Mangoes to melons week 26 last week of 2nd tri <<insert emotions here>>

Ooh I'm going to be a banana tomorrow! Due 15 July with a definite not shy little boy! xxx
hehe thank you! I know he's a bit of a night owl, I've not slept properly all week cos I've had the cold from hell and he's awake A LOT through the night! Just hoping he flips that round after he's born!

What is everybody's plans for labour and birth?

Its amazing how active they are when we rest isn't it?

Not got any plans for birth as such ideally i would like a home birth with minimal interference but i have to see my consultant at 24 weeks and see whether these bp issues and previous gd will have implications where i will have to be closely monitored...not fun to be strapped to a monitor in labour and something i hope to avoid!

What about you? Have you had any children previously?
Yeah I have 2 girls, both hospital labours, first strapped to the bed, 2nd not but still not good experiences!
They were both back to back so very painful!

I'm going for a home Waterbirth with hypnobirthing and as little as possible intervention!

That sounds like bliss to me my first was back to back labour i wasn't dilating the 1cm an hour so got put on the hormone drip too but i had a massive shot of pethidine so it wasn't too bad. My second was easiest and best on mw homebirth style unit very low key low intervention stuff with gas and air. Third was premature at 36 weeks so continuous monitoring on bed etc when all i wanted to do was stand up and rock my hips.

I don't want anything unnecessary this time so i'm hoping if baby gets past 37 weeks and pregnancy is fairly normal i can talk them into letting me onto mw birth suite again if they think its too risk to labour at home!
Hooray! I've gone banana's today!
My due date is 15th July if you'd like to add.
So many boys!
Hope everyone's feeling well :)
I have no plans for the birth yet just know it is going to be in hosptail and hopfully in water. I would love a home birth but DH worres to much and wouldn't want me to. My 1st was very long and hooked up to drips and every thing else and doped up on all kinds that i couldn't see my body. My 2nd i had a tens on till 6 cm and throw it across the room as it just hurt and they had G&A untill 1 hr befor he came i was pushing for 3 hrs as the mw missed that i had a lip on my cervix that baby couldn't get passed as soon as she moved it he was out with in 10 min. I loved my last birth apart from the all the pushing
I have no plans for the birth yet just know it is going to be in hosptail and hopfully in water. I would love a home birth but DH worres to much and wouldn't want me to. My 1st was very long and hooked up to drips and every thing else and doped up on all kinds that i couldn't see my body. My 2nd i had a tens on till 6 cm and throw it across the room as it just hurt and they had G&A untill 1 hr befor he came i was pushing for 3 hrs as the mw missed that i had a lip on my cervix that baby couldn't get passed as soon as she moved it he was out with in 10 min. I loved my last birth apart from the all the pushing

Wow thats a lot of pushing! I wonder why the mw didn't check before then it doesn't usually take that long pushing second time around! Hope you get the water birth you hoped for i laboured with my second in water for some time and it was fab but i had to get out as it slowed my contractions down and it all happened so fast in the end there was no time to refill the pool.
I have no plans for the birth yet just know it is going to be in hosptail and hopfully in water. I would love a home birth but DH worres to much and wouldn't want me to. My 1st was very long and hooked up to drips and every thing else and doped up on all kinds that i couldn't see my body. My 2nd i had a tens on till 6 cm and throw it across the room as it just hurt and they had G&A untill 1 hr befor he came i was pushing for 3 hrs as the mw missed that i had a lip on my cervix that baby couldn't get passed as soon as she moved it he was out with in 10 min. I loved my last birth apart from the all the pushing

I would like a home birth but my OH is like yours and worries too much. I had a real easy birth with my son so hoping for the same kind of experience this time. It was 5 and a half hours from first contraction to birth and i managed to make it to 9cm before i went into hospital. I laboured mainly on my back though so going to use better positions this time in the hope that it'll be faster lol. I didn't use any pain relief last time so hoping to do the same this time. This is obviously the ideal birth lol so I'm fully prepared for it to go wrong this time and i just hope for as little intervention as possible. I especially don't want foreceps they scare the sh*t out of me!!!
I know what you mean about the forceps they have me cringing just thinking about it!

You will probably find it much easier to labour upright maybe stood up or on a birth ball and push on all fours and it should be loads quicker!
The 1 thing that dose my head in about birthing in hospitals they like you on the bed with my lo i wanted to move about but they wanted me on the bed prob why i got the lip.

My 1st was 36hrs my 2nd was 6 hr from 1st pain
The 1 thing that dose my head in about birthing in hospitals they like you on the bed with my lo i wanted to move about but they wanted me on the bed prob why i got the lip.

My 1st was 36hrs my 2nd was 6 hr from 1st pain

That's what it was like with my son...making me lie down on the bed. But now they've split it into consultant led and midwife led units and in midwife led they encourage you to move about they even have a support hanging from the ceiling that you can use to crouch topping for a faster pushing time this time. I was pushing for 1 hour 20 minutes and think it wouldn't have been that long if i was in a better position but overtime i tried to sit up a bit they pushed me back down and i was too tired to argue
Ours is MWL but they still like you being on the bed i was happy winging my hip stud up and then they said on the bed dont want baby dropping on the floor i was nelt over the head of the bed then they made me move on to my back sorta sat up. My waters hadnt gone so they poped them and that is when they said i had a lip and if baby couldn't push past when the waters was gone they would try and move it but he didn't so they moved it and he came.
See this is why i'd like it at home because its my house i can labour however i want lol. You see obem which just shows him easily they give someone an epidural and you see them struggling or their labours slowing and you think that probably wouldn't have happened if they didn't have an epi and were encouraged to move around more. I want more after this one and OH has said if this one goes well i can have the next one at home
Hello! :hi:
Im due 18th July, cannot wait! My scan is the 13th, Im counting down the days. Still undecided if we should ask the gender or stay team yellow!
For the ladies with more than one child do you think knowing the gender has an impact on your labour?
Welcome lauramac :flower: I have added your details on the first post...we are due the same day! Have you had your 20 week scan yet?

So experienced mummies while we are on the birth topic any tips for the first timers or things you wish you had known with your first?
Sthorp & Lauramac we must have posted at the same time, we have matching EDD!
Hello! :hi:
Im due 18th July, cannot wait! My scan is the 13th, Im counting down the days. Still undecided if we should ask the gender or stay team yellow!
For the ladies with more than one child do you think knowing the gender has an impact on your labour?

Tbh it had no impact on my labour at all what knowing the gender has meant for me is being able to choose a name and preparing myself and my family not just for a baby but a new person.

The children have already enjoyed choosing clothes for their little sister and choosing some toys that they no longer play with for her.

I know some say that you feel more eager to know and push better on team yellow but lets face it after 40 weeks whether you know or not you are dying to meet and hold that little person!

I will go and add your details on the front page now i have had my say :haha:
I agree knowing the gender didn't have any impact for me i think you're desperate to meet your child whether you know or not. Its just personal preference.

My tip for first timers is that you really do forget it all once you're holding the baby and labour is probably one of the easier parts of pregnancy lol. Just remember that its all glorified in films. And things may go wrong but most people do get the labour they want
Thanks Sthorp and KM!

Think you are both right -boy or girl Im going to be so excited to just meet this little person and probably in so much pain I'll do all I can to get through the labour.

Heres hoping I get to find out at my scan! Still seems so surreal :happydance:

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