What you said!!!I agree with Nic.
I know people who really are not racisit, but they always refer to the corner shop as the P Shop. Which is highly ironic as it's run by an Indian couple!! I've heard people use the P word to describe anyone Asian, I hate it and I tend to say something if it's someone I know well enough but I dont always think it's used to be derogatory.
Same as round here calling people of mixed race "half-caste" It happens purley out of ill education rather than tying to be racist. That particular term makes me cringe, I hate it x
The shops where I grew up, we all called them p shops... I suppose it was that era when anything was acceptable. My mum still calls it the p shop, try telling my mum it's no longer acceptable when 'P*ki John' , the owner of the shop calls himself a p*ki!!! She says he likes it....!
Also my white friend with a mixed race son calls him half caste, he calls himself half caste..... It's hard saying to someone in that situation it's not acceptable to use those terms anymore! Criiiiiinge!