You're not alone, it can get a little confusing i think
If someone were to ask me if Toby was "planned" or if we were "trying" to get pregnant with him i would say yes, because we weren't using contraception and we were hoping to have a baby and we miscarried just prior to getting pregnant with him, so we were
really wanting a baby asap too but didn't want to go down the full-blown TTC route iykwim? We didn't do anything to "try" other than just enjoy ourselves and hope it would happen
(and it did
So technically we were NTNP, and certainly my OH likes to think of it that way as to him TTC means headstands after sex at best or at worst, temping, opks and only DTD when ovulating etc which i think gives him the heebiejeebies!
Right now i am off the pill and we are having fun and hoping to have a new addition to the family at some point in 2011, so i am classing myself as NTNP but again, if i do fall pregnant and someone asks if we were trying to conceive, i would say yes absolutely as to me, having sex without contraception constitutes trying for a baby as there is a 90% chance you'll be pregnant within a year. But i agree that both NTNP and TTC mean different things to different people.
First time round i think i did post in TTC a little bit, but we didn't have NTNP as a section then. These days i think i feel more comfy in here (no offence at all to the TTC ladies
) just because we are not actively doing anything to track ovulation etc so wouldn't have much to offer in the way of discussion/advice etc over in TTC i don't think.
I do get a bit confused when i hear people talking about ovulating and opk's etc when NTNP though as i would class that more as TTC but again, everyone is different i guess