Today I got to spend some time with my bestie. Then went to the river with DF and his SIL and brother. So much fun! I don't have to work until Tuesday and I'm anticipating my first dr. appointment next thursday!
Has anyone been having fluttering feelings in the uterine area?
Sammy- I'm glad the hear that your cramping and spotting have lightened up!
Yesterday was a blast- but I stepped on a rock trying to save my dog (too tired and gave up while swimming- but only 3 feet in front of my... I wonder ifshe was acting!) and kinda hurt my toes- so I'll be taking it easy today!
Congrats baby!
I went to get a test at a planned parenthood. I knew I shouldn't have done it!! I tested BFN but I went pee an hour before I had to go to the appointment and then chugged water so that I would have to pee while I was there. I'm going to take another test in the morning and prove her wrong. She said all my symptoms are just premenstrual and that I can come back in a few days to test again.
I actaully got a "So as of right now, you are NOT pregnant" UGH! I wanted to smack her!
MissFox that happened to me! I took tons of HPTs and the next day went to get confirmed at planned parenthood. The lady walked back in the room and said it was negative... she redipped it and it was a bfp. I knew I was pregnant and looked at her like she was nuts when she said it was a bfn.
I'm FURIOUS at her! I know what I'm talking about! lol. I'm glad I'm not alone in their incompetence!!! The lady looked at me and DF as if we're crazy!!! So anyways- I'll be taking another one either tonight or tomorrow AM- depending on how much longer I can go without peeing!
Thanks Sammy. I'm pretty sure that's what it is also! Because none of my symptoms have faded. I shook something at my DF and it made my boob jiggle and OUCH! Which I actually said pretty loudly!
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