Right ladies im back and ready for action lol, my body is so messed up at the moment though im not sure whats going on, since my mc in November every other month iv had bleeding inbetween my period (usually for a week) and unsure if i ovulate that month! Well this month is that month and iv bled on and off for over 11 days grr! Got a pos opk on CD 34 which was 5 days ago, but started bleeding again yesterday and cramping but not bleeding enough to call it AF yet because usually af starts heavy straight away, but im hoping the bleeding gets stronger today and i can then start charting! But i havent done charting for about 6 years now so no doubt I'll be really confused lol but anyway im hoping to get my BFP on this first month of charting, because this will be my normal month so i should stand a better chance lol!! And if i dont and the following strange month where im bleeding loads inbetween at least if i chart i will be able to see if i am ovulating and if im not ill have to see a dr! Hope your all doing great I'll be sticking around here now im actively trying! Im so excited for this cycle to start!!! X