Getting very nervous now as I am pretty sure my high BP is starting up again. And what a dayto start, right when I hit 3rd tri. Been very sleepy and dizzy the last 24 hours, which is sooo not like me. I usually have to take something to fall asleep. I dont remember from the last 3 times I had preeclampsia if that was a symptom? But the rest I have been having, I do remember. Headaches, floating spots in vision, and took my bp today and it was 148/80. So not horrible, but it has been slowly rising the last few weeks. So I am telling myself here we go again! I have a doctor appt next tuesday so we will see what they say.
Went and got stocking stuff for the kids today and could not resist getting a little baby stocking and a couple things to put in it. Hope everyone is doing well physically and mentally. I think we all are starting to get to the difficult part.