Sorry I had the reply window open forever before I finally got around to finishing the other post. So ES I wasn't ignoring you! Ohhh I hope we have an exciting Monday.
I'm kinda feeling out too. In my LP I have insomnia issues and those have begun. Not AS bad because I'm actually able to get back to sleep. But that may be just because I'm resisting the urge to check the time, which tends to wake me up even more. I get random crampy things at times and sometimes I'm like oh I hope that could be implantation cramps (never had em before that I know of), but then...of's just gas or something like that.
The only thing that has honestly made me go "hmm" is that I was downwind from a smoker earlier and the smell didn't bother me at all. Normally, I find the smell of cigarettes SUPER offensive. But when I was pg with dd, it didn't bother me either. I remember thinking it was weird because you'd think being pregnant, I'd find it even stinkier.
ES sounds like you ARE making progress. "Slow and steady finishes the race," right? Even though it doesn't feel like you're getting anywhere while you're in the here and now, hopefully you will be able to look back and see how far you've come, and that will be an encouragement to you. Maybe after a year of feeling like things are stagnant, you're due for a bunch of exiting changes.
Really though, for me at least, a lot of things are out of my control. My husband likes to say, "control is an illusion." We do our best, but in the end, a lot of things are simply out of our control. Very difficult to accept that sometimes!