anything. Glad there is a nurse you like though! I had ones I liked and ones I didn't like when I was in the hospital with Claire. I liked the ones I had on Thursday night/Friday but then it was the weekend and...yea...not to say they are the 'shit' nurses but I just felt they didn't care as much. : / Though all the nurses that were monitoring my blood (had to have it taken a few times a day to make sure I was creating blood) They were all lovely XD I felt so bad for them...I have such horrible veins and they felt bad for poking me so much.

Yep I'm anxious. Some days are worse than others. Last night was not a good night. I was quite anxious cause at night all throughout the night, on and off, my uterus felt so heavy. I have a bad habit right now too, to keep checking my discharge to make sure it's a happy clear/white color. The other habit I have is for about 2-5 mins a day I already am checking for a heartbeat ^^;; Yea coo coo me. I don't expect to hear anything for at least another week if not two weeks.
Hey Barb, just read your blog update. I'm hoping and praying still. Sounds like things are going good though. Also seems that you and your doctor are a perfect match! Glad she prescribed you a private room and hopefully you wont have any added anxiety. Can't wait to hear/read an update tomorrow after your ultrasound.
Hi Amy,
I was just writing this & in walked the ultrasound technician. Everything looks great, baby's happy & healthy. Unfortunately (as I was told many times) he didn't check my cervix. And that is what makes me nervous more than anything. I will have my cervix manually checked at some point and that's the only way any one gets a discharge here.
Symptomatically I'm doing alright. I have BH Contractions but this is nothing new. I have them through out the day, daily ever since 16th week of Pregnancy. Cramps was the next thing on the list & while there are a few moments I feel 'some thing', it's fleeting and disappear if I change my position or move around so I'm not sure what to make of it. Also, my one side (left) has been terribly achy, pully....doctors say it's probably weight of my stomach, my muscles stretching, etc. And when I feel these 'cramps' its mostly on that side & low so they say its likely associated.
I have to say, I hate this symptom spotting CRAP. Stuff I'd probably brush off any other time!

I also check my CM every time I use the washroom, it's totally normal for you to do that. I wipe & check after every pee - I'm obsessed. I also wondered if I were leaking fluids and had them check today - nada. I'm so paranoid here & obsessive about every single thing my body does.....
It is mentally & emotionally unhealthy. I try to stay off the internet and from googling but some times I just can't help it! Even though I'm at a hospital and have medical staff at my disposal LOL!!!

I can see and understand using your Doppler however from what I understand, using one doesn't work for quite a while right? You mentioned a couple more weeks. So perhaps, put the Doppler down...hide some thing so you're not compulsive about it. But I totally get it too. I'm not doing a great job of not obsessing either!
So glad to hear the baby is happy and healthy. And I'm annoyed for you that he didn't check the cervix. Grr! Will your OB be the one to check your cervix manually then? Personally I think she'd be the only one I'd trust at this point.

Glad to hear the symptoms aren't much. I honestly never experienced a BH or at least was aware of one with Claire, but I do know they are quite common from other ladies saying so. Also glad the cramps aren't too bad and they disappear fairly quick if you move.

I'd have to agree that the ache on the left side is muscles stretching. I had that a lot with Claire towards the end.

It is SO normal to check CM cause I do that daily a few times a day ...yea...I am just as bad as you are I think with that. But in my mind it's the best way to know what's going on quickly. As long as the CM is a nice happy white/clear color then I'm happy. If I see anything wrong I'll be phoning my doctor but no reason to. Still I keep on checking.

I'm hoping you will be able to relax when they discharge you and you'll be able to go back home. And tomorrow you're 31 weeks! Knocking out those weeks! And I saw in your blog that you told baby to stay in there. I think he'll listen.

And don't feel bad with googling stuff even with nurses/doctors right there at your disposal. After I had Claire was googling everything about the hemorrhage I had even though I asked about it and everything. I want to know what others went though!

I'd have to ask Mike to hide the Doppler and knowing me I'll just get pissed off if he does that. XD So no hiding it here. And some people can pick up the heartbeat starting at 8 weeks, and as each passing week it is easier to pick up. Seems the average is 10 weeks, again though I have seen people though some of them I doubt at 8 weeks. Mainly I doubt because it's their first time using it chances are they found their own heartbeat. Without an audio clip I just don't think they did. I know that's bad but again statistics and my own knowledge. It is real easy to find my own heartbeat! Nice strong heartbeat I have! lol

So, you think your OB will let you go home tomorrow? By the sounds of things, things are looking awesome. And your two week time frame with that test will expire on ...was it Monday you had gone in? So the 3rd of Nov is when it would expire? Glad to see that it looks like the test for you was a false positive and I am SO happy to hear/see that.
Happy Halloween all! Trick or Treaters will be starting shortly here. I wonder how many Elsa's or Frozen theme we'll get this year XD
I didn't have a single Elsa come to the door. Well, there might have been one hiding under a snowsuit!
I didn't have a single Elsa come to the door. Well, there might have been one hiding under a snowsuit!

The Elsa's we had you could only see the tiara and bottom half of the dress XD We had only 4 of them out of 120 trick or treaters. I was shocked.
Hey Ladies, happy to say that I came home yesterday afternoon :) I had anxiety. I was paranoid over night (what else is new?). I have some intestinal pain & constipation so that's not helping my mini-stress sessions. I really hope I'll get back to feeling like my old self again soon so I don't have to worry about every sensation. I just hope he bakes for six more weeks!

Actually, neither the doctor on rounds nor my OB suggested I do a cervical check. They were both confident based on a lot of things that my cervix should be fine and they don't want to touch it if they don't need to. I'd feel more confident if it were still a decent length, closed & not funneling (starting to open up) but what can I do? Issue is, after 29 weeks the cervix doesn't tell them anything accurate (unless you're dilated & effaced!) because your cervix starts to naturally slowly ripen over the course of the third trimester.
I'm on the uncomfortable side for many reasons so that adds to my worries. I have ligament pains on/off through out the day that are super bothersome, under my belly is achy, I have Hemorrhoids (ek) and so I'm always sore down there. Which adds to my crazy thoughts. And my belly some times feels so heavy & how the baby's positioned - at times feels like he's going to just fall out....LOL....all chalks up to not good for a paranoid woman!

LOL @ finding your own heart beat! Yep when I was put on monitors few times a day at hospital, it always picked up my pulse too. Just hang in there. It's so hard, I know. I was in your shoes too in the first trimester.
Sounds like we're in similar boats. Paranoid.
Alyson, I hope you're not going to be crazy like us :)

I'll be updating my blog today...I'm sure there's a few ladies are wondering what's happened to me LOL...and I hope to be able to go to a better place again & blog about happier times. Just going to hang in there, take it easy. I must say, trying to take it easy at home's hard. I see all these things that are driving me crazy. Mostly messy & cluttered but it's not as important as my baby & I have to remind myself of it :) neurotic side argues my points. LOL

I had not many kids come to the door. My step-daughter was here for Halloween and while they went out for about 1.5 hours, we turned off the lights because I couldn't be getting up to give out candies....& that was during prime time. Oh well, we have all this extra candies now. I lost a lot of weight during my hospital stay so I better pack on the pounds!

Hi ladies:flower:

Sorry i have not been around. Its been a particularly difficult time here. We have decided that we are not doing the IVF January ..well not at all for the foreseeable. The financial strain of it had already caused arguments and the emotional toll of this ttc has caused no end of rows and difficulties. Without ttc we are a very happy family unit, we never row and have lots of laughs so i made the decision that we have to focus on what we have now. Obviously i'm gutted and its taken a while to get used too as there is no way it will accidentally happen as i don't O alone :cry: Seems everywhere i look there is pregnant women, ivf on the bbc news, adverts & people asking when no2 is coming along....its like twisting the knife. BUT i will get through this and already life is 100% better at home without the worry of the IVF. There is always this cycle of pos opk yet but after this it is the end of my ttc journey.

I wish you all good luck!! I will pop in from time to time to see how you are all doing but at the moment its all a bit raw and i need to think about other things such as focusing on riding and looking for a new horse maybe :0 or a puppy lol!!

Barbs i will 100% still be following your blog & can't wait to see you little another 6-8 weeks!! xx

Sorry I haven't addressed you all individually but i am thinking of you all :)
Hi ladies:flower:

Sorry i have not been around. Its been a particularly difficult time here. We have decided that we are not doing the IVF January ..well not at all for the foreseeable. The financial strain of it had already caused arguments and the emotional toll of this ttc has caused no end of rows and difficulties. Without ttc we are a very happy family unit, we never row and have lots of laughs so i made the decision that we have to focus on what we have now. Obviously i'm gutted and its taken a while to get used too as there is no way it will accidentally happen as i don't O alone :cry: Seems everywhere i look there is pregnant women, ivf on the bbc news, adverts & people asking when no2 is coming along....its like twisting the knife. BUT i will get through this and already life is 100% better at home without the worry of the IVF. There is always this cycle of pos opk yet but after this it is the end of my ttc journey.

I wish you all good luck!! I will pop in from time to time to see how you are all doing but at the moment its all a bit raw and i need to think about other things such as focusing on riding and looking for a new horse maybe :0 or a puppy lol!!

Barbs i will 100% still be following your blog & can't wait to see you little another 6-8 weeks!! xx

Sorry I haven't addressed you all individually but i am thinking of you all :)

*hugs* It is a difficult road to go. I know it was a road Mike and I where thinking about specially with the miscarriages. I kept bumping up the date that if we weren't by this date he was getting snipped. It's stressful. TTC is stressful and I don't care what anyone else says about it.
It sounds like this is the best choice for your family and I wish you and your family the best in this road. You will find complete happiness in time. Yes there will be things that will sting but just know you have a perfect little family.
And if I may...get both a horse an a puppy >.> if I could I'd get another dog but where we live 2 is max per household. I've been trying to make my parents get a puppy...or two but they refuse to budge until they retire X'D I keep trying though.

I am SO happy you are home! I am hoping now that you are you can try to go about life normally for the next few weeks. I'm glad they didn't check your cervix too! Leave it alone! Don't irritate it!

I'm sure it will still take a little time to calm down and stop being "What is this" or "Is this a bad sign". I think since you told your little boy to stay in there he'll stay ^^

And yes...heartbeat...though I think I may have found it yesterday and again today but I LOOSELY say that. Found a fast chugging sound for a few seconds. Seems he/she doesn't like the Doppler and moves rather swiftly when it is on him/her. Not that I blame them for moving lol.

Sadly I am almost always paranoid. I was with Claire until she was about 7 months old where I actually was able to sleep a bit better at night. Even though she started sleeping through the night at 4 months, I was just so paranoid. I'd just sit and watch her on the monitor making sure she was breathing. And then when she decided at 4 1/2 months she wanted to sleep on her tummy...I didn't sleep. I was SO paranoid. Heck I still am about her. XD I check in on her twice from 8 to 11pm to make sure she's all content and fine. No reason to think she wouldn't be she doesn't sleep with anything in her crib.

If I could I'd come over and clean the house for you XD Though I'm one to speak. My house is a mess but it's mainly Claire's toys. Just focus on resting and baking your little boy!

Oh I'm starting to think this one is a boy. But...I can't help but feel like I'm going to get my hopes up. With Claire at 12 weeks I went it's a girl. I just knew. I keep telling myself it'll be another girl and I wont have my little boy (I did have gender disappointment with Claire since honestly I don't like little girls ...I prefer boys. Might have something to do with it was nearly always boys that I babysat). Of course I just want a healthy and happy baby I do. It's just with this being our last I would love a boy. Especially since we have a name picked out for a boy. For a girl...we no longer have a name. X'D I decided I hated the names we had. Maybe it's a sign that we are having a boy lol About 7 to 8 weeks before I can beg my SIL to sneak me in for a scan X'D
Okay asking ...anyone here have any ideas how to get sleep!? Past few days I literally cannot sleep at all. I lay in bed and that is it. For hours at a time. I'm lucky to get thirty minutes of sleep here and there. So tempted to call my doctor up Monday and see if there is anything he can do cause I can't keep running like this. I literally broke down crying twice in the past 24 hours because I can't sleep.
Hi! I've been a lurker since the beginning of the thread (I followed you guys over from Barb's original thread). I'm rooting for all of you!

I'm responding to your post about insomnia. I have TERRIBLE insomnia and was on Ambien for seven years before I got pregnant. I was terrified about what I was going to do when I got pregnant. My doctor told me to take the over the counter sleep medicine, Unisom. There are two forms, diphenhydramine (which is the active ingredient in Benadryl) or doxylamine. The doxylamine form is what I took. My doctor said that they often recommend it to pregnant women for morning sickness. I took two tablets every night my entire pregnancy. It really helped me. I wouldn't have been able to sleep without it. Now that my little boy is here (six months already!), I still take it at night to help me fall asleep. I'm still able to wake up when he fusses at night and can still function to tend to him.

I will ask my doctor about those on Monday. Thank you! I'm sorry you have such bad insomnia too : ( I don't know how people can live with it. Usually I'm always out within 10 mins of resting so not being able so sleep is something new to me. 1 and a half nights roughly until Monday. I can make it...hopefully. At least Mike is letting me rest all day if I want to yesterday and hopefully today too.

And aww 6 months old ^^ How fun. And feel free to post on here if you'd like. I like making friends ^^
Holy crap! I slept last night! I was going to call my nurse/doctor this morning and double check with Unisom, but I got a fairly decent amount of sleep last night. Sure I still woke up a few times but was able to fall back to sleep rather quickly. Woke up at 12:45 had to eat almost puked. Woke up at 6:50 had to pee so bad! Almost fell back to sleep at 7 but tummy was not happy. Made Mike get up to get me crackers. Then I fell back to sleep shortly after until 8:15. So not a bad nights sleep at all. Hopefully I can get this more often now.
Hey ladies, sorry I've been MIA lately. But wanted to let you know DD2 made a QUICK arrival yesterday morning. Can't wait to tell you all the story, but it's a lot to type on mobile. We're great...just...whoa lol.
Hey ladies, sorry I've been MIA lately. But wanted to let you know DD2 made a QUICK arrival yesterday morning. Can't wait to tell you all the story, but it's a lot to type on mobile. We're great...just...whoa lol.

OMG So exciting and happy for you! Can't wait to hear the full story ^^ Congrats!!!
Ooooh Congratulations can't wait for the update - well done mama!!! xx
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