Major confusion about 'NTNP'



Sorry but what exactly IS ntnp? does that mean you dont use contraception and just have sex randomly without any thought about kids?
Either you want a baby or you don't, right? If I went off contraception then it would be because i want a baby, so therefore, ttc.

As far as I'm concerned if you don't use contraception and fall pregnant, then you were 'trying' and the pregnancy was planned!
Hiya NTNP is people that want a baby, just by letting nature take its course and not charting etc.
Yeah basically, without putting any pressure on lol.
not really the same thing. TTC means that you will be charting and temping.. none of that woth NTNP
There definitely is a difference-- people who are NTNP in my opinion are prepared and want to have a baby, but they don't want all of the pressure of actively trying to conceive. NTNP means that you just want to hand the reins over to nature and not obsess over when you are ovulating, worrying about constantly POAS, pressuring your SO into booty calls at certain times, etc. etc.
I agree with AutumnNight, NTNP is definitely a lot more laid back and relaxed. Whereas if I was actively TTC, I'd be charting, maybe doing temperatures and ovulation tests and stuff. At the moment I'm aware of when I'm ovulating, but that's about it.
I think TTC and NTNP can be different for different people and its just how you choose to identify and what you want to call yourself. There are probably some people who think of themselves as NTNP who are doing as much to get a baby as someone else who thinks of themself as TTC. Some people who are NTNP know when they are ovulating and some have no idea.

I am NTNP as I can't TTC at the moment. I am breastfeeding my LO and AF hasn't returned so I have no cycles to follow. I'm just randomly having sex in the hope of catching the first egg out since LO was born.
Yuop it is exactly that wide range . There are also some who consider themselves ntnp when they take contrception rather lax too(like having sex in possible fertile daysetc to the people who poas to know the window of their fertility but who don't chart or only have sex according to rules etc.
its basically as it states, you aren't "Trying" ie temping, charting, preseed etc etc etc, but you aren't preventing, so no birth control. So you are still hoping or planning to have a baby at some stage, but just letting nature take its course. So you may not even be aware when you are ovulating and therefore miss the oportunity every month - or you might get lucky :)
I was TTC with my first one - charting, temping, ovulation testing, sex on certain dates, lots of pressure - definitely TTC. Since it took us so long to concieve her, once she was born, we decided not to use any contraception, and see what happens. I was pregnant in my second cycle after it came back, and I hardly kept track of cycles, I have no idea when we had sex, and only suspected being pregnant, after I felt weird and my bionic nose went up a notch. That was definitely NTNP.

As on the question of wanting a baby, we felt ambivalent about having one soon after the first one, but we knew we wanted another one and we're mid 30s, and considering the long TTC the first time, it just didn't feel right to use contraception.
I don't know, I agree with the fact that NTNP is different for everyone. My OH and I aren't totally ready for a baby, we have a lot we need to do and a lot of life to live, but we do want kids someday. My parents told me there's never a 'right' time, it happens when it's meant to, although OH and I agree we want to be married with a house and careers, life isn't perfect. We kind of gradually moved into NTNP, we used condoms, then sometimes would just pull out, then occasionally wouldn't, now we don't at all. It wasn't discussed, we aren't TRYING, but we both agree it would be wonderful if it happened. I'm only now starting to consider myself in the NTNP category.. but still feeling like I'm in the WTT.. The line between the two is hard to find, but only because it is what you make it.
I don't know, I agree with the fact that NTNP is different for everyone. My OH and I aren't totally ready for a baby, we have a lot we need to do and a lot of life to live, but we do want kids someday. My parents told me there's never a 'right' time, it happens when it's meant to, although OH and I agree we want to be married with a house and careers, life isn't perfect. We kind of gradually moved into NTNP, we used condoms, then sometimes would just pull out, then occasionally wouldn't, now we don't at all. It wasn't discussed, we aren't TRYING, but we both agree it would be wonderful if it happened. I'm only now starting to consider myself in the NTNP category.. but still feeling like I'm in the WTT.. The line between the two is hard to find, but only because it is what you make it.

I know what you mean, there is never a 'right' time, and if everyone out there waited till the 'perfect' time with a house, career, married etc then the birth rate would be so low that humans would drop off the face of the earth.
Now that we have contraception, and we have a choice as to when to have a baby, the choice becomes so much harder.
I think TTC can have different meanings on different forums as well maybe?

On this site, I can't be a part of a lot of the TTC posts as I don't chart or anything like that.

I'm paying attention to my body and plan to defo :sex: at the right time and hopefully that will work! So I am trying but I'm not using opks or charting or anything like that at the moment.
not really the same thing. TTC means that you will be charting and temping.. none of that woth NTNP

I would consider myself actively TTC and I do not temp or use OPKs. I don't think just because I don't pinpoint ovulation means that I am not actively trying to get pregnant.
I think TTC can have different meanings on different forums as well maybe? On this site, I can't be a part of a lot of the TTC posts as I don't chart or anything like that.

I'd agree. I'm kinda thinking of myself as "casually TTC", I'm not taking temps, or OPKs but I am aware of when the more fertile days would be and we do plan to BD on those days.
"NTNP" is going to be my plan when we start trying to have a baby. (sorry I'm still in WTT)
I like the idea of not charting and worrying about body temps, etc. etc.. plus I don't think I would reliably/consistantly chart myself and then it would become pointless :)

If a couple months went by and we're still unsucessful then I might do some charting.
"NTNP" is going to be my plan when we start trying to have a baby. (sorry I'm still in WTT)
I like the idea of not charting and worrying about body temps, etc. etc.. plus I don't think I would reliably/consistantly chart myself and then it would become pointless :)

If a couple months went by and we're still unsucessful then I might do some charting.

This is so me! I will definitely be TTC after my Merina is removed next week, but I will not be charting and temping and OPKing. I will probably go online to find out when my fertile days are, and BD whenever possible. Hubby says that I don't need to worry about all that stuff anyway, he says all I have to do is look at "charlie" :haha: and I will be pregnant! Lol!
I think there is a difference. With my first born my partner and I stopped using protection, but each month, if I had my period I wasn't bothered :shrug: We did want a baby, but there was plenty of time and so we just had sex when we wanted and not purely to have a baby. So we weren't trying, but we weren't preventing that baby arriving either

With my second though I was definitely trying for a baby!!! I got upset every time a period came around and I'd track my fertile days and OH and I would have sex even if we weren't exactly in the mood that day!

So there is definitely a difference to me. When I explain the Not trying, Not preventing to people they just tell me "Oh, so your first born wasn't planned then?" which I don't like because they just think I was irresponsible with protection because I was young at the time.
You're not alone, it can get a little confusing i think :wacko:

If someone were to ask me if Toby was "planned" or if we were "trying" to get pregnant with him i would say yes, because we weren't using contraception and we were hoping to have a baby and we miscarried just prior to getting pregnant with him, so we were really wanting a baby asap too but didn't want to go down the full-blown TTC route iykwim? We didn't do anything to "try" other than just enjoy ourselves and hope it would happen :winkwink: (and it did :cloud9: )

So technically we were NTNP, and certainly my OH likes to think of it that way as to him TTC means headstands after sex at best or at worst, temping, opks and only DTD when ovulating etc which i think gives him the heebiejeebies! :haha:

Right now i am off the pill and we are having fun and hoping to have a new addition to the family at some point in 2011, so i am classing myself as NTNP but again, if i do fall pregnant and someone asks if we were trying to conceive, i would say yes absolutely as to me, having sex without contraception constitutes trying for a baby as there is a 90% chance you'll be pregnant within a year. But i agree that both NTNP and TTC mean different things to different people.

First time round i think i did post in TTC a little bit, but we didn't have NTNP as a section then. These days i think i feel more comfy in here (no offence at all to the TTC ladies :hugs: ) just because we are not actively doing anything to track ovulation etc so wouldn't have much to offer in the way of discussion/advice etc over in TTC i don't think.

I do get a bit confused when i hear people talking about ovulating and opk's etc when NTNP though as i would class that more as TTC but again, everyone is different i guess :flower:

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