Hi MamaTex! Hope everything is still going great, and hope you're still in baby bliss!
TTC moon, looks like we posted at the same time apologies was definitely not trying to ignore ya. But DH and I cold aren't as bad as I thought it would be a couple sniffles here and there and I'm beginning to get use to the idea of my DS having a cold bc now his other cousin who stayed with his aunts today had a fever and a cold

I guess there's no way of getting away from it when you have your child around other people. I'm just a germ phoebe but I'm working on it. Sounds like you're really busy! How great is that moving into a new home and get to be busy with the interior designing, your slate is definitely full, but I do understand your mind is stuck on baby blues. My learning had stopped too when I was in school (not sure if that's your case) but all I could think about was how I would be with my baby. And now that he's here I'm still in disbelief. My FX for you moon, that you get 2 dark blooming lines soon
Kat S: I'm on my toes!! Pleasassssseeee! My FX!!
Garfie: Booo to that horrible AF! She's like a mosquito but instead of taking she brings us blood. Fresh start next month if DH is on board. Haven't heard of saliva microscope but once one gets to our point, anything is worth a shot. Good luck Garfie. You think stress may have pushed your cycle further longer?
Tricia: Don't worry, prego brain gets the best of us even me and I'm no longer pregnant
Eswemba: O ES

so much to go through and find out about yourself when u do get your rainbow baby I know you're going to be a super mom look how much work you're putting in to get him/her. It's so hard for the women who really want them and can give them so much love. ES I'm always rooting for you I really am. I know it sounds cliche but gosh I can't express it any other way. You and so many others here deserve your babies. Don't give up on your body.
GrGirl: I hope you get your baby so your family can be complete. I can attest to the misery but still will do it all over again.
AFM: Well......No triple threat here

AF came home to visit this morning and just hanging around. Not to sad to see her though, I'm more on the mellow side bc I have so much I need to accomplish first but if it happens then everything once again will be put on hold. I want to chime in on the topic of no more kids. As most of the ladies here know, I want 5 of them rotten sweet babies. My pregnancy wasn't the best, I started with twins lost one had bleeding in and out, back pain constantly, gained 60lbs. Had sciata everynight once I hit 3rd trimester. Never could sleep. My looks was horrible. Then on delivery day I had to get a c-section. The labour pains was excruciating before I got my epidural due to cesarean. While I was getting cut I felt everything cut, stitch, I cried and yelled on that table for dear mercy bc I felt everything then I got out to sleep and woke up not to my screaming baby but to be stuck in a small room where only a picture of him was shown to me. All I could think of was is he living? Is he living? Y can't I see him, what's wrong with him. Then 5 painful months of Breastfeeding ( but the feeling is awesome as an experience that we as women can supply such a growth agent for these human beings).......Skip to home with baby...No sleep anymore, post partum I cried from stress and I cried from my DH being on the road. I cried every minute. Skip too now....I watched this beautiful miracle grow from1 day old to rolling over to laughing to crawling to saying "da da" to watching him stand up to watching him light up when he sees me or dad. To holding him in my arms now as he sleep. Gosh after all I went through with him which took a whole year to conceive him and 3 m/c's HECK YES I would do it again and again and again and o yea.......Again. My DH and I have so much love to give that we can't only share it with our DS, we want to share it with as many kids as God blessed us with. But everyone is different and to try again after so much trouble with getting pregnant or keeping them we're all super women in my eyes. Good Day ladies!!
Halloween in the US is a couple days away!! I still haven't gotten DS and Halloween outfit for his Halloween party... I saw a cute pumpkin outfit I might get it...