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March 29, 2011 Bump Buddies!!! 6 Boys, 1 and only Girl

I hear you on the diaper bags. I will have to buy a suite case...lol will have two in diapers for at least 6 months.

Hope everyone is doing well.

today I had a prenatal appt. Talked to my dr about the charlie horses I have been getting only in my right leg....my doctor is so so thorough sent me down for blood work to check my electrolyte levels he said if they come back normal he just wants me to pick up a potassium supplement...says a banana isnt enough. Gave me a prescription muscle relaxer, only to be taken if the charlie horse doesnt go away. The last one I had I cried in bed in pain for over an hour, while DH was trying to massage it away.
:thumbup: Glad that the doc gave you something for it Sammy, hopefully you feel alot better with the supplements.

Same here with the BH contractions MissFox.. they're annoying!

Brai- I agree, still haven't picked one up yet, I have a small one, but I need to pick up a duffle bag to use for my hospital bag.

Connor has been moving like crazy lately, it's amazing sometimes, such strong movements.. I can literally feel how big he's getting! My baby shower is coming up on the 22nd, I'm so looking forward to it, I have a ton of awesome ladies coming. Other than that I FINALLY have slept the last 2 nights.. 12 hours a night.. definitely making up for lost sleep. That memory foam topper is making all the difference!

Hugs to all of you!
lol just seen this thread wanted to wish everyone luck - not long to go now ¬!!
Hope all works out OK sammy!
I just got back from a prenatal and my fundal height is measuring big again... I was told not to worry bc sometimes babies just go through growth spurts and blah blah. I have another one in 3 weeks (can't believe it's 2 week time to appts already!!) and then another one in 2 weeks and by that one if my measurments are not back to normal I'm getting sent for a growth US.
Glad to hear you've gotten some sleep bella!
Hey! Hope you're good too.
I've been trying to clean and fold laundry but I can't do it! Every time I bend over my ribs feel HORRIBLE and PAINFUL and Rosie has a foot under it or something but it just HURTS! Made me yell in pain. *sigh*
Hopefully I can get Ryan to help when he gets home.
Hello Ladies...Wow we are almost done! March will be here before we know it! Yay :happydance:

woke up this am to weird popping sensation on my left and right side :wacko: , didn't think anything of it but now after going to the BR I had a small clot of blood and am now lightly spotting :nope: , going to see if the spotting tappers off in a couple hours and if not I know my dr is going to want me to go into labor and delivery for monitoring. next prenatal appt. is for Jan. 24 looks like I will be on the bi-weekly appt. from here on out so that makes bi-weekly's from about 15 weeks for me.

Suppose to have a huge snow storm over here starting tonight and ending tomorrow...haha just looked out the window and its starting to flurry already.
Went to the doc today and looks like i will be induced right around. March 1st. Hope everything is ok sammy.
i think march 1st would be a great day brai. we will be somewhere around the 4th or 5th. we could do earlier, but want it to be around the weekend so hubby gets two full work weeks off work.
My blood pressure is still good, but she said since I have had the preeclampsia the last 3x I have like a 95% chance of getting again. In which case she induces at 37 weeks. So March 1st. That seems soooo close!
it is close hun! we have like a month and half left!!!!! i just realized that today. i havent done much of anything to get ready and need to get on it. my hubby is supposed to get our swing, bouncy seat, changing table, etc out tonight so we can clean them up and get them ready. i also need to wash blankets, burp rags, baby clothes, mittens, things like that. after i get that laundry done i can pack babies bag. still need to get bottles, diapers, etc from the store just to finish up.

trying not to get overwhelmed. i wish i would not have waited so long to get started...:dohh:
I'm constantly thinking of how fast it's approaching and I can't seem to figure out what is going on in my life. Told DH today that he has to get the phone call about finding out the exact date he has to have an answer by - in which case we will have it all set up for him to go back to work. I just can't even think about it anymore it stresses me out so bad. I really just want everything to work out and for him to realize I'm not f*cking around anymore and that things need to change. I went in and cancelled our cable today. WHen will it get better?
missfox im sorry hun. i hope things do get better VERY soon for you. you're running out of time for things to be less stressful before you get really stressed out! dont get me wrong its great to have the baby here and all, but after a few sleepness nights i think anyone gets grumpy
I can handle screaming baby and sleepless nights especially if I know that rent and utilities and truck payment will be made. that is my biggest concern. On the upside I had Ryan call the social security office to find out when we can expect an answer- they actually called back within 30 mins and said that the papers got passed to the Dr. today and it usually takes 1-2 weeks for them to make a decision- meaning we will have an answer in the mail within 3 weeks!!!!
If they say no he is off to job hunt and try his hardest (could still take a couple months, UGH) but if they say yes we'll be OK. I really hope they say yes- he hasn't been able to work for over a year now. He had a temp job but blew his shoulder out and his Dr. has already said he's going to need a 4th surgery (out of county)
sorry missfox for all the stress things will work themselves out soon! I'll be praying for you hun....Cant wait for march to get here
Got my breastpump in the mail yesterday! Almost have everything I need now. Hubby is leaving for a week on Saturday. I am a little worried what my mental state will be when he gets back.
I wont have anything really until the baby shower. We're waiting but totally excited. I have gotten a few bags of hand me arounds from friends which is great. Now if I only had some place to put them all. *sigh*
We need a bigger house.
I don't think anyone is throwing me a shower, but i wasn't planning on it. That's why i bought everything myself. No worries though, this is my 4th baby so i am not upset i am not getting one.
Yea- I was at a memorial on Sunday and decided to tell my other prego friends when my shower is going to be. GOOD THING! One of them was planning on the same weekend and we talked about it. She said since this is her 2nd I get to choose my day. Super sweet- but told her that she should have hers the day after! She's due the day after I am.

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