March 2013 babies - we all have our beautiful babies :)

I've come across childminders that I think would have been like that whilst looking for mine. Luckily I never got to find out as I found the most amazing one and I have used her ever since. Some people just want to do it so they can stay at home rather than go out to work, which imo (and I'm sure many others) is the wrong reason to want to be a childminder!
Yes! There is so much you have to do, you might be at home but it must be manic, you really have to be in it if it's something you love. I think this woman was better off with older kids, she could feed them, get them to do their homework and then let them entertain themselves. I'm glad you found someone nice though :thumbup: We took Chloe to a nursery closer to my work and it was just perfect for her, funny how we did a U turn but it all worked out well in the end.

Today I feel like a cushion! If it's not Chloe or Sophie sat on me, it's the cats - or everyone all together!!!!! Sophie's separation anxiety has suddenly exploded :dohh: She just wants to sit on me all the time if I am in the room with her. I know it's a phase but it has been hard work today. She is on and off whinging now and all I want is to go to sleep :sleep: I think her teeth (or lack of) are giving her some problems making her extra fussy and clingy.
Congratulations kte!! I hope sophies seperation anxiety passes soon hun it must be hard trying to get anything done. Either that or I hope teeth come soon! Ethan has 1 coming through at the side

jlili gz on starting to try again hun! I wish you so much luck! No more for me lol 2 is more than enough.

iv never really searched for a child minder, seth was put in a nursery for free sessions when he was little due to his lack of speach and we just continued to use it.

Well I think both my boys are trying to give my a heart attack. I had to call yet ANOTHER ambulance at the weekend! Ethan woke on saturday with a barking cough, by 3pm he was wheezing and choking on every bottle. Managed to settle him to sleep at 8.30 and he seemed ok. He woke at 10.20pm and he couldnt breathe for coughing...then when we got him breathing again hed stop. This went on for good 10 minute periods so we had to call an ambulance out. Turns out he has croup, so we were whisked off to the hospital and he was given steroids, his heart rate was sat at 195 and his oxygen fluctuated between 75 and 80%. At one point in the ambulance his heart rate droped to 45 for a few seconds and the paramedic had to prod him to wake him a little and bring it back up. Defenitely up there as one of the scariest moments of my life.
We stayed overnght and were released at 1pm sunday. He still has a really sore throat, cough and runny nose but is much better than he was.

He has figured out hoa to get onto his hands and knees and rock himself but still no crawlig yet and he is now 16lb xxx
Blindly sethsmummy that sounds scary, glad he is ok and back at home now though :)
Gosh! Glad he is getting better now, that must have been terrifying :hugs: :flower:
Sethsmummy :hugs: that would be scary! SO SO SO glad he is ok now :flower:
Kaylee has 2 bottom teeth now and when she bites on my nipple now.... OUCH.
I'm trying to wean her on to the bottle or sipper cup now and it's not going to good. She kicks, screams, pushes the bottle or cup away. Omg I hope she comes around soon lol
Thanks ladies, it was terrifying. just made worse by the ambulance taking 20-30 minutes! Hes on the mend now thankfully! still has a sore throat, cough and a runny nose but hes much much better... im not having to fight to keep his temperature down now which is fab!

wow sharn... teeth! i want teeth lol Must be so painful when they bite though! What kind of bottles have you tried hun?

I managed to get ethan walking with his push along walker by himself yesterday woot. hes still struggling with crawling though lol ends up going backwards.

how much does everyone little one weight? Ethans 16lb xx
Not sure, I was just saying today I need to go get Sophie weighed properly, so that's next Wednesdays job :)
Sethsmummy, I've tried avent, nuk, mam, nub, tommee tippee, cheap $3 bottles, sipper cups, straw dinky cups, nothing works :(

Yay go Ethan for walking with his walker :)

Kaylee is 16Lbs as well xx
Omg Seths mummy how terrifying so glad he is ok!!

Sharn I am also suffering now Alfie's top teeth have grown. Every time I feed him they press in to my nipple leaving little indents and he's not even biting, they are just pressing down on me. I don't know what to do to remedy it as he's been fine up until now and seems oblivious. I have had some success with hipp organic - the last few days I have given it to him in his cereal and haven't noticed a reaction :D so fingers crossed we've found a formula which suits him! I am going to start slowly weaning him on to it - unfortunately he is also a bottle refuser so it's a bit difficult. He will drink from a plastic tommee tippee cup with a free flowing spout (trainer cup... Can't explain it very well) but it's messy so I've only used water in it so far. He is getting better drinking water from it so I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and give a milk feed a go. Using formula is going to be a minefield as up until now we've only done breastfeeding!
Good luck with the switch Rose :flower:
Wow Anna! I am getting Alfie weighed today but I doubt he weighs much more than last time, he seems to gain very little these days now he is on the move!

Over the weekend he has started to rock on his hands and knees :) he also does a little froggy hop forwards! Hopefully he will be crawling soon.

I went to a baby show on Saturday and they had a bottle called at 'haberman suckle feeder'. It is designed to work just like a breast. I tried to get one in boots but they sold out! So I am going to try and hunt one down from another boots this week - it may solve our problems with the bedtime/night feeds if we can get one and Alfie likes it. They are £7 per bottle so quite expensive but if it works it's worth it
My lil guy weighs 21lb13! Hes such a chunk!!

Wow lol this really puts into perapective how small seth is for me... he was weighed yesterday and is 26lb 4oz.

Woot rose.... alfie and ethan seem to be at the same stage with crawling. Ethan still can only go backwards sliding along the floor, and only manages one bunny hop before hes fkat on his face.
Good luck finding those bottles hun! £7 is pretty expensive but deff worth it if it works! Xxx
sethsmummy - I had my daughter weighed the other day n shes only 26.6! I guess I just have a chunky boy :)
My 6 year old is only 35lb, so Ruben is quickly catching her up at the moment!

Poor Ruben has bronchiolitis and has been given an inhaler by the doctor to use for the next 2-3 months or until his wheezing clears up. I'm annoyed as I took him to the doctors 2 weeks ago (not my usual one) and she said his chest was clear! My doctor was horrified when I saw him on tuesday and prescribed the inhaler straight away. Luckily Ruben seems to be his normal smiley self, so its not bothering him too much.
Oh my gosh baby maybe! Thats awfull! How on earth could they miss it! Thank goodness for your regular doctor. I hope it helps and clears quickly hun. Big hugs.

anna... hehe id love a chunky baby.... thought ethan was going to be but hes only just below the 25th centile. Allthough I suppose compared to seths 2nd centile that is chunky!

Is everyone ready for this harsh winter that were meant to be getting?

Oh and ot but does any1 else get phantom movements? I thought omg what if im pregnant but did a test and it was negative. Gas bubbles or my head playing mindgames lol xx
I'm not sure how she missed it to be honest, I told her he'd been making a whistling sound as well!

Phantom movements - I've always had these ever since the first time I was pg, I mostly don't notice them now, but sometimes I get a big one and in the back of my mind I think I ought to test and then I forget about it and af shows up!

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