Allison is okay, but it is an ongoing process - she had bilateral cochlear implants. So she's recovered from the surgery, but she'll be in therapy for years.
Hi ladies! I feel like it's been ages since I've posted here...we are doing well as well. Started TTC#2 a couple cycles ago so hopefully I'll have a little sticky bean soon. FX!
Sorry to hear about your loss mrs AJ and I'm glad allison's surgery went well.
Congrats on all the preggo mamas!!! I'm so excited for all of you...cannot wait to see the pics of all the new babies.
seths - your boys are SO cute!!!!
I'm going to try to come by more often moving forward. It's always so much nicer to have a support group when TTC or preg! I missed all of you
Congratulations on TTC number 2 I hope you get a beautiful soon.
Thank you they have to be cute to make up for their tempers and attitudes I have a fournager and a onenager (babies thinking they're teenagers). Our days just now are filled with screaming, screaming and more screaming
Hayden has kicked off the terrible twos early as well...she's a feisty one too! We say her cuteness is keeping her alive!!! Joking of course She's crazy strong too so she gets into lots of trouble...
Got my +OPK today so FX this is the lucky cycle!!!
yep thats what the boys are like. Ethan can be absolutely Awful! And when Ethan starts screaming.. that sets Seth off because with his sensory issues it means it really hurts his ears bless him. So then I or DH have to end up screaming to be heard over the top of the two of them haha always exhausted by bed time.
oooo yey for +opk hun i hope this is the lucky one xx
Sethsmummy: When she asks I explain a little, I don't really go into detail about why we can't have any more! I think it's just her age, she talks a lot about marriage and families at the moment.
Hope everything is okay with GD, glad his kidneys are looking okay :Flower:
Tantrum wise, yes Sophie is super strong willed as well! She has no problems telling me what she wants and what she doesn't want me to do. Pretty much everything the madam.
Thanks Seth's!
I'm really bummed but trying to focus on being thankful for what I do have this Thanksgiving week and on the fact that I won't have morning sickness for the holidays so I can focus on making them magical for Hayden.
thats the best way to look at it hun always better when your not stressed out about it. Im so glad i found temping/opk/vitex as i think we'de still be trying now if it wasnt for them xx
Yeah thankfully it hasn't turned into a bad habbit, she is just a monkey, ate a chunk of Fimo today and chalk. I need a million eyes and hands for this kiddo, she is one scary baby!
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