March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

I don't think it has to do with age.......I'm 29 and I get it BAD. Like, more than a week before AF. I feel awful, unless I take copious amounts of Advil.
Ugh Kat, sorry about AF. Hope ovulation happens when it's supposed to next month.

Anyone testing soon---Eyemom?

I got my hormone test results back yesterday. Very interesting. Testosterone was fine. Estrogen and progesterone were both near the lower end of normal. The big surprise was my cortisol levels were very very low. Guess I am really tired all the time (thought I was just pathetic!) The naturopath also said that if your body is low on progesterone it will steal cortisol to try and make more progesterone. Hmmm. So, I'm going to start taking an estrogen booster during the first part of my cycle and next month when I'm TTC again I'll start progesterone twice a day following ovulation. I'm also taking two adrenal boostesr to try and bump up the cortisol. So, nothing really clear, but maybe if my body has been that "ill" it just didn't think it could handle a pregnancy. I'll guess we'll see in the next couple of months. Wish my doctor had run some of these tests when this all started two years ago. Hmmm.
I'm going to try to wait until Monday! We'll see. Monday's a pretty crap day to do it because I'm already going to be a little bit of a mental case, but it's 12 dpo and I got my other BFPs on 12 dpo. But I don't know if I'll be able to hold out. I need to see how many tests I have left over...I think it might be just a few that I'll have to use wisely. Boo I don't like using them wisely. :-P

That is really interesting mowat. Wouldn't it be cool if, after doing these boosters, you have tons of energy and feel awesome? :)
Mowat that sounds like a step in the right direction :) wow aren't our bodies so interesting , ya just never know what's going on !
Hey everyone

Mowat it may have taken a while but at least you have some kind of answers now and if it helps you to feel a bit better then it's winner right.

It's so weird how our bodies work and what little attention we pay when were not ttc, I can't tell you anything about my cycles in the last good knows how many years.

Mack, I'm loving you avatar pic, what a cutie!

Urm who else do I need to reply to, oh eye good luck for Monday, I'll be thinking of you!

Starry, all going well I see good good, when's your scan? Your having an early one right? What are you now 7 weeks or so?

Afm my oh spent about 9 hours putting together furniture yesterday and there's still more to do today, I was sort of helping but I ended up in agony so I'll be restive today I think, I just need to go to ikea to get a wardrobe rail, can you believe my wardrobe came without a rail, how am I supposed to hang all the cute little clothes?!
I have to say how impressed I am with my oh so far he's done nothing on the nursery it's all been me, he's a bit rubbish just at work alllll the time but yesterday he was really going for it and he's quite good at it too, I would never have guessed, he's not very DIY-esque.
I'll post a pic once it's all done.
Mowat - At least you got some good information about your body, which is definitely going to help in your next ttc cycle.All the best.

Eyemom- looks like 12DPO is lucky day for you.Keeping fingers crossed for you :)

Pink - waiting for the pics.How are you doing?You had a hectic day but once you put all those small cloths inside your mind will fill with joy.All efforts will get paid :)

Left - How are you doing?How is your doggy now?

Starry - Wish you a happy thanks giving week and your delicious dinner :) take care.

Kat/ES - Sorry to know about your AF.I hope the pain eases soon.

AFM - Probably my IUI will be on saturday.I did not respond to the medication very well.No follicles at right side.Only 2 at left (17.5 and 14).Did not get the trigger yet.Doctor is going to scan me again tomorrow to check the sizes.Last time I had 4 follicles,good linin,good semen sample but nothing happened.So I am wondering...but I do not wish to waste this cycle as I spent too much money and effort on it.
Mowat, what you're going through sounds suspiciously like Addison's Disease. Google it. If it sounds like you, you might want to get further testing by an Endocrinologist.

The only reason I know about it is I thought for a while that I had the opposite......Cushing's. Both have to do with a benign tumor on either the pituitary or the adrenal glands. Cushing's causes increased cortisol levels, whereas Addison's causes low cortisol levels. Both cause other hormonal imbalance, leading to fertility issues.

Hmmmm, maybe Google University is giving me a top notch education after all!
Mowat, I hope you have your answers soon! The never ending game of "why can't I get pregnant?" lasts too long!!
Good morning, ladies! (well, it's morning here. ;))

Pink, that's exciting. Can't wait to see updates.

ttcmoon, good luck on Saturday! Go follies go!
Tricia: How have you been?

Pink: I completely understand wanting your DH to be there with you. The hospital I toured only had tours during a week day when my DH worked so he never went, but I made sure to ask a lot of questions and clarify where I needed to go so I would be able to direct us both when the time came to go to the hospital.

In regards to your hospital bag, I would definitely ask the hospital what it provides. I thought about bringing breast pads but didn't. I ended up staying in my hospital gown until the last day or so I was in the hospital. It is just easier to feed with the gown on. I am not too modest so I didn't mind who in the hospital saw my boobs and body. I thought I would want to wear my own night gown and pajamas, but you end up bleeding and getting stuff messy on trips to/from the bathroom so I would just wear the hospital gown, but pack something for later on. It's all up to you though! I would bring a light jacket and/or a blanket for yourself. I would definitely bring toiletries because the size of what you get is so small. I also recommend shower shoes/slippers to wear in the shower.

If music is important to you, bring an mp3 player or something. Music really helped me relax!!!!

I think the boppy or something similar should be used after you get home from the hospital, but bring what you feel you might need and make DH carry it all. Hehe.

So happy for you. You're almost there girl!!

ESwemba: I hear ya about moving forward in spite of any pain. While I don't wish anyone a future of pain, I certainly am hoping for a BFP with as little pain for you as possible!!

garfie: Hullo!!

Kat S: Sorry about AF

mackjess: I like your profile pic. Your baby looks very serious hehee

Left: Sorry to hear about your doggie. Ouch!!

Starry: What dishes do Canadians indulge in during a Canadian Thanksgiving? Anything unique to Canada? I never thought to ask before!!! Glad you are not feeling as sick.

mowat: Interesting results. I hope that what you have found out will lead to a BFP and you feeling better overall

eyemom: If you crackand test, you're not wack. Good luck!!

ttc moon: What do the numbers for the follicles mean? Is that the size? Our bodies are a wonderland but also a mysterious wonderland at times (that was a reference to singer John Mayer).
Kat- Sorry to hear AF came. But at least the waiting game is over for this month and you'll be back in the 2 wk wait before you know it!

Mowat- Sounds like you're on your way to getting some real answers! Hope they are able to resolve it soon. :hugs:
AFM I had my second post partum check up on Monday. My C section incision is just fine and the doctor cleared me to come back next year. He didn't do a cervical check or do much at all. He just asked me about birth control and told me to come back in a year. Lol. I asked him how long he recommended I wait before TTC again and he said 6 months. I told my husband this and he again stated he would see about having another one. I get the sense he does not want another kid so soon. All good. Still no AF for me. I am 7 weeks and 2 days post partum. Sometimes I feel like she is about to start but then...nothing. I know AF can come anywhere from a few weeks to a year after you deliver, but I hate not knowing when she might come. It's like waiting on it for the first time!! Very nerve wracking lol. I just want her to hold off until after my 3 year wedding anniversary next Wednesday. Then she can come whenever she wants!!
I am doing good, looking forward to next Tuesdays ultrasound, can't wait to see the little one and hopefully find out gender!
Oohh Tricia scan how exciting! Can't wait

Mama glad everything is going well, and happy anniversary!

I'm soooo hungry but my oh wants to finish putting stuff together before we can go out to eat, he's really going for it, I guess I shouldn't complain, but making a pregnant lady wait for food is a dangerous game!
Mama, glad you are doing so well!

Hope things continue to go well for you, Tricia!

Pink, so glad your nursery is almost done, but I hope you get that lunch!

AFM, I'm feeling better today. I have an appt for an u/s tomorrow morning to check for cysts. Pray I have no cysts! I asked the nurse about the nausea, severe headache, and diarrhea and it's connection to dysmenorrhea, and she basically said don't be ridiculous, you just had a stomach virus. And I said I thought it was odd that it would happen twice, and the VERY next day I'd get my period, but she continued to say it was unrelated. Very frustrating! Well, if it happens again, I'll know she's wrong.
Pink - I'm glad your OH has come around and has helped you with the nursery. I can't wait to see a picture!

mowat - at least you have some answers now. I hope the progesterone is what is needed to get you your rainbow.

Tricia - good luck with your scan on Tuesday. I hope the baby uncrosses it's legs and you can discover the gender! I'm guessing it's a girl. :)

Mama - I'm glad your appointment went well. It's a big decision to start TTC again so I hope you and your dh can come to an agreement. In the meantime, just enjoy your time with your DD.

Kat - I hope there will be no cysts on the scan.

afm - feeling a bit better today. But I'm not pushing anything. As for Canadian Thanksgiving, we basically eat what the Americans eat....just earlier in the year. We have turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes and veggies and salads and have some pumpkin pie. Then we do it all again at Christmas. I just hope that my stomach lets me enjoy it.
Kat, that's ridiculous of her to just write all those symptoms off, especially if it has happened more than once. I always get it, but some cycles are more forgiving than others. I hope you don't have any cysts.

Starry, all that food sounds awesome. Glad you are feeling a little better.

Tricia, what do you think the gender will be?

Pink, sounds like you're almost ready!

Mama, glad things went ok at your follow up. I hope AF shows in a timely manner!

Eyemom, I've got 2 tests left. One cheapy and one FRER. I'm going to wait until Monday also. I think I'll be around 10 DPO.

Everyone else, hi!

AFM, I already feel out. Headaches (although i get these everyday), mild discomfort and pressure like cramps. And it's only CD 17. And I have a feeling I'll continue to feel this way for a week. I start physical therapy tomorrow. I went to the gym yesterday and i have less than a pound to lose before I'm under 200! Things are moving along slowly, even though i don't feel like I'm making progress in any direction. However, i do feel like things will change soon. My life has been super stagnant this past year and I'm going crazy. Being childless makes it worse, and i feel a lot of these stagnant situations are out of my control. I'm trying to convince my husband to move to another area of Virginia so at least i would have the excitement of living in a new place.....but it all depends on his job. And so I wait.....
MamaTex, glad you're healing up alright! It's good for your body to recuperate a bit before growing another tiny human anyway, but sometimes you just can't help but think about it! Love your avatar pic. You have such a pretty baby girl.

Tricia thanks for the update! Glad you're doing well. Super exciting about the upcoming u/s!

Pink, making a pregnant lady wait for food is a dangerous game indeed. :) Heck, making me wait for food when I'm NOT pregnant is pretty dangerous. ;) Awesome how things are coming along though and can't wait to see pics.

Kat, praying for NO cysts! Also, that is SUPER annoying when people dismiss your concerns like that, what the heck. So what maybe it was a virus, but maybe it wasn't. At least listen and be compassionate instead of patronizing. Good grief. I think we've touched on one of eyemom's pet peeves, lol. And I haven't even had an issue with it that I recall. It just really bothers me! But as you said, if it happens again, YOU'LL know.
Sorry I had the reply window open forever before I finally got around to finishing the other post. So ES I wasn't ignoring you! Ohhh I hope we have an exciting Monday. :)

I'm kinda feeling out too. In my LP I have insomnia issues and those have begun. Not AS bad because I'm actually able to get back to sleep. But that may be just because I'm resisting the urge to check the time, which tends to wake me up even more. I get random crampy things at times and sometimes I'm like oh I hope that could be implantation cramps (never had em before that I know of), but then...of's just gas or something like that. :haha:

The only thing that has honestly made me go "hmm" is that I was downwind from a smoker earlier and the smell didn't bother me at all. Normally, I find the smell of cigarettes SUPER offensive. But when I was pg with dd, it didn't bother me either. I remember thinking it was weird because you'd think being pregnant, I'd find it even stinkier.

ES sounds like you ARE making progress. "Slow and steady finishes the race," right? Even though it doesn't feel like you're getting anywhere while you're in the here and now, hopefully you will be able to look back and see how far you've come, and that will be an encouragement to you. Maybe after a year of feeling like things are stagnant, you're due for a bunch of exiting changes.

Really though, for me at least, a lot of things are out of my control. My husband likes to say, "control is an illusion." We do our best, but in the end, a lot of things are simply out of our control. Very difficult to accept that sometimes!
It's funny you mention the smell of smoke! I was in the Starbucks drive thru today, and the guy behind me was smoking in the line, and it was raining out so the smell was so strong. Now, I used to smoke like a chimney, but quit over 9 months ago, so usually the smell doesn't bother me. But today I was really annoyed that the smell was getting into my car, and I hated it. It was so gross, and I was thinking.......I am so sorry for smoking around non smokers back when I was doing it. Now I understand why it bothers people so much. Maybe it's a sign!

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