Kat - Good luck for today hun - keeping my fingers crossed that there is no cysts
Mama - Are you BF? - I can't remember

as that interferes with your cycles as well
Starry - Pleased everything is going okay for you - after as many losses as you have had it is hard not to constantly worry, heck when it happens to me I just know I will be a nervous wreck

So I think it is nice to have something to focus on - such as your thanks giving dinner - let's hope little bean will let you have some
Es - Congrats on quitting hun - I don't smoke but hubby does and he was the worlds worse when he tried to quit - always complaining about smokers. True what they say the worst kind of non smoker is the one who used to smoke. Me personally it doesn't bother me

Please let it be a sign for you
Eye - I sound very similar to you - I can fall asleep almost standing up

be asleep until early hours of the morning then wake up wondering what time it is. Mostly I can go back to sleep but some days .......

now it seems like my hubby is coming out in sympathy for me - he's been like it for the last few days
Pink - Glad to hear hubby is taking a huge interest and surprising you - and even more importantly you are resting - not long now
Tricia - Glad everything is going well
AFM - Is this 3rd drop lucky? - will I finally O - or is it just a sign she is on her way

either way I need to know - so give me a sign