March 2017 Babies/ Bump Buddies!!!!!!

We don't have any scans in Canada until 18weeks and then that's the only one. The exception being if you don't know your dates or in my case have especially long cycles
Hi all :)
I have been quietly lurking as after two m/c in a row and a very unusual start to this pregnancy I am being very cautious. I'm due around March 15.
I was actually on day 3 of AF when I tested (checking before taking clomid again) so I was pretty shocked when I got a BFP. I then stressed out that it was ectopic but a scan at 6wks showed it was in the right spot with a good HB. I'm still not relaxed as my last m/c I saw the HB but then lost it at 10wks. Anyway... hopefully in a week and a half I will see a healthy bub on the ultrasound.

Anyone under the age of 30 getting a 12 week scan? Here in Australia we dont get a 12 week scan if we are under the age of 30. :-(

I had the 12wk scan with my first when I was 28. Just about everyone I know had had a 12wk scan and plenty were under 30 when they got it. I just got a referral from a GP as the hospital doesn't organise it, they just do the 20wk one.
Wow, bubby, that is an unusual start to your pregnancy! Was the bleeding light? How long did it go on? You must have been so shocked! I really hope everything continues well.
It was a completely normal period that lasted my usual 4 days but I just had a feeling to test before I took the clomid. I then had some bleeding about a week and a half later so I was sure I was losing it then. My hcg was doubling every 30 hours and then 48 hours so it looked good from that point of view. My progesterone did drop so I think my body really thought I wasn't pregnant. I'm now on progesterone supplements but will wean off soon.

The main concern I have is I was measuring about 4 days behind my ovulation dates but I think it is because of the later implantation. It really has been bizarre and I am hoping it means this is one tough little bub who wants to stick around!

This is my chart where I marked down the bleeding:
That's amazing bubby! Fx'd for you!
Wow bubby, that is intense!! I can't imagine how unsettling it must be... I am eight weeks and I have had brown discharge since week 6 on and off which as it is has been freaking me out...
The doc told me it is not uncommon and it can be irritation from the uterus as it stretches as they could not see anything abnormal on the 7 week ultrasound...

All there is to it for us is wait, wait and more wait... and try and not go insane in the process :hugs:
So many beautiful babies due in March!!
I've had a horror couple of months with 4 massive bleeds that ended up with me in hospital each time. I was so convinced every single time that I had lost the baby. Each time my HCG levels were through the roof - at 6 weeks 1 day they were at 168000! They advised me i probably was having either multiple babies or a molar pregnancy. But scans revealed one healthy little baby with a beautiful heartbeat. The bonus has been that i have had 4 scans so far so its been reassuring and exciting. Last scan put me forward a week so my due date has now changed to the 4th March. I have my nuchal scan next friday and then we can do a proper announcement.
Has everyone planned their announcements?
Blimey, forevermoore, that sounds like it's been tough! I'm glad all is ok though :hugs:

Yes, I finished my announcement photo this week. I'm not showing it to anyone until I get the Harmony result (11-12 weeks), but I'm so pleased with it! I'm going to use it for Facebook and I'm also going to use it to tell my tutor group when I'm back at school. They will love it!!!
Sounds like a tough time forever. Glad everything seems ok though. We're not announcing! My parents already know so after the scan we'll tell in laws and our brothers. I'll tell colleagues when I go back to work. I'd rather not tell them but it's been hard enough hiding bump as it is. Other than that no Facebook announcement, not telling any other relatives or friends until we see them. I'm not sure why but we both feel like this is our private business and we just want to keep it to ourselves. Can't be doing with people flapping around me. I'm also concerned that people will be hoping for a girl. I was really upset with my aunty last time as after our 20 week scan and we discovered we were having a boy, I rang her all excited and she was really disappointed he wasn't a girl. I've never forgotten that reaction and I think it's a big part of why I don't want anyone else sticking their beak in this time. We will find out the gender this time but might just keep it to ourselves
I'm not sure about announcing yet as I try not to get too carried away with future plans. I'm not looking forward to telling work as I don't think they will be expecting it. I'm also worried about people asking me if it was planned since my youngest is about to turn 5 and go to school so they will think I'm crazy going back to the baby stage (or possibly I think I'm crazy!!)

I was considering not telling people until we find out the gender but I'm not sure I could hide it that long. I don't want to deal with all the "are you hoping for a girl?" questions. The truth is I really want a girl and will most likely experience some gender disappointment if it is a boy but I don't need to deal with other people's disappointment too.

broodymrs - when we told my FIL that our 2nd was a boy he complained and said he wanted a granddaughter (he already has one!). At least my parents managed to keep any disappointment to themselves if they experienced it (and they only have grandsons so have more right to want a granddaughter).
I'm not sure about announcing yet as I try not to get too carried away with future plans. I'm not looking forward to telling work as I don't think they will be expecting it. I'm also worried about people asking me if it was planned since my youngest is about to turn 5 and go to school so they will think I'm crazy going back to the baby stage (or possibly I think I'm crazy!!)

I was considering not telling people until we find out the gender but I'm not sure I could hide it that long. I don't want to deal with all the "are you hoping for a girl?" questions. The truth is I really want a girl and will most likely experience some gender disappointment if it is a boy but I don't need to deal with other people's disappointment too.

broodymrs - when we told my FIL that our 2nd was a boy he complained and said he wanted a granddaughter (he already has one!). At least my parents managed to keep any disappointment to themselves if they experienced it (and they only have grandsons so have more right to want a granddaughter).

I can't understand why anyone other than you and hubby, and possibly existing children feel they have a right to opinion on the baby's gender! I genuinely don't mind if it's a boy or girl but I'd be scared if it was a girl that my little man would get pushed out. I do think it's a girl though! And ds wants a little sister
It's crazy hearing about all those people who think they should have a say on whether you ladies are having a boy or girl!!... I am fully with you broodymrs... I don't understand either why they would think they have a right to an opinion about the baby's gender :ignore:

I met my midwife this morning and she is lovely. I really felt comfortable, she was welcoming, experienced, confident and knew what she was talking about. So relieved to have the midwife booked :winkwink: It is really an amazing service... I will see her every four weeks to start with, later on goes down to fortnightly and close to birth is every week!... and I can ring her/text her anytime... Its full on!! I got my referrals now for the 12 week scan and screening test.. Just over three weeks to wait now :happydance: How do things work where everyone else is from? Do you have midwifes and/or obstetricians assigned? Do you choose your own?
Ours are assigned. My midwife seems great, not met anyone else yet. My scan is Thursday!
First pregnancy I was assigned a midwife through a hospital midwife group practice (MGP) at the local public hospital birth centre. They also have other options where you just go to the womens clinic each appointment and then get a random midwife on the labour ward but I wanted the option with continuity of care.

With my 2nd child I hired my own independent midwife and had a home birth.

This time my previous midwife isn't able to work anymore so I am going back to the same hospital but I plan to opt for a home birth again. It wasn't available 5 years ago but it is now, I'm just concerned about the hospital policies risking me out for some reason. I should be low risk but you never know what comes up.

I won't meet the midwife until about 20wks. I have an appointment at 13wks but you just see one of the booking in midwives and then thy decide if you are low risk enough for the MGP program.
Here we generally choose if we want a doctor or midwife or whatever, unless you are high risk of course then you may get referred to a specialist. I really like my doctors office, they have 2 nurse practitioners too and they also oversee the natural birthing in the hospital, there's a unit specifically for that. Pretty much like a home birth but not at home. Huge rooms, a little supervision, and the possibility of a water birth. I hope to do it this time as I wasn't able to last time.
It's so interesting to hear how it works differently in other places... In general all and all I am sure everyone is in good hands as they are trained professionals and have chosen their career because they are passionate about it :)

One question for those who have already been through pregnancy before... at what point did you buy new bras? I am now using a couple that were a little bit too big for me after having lost weight prior to pregnancy but it feels like I am going to overgrow them soon. Did you buy pregnancy bras more than once during your pregnancy due to them continuing to grow? I just don't want to go out there and spend much money for the sake of a few weeks to find out I can't wear them anymore :nope:
Also my right boob is growing heaps more than the left on a 'Cyclops' kind of effect :haha: Anyone else like this? I do hope they balance out at a later stage!! Lol
I can't remember first time round but I started wearing maternity bras straight away this time as boobs so sensitive. Mine grew from a c to a g cup so yes I kept buying bigger sizes as pregnancy progressed. If you get nursing bras you can use them afterwards too if you breastfeed.

Forgot to update on here, my scan went well. Baby has gone from measuring 4 days behind to a day ahead so looks like I'm on track for another chunky monkey.

Sickness is easing now but has been replaced by horrendous migraines. I think I preferred puking 😟
Congrats on the awesome scan result, broodymrs! That's awesome!

I hope the migraines ease on you... I was like that for three days last week and was driving me up the wall. Take care :thumbup:
Great news on your scan broodymrs!! Sorry about the migraines :(

I had my 12wk scan today and mine has also gone from 4 days behind to now a few days ahead! I had prepared myself for the worst going in for the scan so it was such a relief to see a healthy happy bub! I might actually let myself get a little exited soon :)

still hopping - I can't remember exactly when I changed bras the first time but I think it was after 12 wks.. it was actually my (childless) younger sister that told me off and said I had to stop wearing the wire bras!
With my 2nd I was still wearing maternity singlets from my last. This time I'm still wearing my normal bra some days but I put one on last week that must have been a bit smaller than the others and couldn't wear it. I do need to go shopping though so now I have had the scan I will let myself buy some new stuff.
I was the same ttc. I was amazed to see an actual baby wiggling about, having expected the worst. I wonder if people worried so much before the Internet! Can't help but think it's a curse sometimes have info at your fingertips!

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