Hi Ladies
I would really appreciate your thoughts as something has been bugging me since my scan last friday.
I am pretty sure of my dates because for once my cycle was "normal". If I am out I am pretty sure it can only be by a day or two.
I got a positive OPK on CD13 (24/06) and my first BFP at 10DPO (04/07). It was a digi and said 1-2 weeks. A week later I did another, 2-3 (10/07). And again a week after that, 3+ (17/07).
So when I went for my scan I calculated I was 6+4.
But she said our bean was measuring 5+6. That's 5 days out. Feels like a lot to me. There is no way I could have got a BFP at 5DPO or after late implantation on that date?
So I am now worried that baby is not developing properly. Or do they go in fits and starts and has maybe caught up? Don't know what to think. I guess I will find out about the next scan but don't have a date yet.
Has anyone else had this?