Poor Eve! I hope you get all better soon. 14 lbs really is a lot though, minus all the pain and discomfort, I think I would be pretty happy afterwards.
Heather! My fingers are crossed for you, I cant wait til you get your bfp! Its so exciting isnt it? Remember how last time we were pregnant months apart? I was really hoping we could be buddies again, but its just not time for me yet. I usually test at least 14 dpo, but for both pregnancies, it didnt show up until 17 dpo. Dh has been hinting at a longer wait. I think he feels content with just these two right now, but he did say he wants one more. To solve the big age gap dilema, he initiated waiting for another few years, when these two are around 6 (Jayden) and Zachary is 8 and then having 2 more back to back. It sounds reasonable and I wanted 4 to begin with, but I really miss having a newborn.
I try telling myself that the perfect time will come eventually. To just get pregnant because I miss having a newborn is kind of irrational, because the newborn/infant phase doesnt last long, and soon I'll miss it again. Its really a never ending cycle. There are some people I know who has 7-8 kids because they get baby fever again right after their kids turn 1...and I know I would never be able to afford or handle that many kids. Dh said the soonest that we could try is next year (based off my ticker) because visiting his parents is priority now, as soon as that is over with, and I really want to have another he wouldnt resist, although his ideal preference really is a few year's wait time.