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March 29, 2011 Bump Buddies!!! 6 Boys, 1 and only Girl

So sorry missfox...
please keep my uncle in your prayers also, he suffered a heart attack this morning.
OMGOSH so much bad news today...so sorry to hear that braijackava
So we had plans for New Years to go to In laws house and literally walking out the door and they called and said they are going to bed so Now what are we going to do....feel like crying. Heater is still not fixed....scared for next months electric bill, this months was almost 300.00 and we had paid for our heat in advanced....paid for heating oil which was over 300.00 so its like having a 600.00 heating bill for us I am so pissed off right now I'm restraining myself from breaking anything and everything I get my hands on! Seriously need some prayer this way!
Happy New Year :hugs:

Praying for you Sammy, things will get better :friends:

I feel your pain, I brought in the New Year 100% alone. Hubby is at work.. all my friends are out drinking. Still, couldn't stand the thought of bringing in the year feeling sorry for myself so I went out myself and watched fireworks. ;) I dont even like fireworks all that much, it was cold.. but it beat sitting alone!

New Year.. New opportunities ;) Lots of reasons to smile honey.
Just thought you ladies may like this song, it's sung to her baby, beautiful :flow:

prayed for you sammy :hugs: hope things get better

happy new year all!!!!:flower: wont be long now til our babies start arriving!
Your in my thoughts Sammy! I had a couple really bad days last week, and it does get better. Everything always works out in the end.

I hate the holidays due to all the family drama it brings...FIL B-day was yesterday and he didnt even show up to his own b-day party....I broke down and bawled in front of my imdediate in-laws side of the family....lets just say I put my two cents in! Hope the holidays was great for all of you talk to you ladies soon, on my way out the door to church....have a wonderful day!
Sorry to hear that Sammy. I had to sit down and do some finanaces for Food Stamps. UGH! Being self employeed makes it hard to maintain them. Anyways- got to tell DH what the bills are excluding FOOD and GAS and anything outside of what the house, bills and truck payments are. He looked at me horrified and said "I understand why you freak out like you do about the money... when we go to pay the cable we're cutting back and we'll cut back on everything else that we can and I guess we have to budget"
Good to hear him say- lets see if he can help do- because I try and until last night I guess he didn't understand that we're living pretty good and could really cut back some to make things happen.
Hope you all have a great day- I'm off to work in a few.
Sorry Sammy :(

MissFox- Good that he's realizing, it's always easier when both participate. I know I sat down and went through our bank account and figured out that DH spends 550 dollars a month just on snacks/food for work.. 225 bucks a paycheck! Thats crazy, so I've been trying to cook for him before he goes to work, that way he just picks up a drink for the night. Doesn't help that his schedule is wacko and he leaves for work way before dinnertime. But we manage.

It's amazing how much 'disposable' income you can find if you look at priorities vs wants. I know when LO gets here we're gonna have to re-budget again..
I have another physical therapy appointment tomorrow :( it was awful last time because they rotated my pelvis and I felt like I got run over like a truck.

Hope everyone is doing well :)
missfox and bella- its good your guys can cut back at the spending. my hubby comes home for lunch and we pretty much eat at home every night for dinner. on a rare occasion we eat out, its very expensive for a family of 6 gonna be 7 to eat out. the money we spend could feed us for at least two or three days easily at home. i have been a stay at home mom for over 3 years now, so we pretty much have the budget cut down to what we need it at already. im sure your finances will all work out in the long run!:hugs:

babyseal- i hope it isnt too rough on you tomorrow hun! that doesnt sound like any fun at all :nope:
Almost had a panic attack today...I am realizing how quickly we are going to be holding and cuddling our little boys....and missfox your little girl...lol
here is 28 week bump shot


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i know sammy! its right around the corner now!!!!

im not nervous about him being here, just how it will effect my youngest. he is barely 1 and i have never had mine so close in age. he is still a baby to me and i dont want him to miss out on anything or feel like he is not a baby anymore. my girls were 19 months apart, but these two will be 14 1/2 months apart. he is still on the bottle and napping twice a day, so i feel like i will have more to do than i ever have with babies all at once!

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