I don't know what MC is like without having a baby! I don't agree that they should jump down your throat. But I think the person is thinking you are considering your MC harder than others because you don't have children. But its all hard... Miscarriage is a pain that never goes away for anyone whom experiences it. We can't classify who's pain is worse. It's all loss and we all grieve differently. It's a very evil, hard thing.
And the fear... that fear that you will never have a baby. That's the same fear experienced with each Mom who wants another. You think you will never get it. BUT YOU WILL! WE ALL WILL! WE WILL ALL HAVE RAINBOWS!
I've been here before with a MMC between my 2 children. I was with a lot of Ladies on these threads like we all are now. THEY ALL HAVE RAINBOWS!!! Some are carrying #2 or #4 NOW! I agree with Confuzion, there is no competition. We will all reach the same destination. A beautiful rainbow to take home!
Bridget: Even if the blood test says BFN, which it might you could definitely be pregnant. 7dpo is so early, if implantation hasn't occurred, even the blood test would be negative. (The most common time for implantation to take place is 8dpo.) Eeeek! Bring on that BFP!
Leah: You need to put yourself out of testing misery. I clearly do see lines on them all. And if these tests are positive FRER will be too. I'm so ready to say CONGRATULATIONS!