Hi girls
As an ex super obese girl (my BMI at one point, highest, was 43), just wanted to tell you IT IS POSSIBLE to loose weight. I lost 30 kilos. And I am still watching my weight, and will be, for the rest of my life.
Some tips how to make it easier:
1. Think hard on what is the food group you can't live without? Meat? Vegetables? Carbs? (Unfortunately sweets are a no no in any diet)
If you realize, what you really can't live without, it is much more easier to choose an eating lifestyle (NOT a diet, because, more or less, being a big girl, like me (no matter how small I get, I will always be a big girl genetically).
For example, I love vegetables and carbs. So I am mostly on plant based nutrition, with no dairy, with some lean protein (preferably plant based), fruits, veggies and legumes.
But if you like meat, go for a no carb (during a weight loss process its important to be strict), high protein foods.
2. Calorie intake! calculate how much calories your body needs a day (there are several sources) and deduct 300-400 from that amount.
3. Try not to snack.
If do snack, I know, sounds silly, but keep to the rule: have an apple (boiled chicken, rice galette). If you don't want that - you don't want to snack.
Have tea (use sweetener if needed, I used to go through gallons of tea with Splenda when I was loosing weight).
4. DO try and do some exercise, even brisk walking for 30 minutes a day. Make it your routine every day.
5. Try to make all of your family eat healthy. If you going to be cooking a sausages and mash for the rest of the family, and having a green salad with veggies and boiled turkey yourself, you won't manage that easily.
Of course, there can be modifications, like you make grilled chicken/fish for all, but you have it with salad and kids/hubby have it with rice or pasta... But in the beginning it will be hard.
6. Allow yourself occasional cheats. My cheat is a chocolate candy. But, it is ONE candy, and not a box. And not every day.
7. Don't despair when you get off the track. Tomorrow is another day.
8. Quick alcohol. Altogether. I was surprised to know how much empty calories my glass of red had.
I hope it will be helpful to someone.... I am saying it from a real prospective. Not from a skinny always been skinny girl. But a girl, who was fat all her life, until a few years ago, when I hit 116 kilos and realized I MUSt do something with my life. My weight now is 83 (I am 33 weeks pregnant), and a normal weight is 72-75.
And those are things which helped me
Big hugs to everybody