March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Oh sweetz why oh why do you do these things to me, I'm so hormonal and emotional your story made mw wail like a baby, I didn't know that about Xander so glad he wasn't more injured and glad he's feeling a bit better, they're resilient little buggers.

Es so sorry about your news but at least there is a little ray of sunshine.

Lisa glad your feeling ok, and how cool would it be to regroup the bnb triplets three girlies this time!

I barely slept at all again last night, recon it's my body preparing me for a newborn lol I cave handle the lack of sleep once she's here as long as the pain goes away!
Unexpected212 - I am so sorry for your loss.But alternate day BD should yield you your fruit soon.FX'd.

mackjess - We know you are there for us :) it would be sweet if you address each one of us.But its ok if you do not do as well.We know we are together and there for any support :)

Pinkcasi - How is your pregnancy going on?I too never want my kid to be the only one.But is cousins are around its not an issue.I am an only child too but had my cousins around.They are my own bros and sis :)
So sweet of your OH.I am sorry to know about your body ache.But again it is pretty normal with hormonal changes.

Left wonderin - How are you doing?

florence_ - I am really sorry for your hubby's nan.RIP.Its really hard to lose a family member and miscarry at the same time.But good times are just around the corner.FX'd for you.

nevergivingup- How is your cold now?both you and your DH got it?I hope you get well soon.This thread is keeping me busy enough.It grows too fast!
Your dream may signify something.Keeping fingers crossed.AF may never visit.

Starry - All the best for your pregnancy.All is well.12th week is just around the corner.

Sweetz - It is beautiful.Thanks for sharing it.Your baby must be looking at you from up above and missing you.You are a great Momma.God bless you.

ES - I am sorry to hear about your ovarian reserve.How did they detect it?by AMH,FSH and antral count or something else?IVF gives us loads of hope.It will definitely work.FX'd.

GRGirl - Welcome to this team of very supportive and lovely ladies.Sorry about your losses.

Lisa - :hugs: enjoy your MS :)

AFM - 11DPIUI for me.Nothing much to add.Doing good no symptomps.Not sure what to expect now.Keeping FX'd.
Today we have a video conf with clients.So going to spend almost 12hrs in office.So tiring.Career is stagnant.Not learning anything.My mind just revolves around ttc.Hubby is serving notice period.Still working a lot.
We are going to get keys of our new flat this week.Paid all dues.I am excited.Looking for an interior designer.Hoping to move by Jan 2014 :)
Triple Threat.....AGAIN!! O my ladies if you don't know by now I'm sorry to tell y'all but we are officially addicted to TTC, I'm beginning to worry is this even normal:dohh: Ummmmmmmm (thinking.....thinking while eating...) Yep it's Normal!!

SWEETZ: Yayyyy for a smiley face!! Xan will be feeling better in no time! And I'm so glad Xan came out ok, what a story, I had to read it twice and then smiled once I read the end, how awesome and great is that! Xan guardian angel didn't want Xan and his mommy to endure anymore pain:hugs:

Tricia: That still sounded nice. I carried my u/s around and let people guess and then I realized after a while people were looking all in my insides, I feel so exposed:haha:..... Just kidding. Can't wait to hear of your labour story!! You're almost there!

Es: O I hope the IVF will work. If it's not one thing it's another, who would've think that something like that would be a problem for them, it's always something. But it's still something good coming out of this, the IVF so don't lose hope just of yet. You're closer then you think bc sometimes we can't see it.
TTCMoon......the first test that indicated it was AMH. It was 0.16, which is really low. The second indication is that my LH value is only about half of my FSH. It's should be a 1:1 ratio. My FSH also creeped up from 7 to 9 in just a couple months, despite weight loss and a more active lifestyle. While it's still considered "normal" it's on the high range.

I'm going today for a blood test to determine if I was born with a genetic mutation that causes this. Anyone ever heard of Trisomy X, or Triple X? I might actually have an extra chromosome! But it's not Downs.
Es - Aw hun what a tough journey you are having - hope you start getting some more positive answers soon - I haven't heard of these conditions personally and I don't suggest you google it we don't always see what we want to:hugs:

AFM - Yes the bitch got me yesterday - it now seems my cycles have gone from 22/24 days to 34 days :cry: This would be okay but hubby is getting more and more adamant that we should stop in the New Year - so if you are listening Rainbow Baby - get in my belly:winkwink:

One thing I am thinking of trying for the next couple of months is a Saliva Microscope - gross I know - but last ditch attempt:wacko: look how much money I wasted on OPKs last month and dodgy HPTs:dohh: anyone used one or know about it?:shrug:


Starry- your story was so touching! What a blessing that your little one was protected!

Es- glad you got some answers, though it is still hard, fingers crossed that ivf works!

I always want to do more personals but when I go to write them, all that I want to say slips from my mind.. Sorry guys, I fail! Lol

Hope everyone else is doing well!
SWEETZ- That's so scary! But sweet- he has a little angel helping him out.

Es-I have a friend that has the same thing (she's only 26 but her eggs are of a much older woman's) and she's currently in the middle of saving for IVF.

AFM, I finally stopped the bleeding (just tiny bits of spotting) and managed to get through the whole day yesterday without crying! That's an improvement :) Just gearing up to start the whole process again this month and not looking forward to it :( The BDing is fine lol, but just the OPKs, waiting waiting waiting, BDing like crazy, then more waiting, I was so excited when it worked last time. And I've been doing too much Googling about recurrent MCs and scaring myself that there's something wrong with me :( (There isn't that I know of, progesterone was fine last time it was checked, don't have PCOS).

I seem to be able to GET pregnant- it's the sticky baby that eludes me :( And I wanted there to be a close age gap between DS and #2, but guess we get what we get, huh? I'll take either gender, whatever age gap, just want a healthy sticky baby.
Hey all. Sorry I have been mia. I do pop in to read sooooo...

Good luck to all the TTCers ad TWWers
Best of health to those pregnant
Welcome to all the new ladies

I promise I will come back to do more personal posts to reply to everyone!!
Thanks y'all. I thought I would share the story as kinda a thing to let y'all know, even though our angel babies left us, doesn't mean they aren't still watching over us. <3

Garfie...never heard of it, sorry.

Over in this neck of the woods...Xan is back to his normal spazzy self and I am so happy! :) FF finally gave me CH so FX'd! It would be so cool to have a repeat of the BNB triple threat haha.
Sweetz - I hope your little man gets better soon. I remember the first time my LO came down with a bad ear infection. It was so, so hard to watch. I would have gladly traded places with him.

I didn't mean to make those who are becoming mummies later in life feel badly. I mostly feel done because this TTC journey has been so painful. I feel very, very ready to stop and I am looking forward to being done. It's what is keeping me going through the sickness. I never have to do this again!
Sweetz - I hope your little man gets better soon. I remember the first time my LO came down with a bad ear infection. It was so, so hard to watch. I would have gladly traded places with him.

I didn't mean to make those who are becoming mummies later in life feel badly. I mostly feel done because this TTC journey has been so painful. I feel very, very ready to stop and I am looking forward to being done. It's what is keeping me going through the sickness. I never have to do this again!

I had hyperemesis with DS and it was HORRIBLE. I used to (semi) joke he was trying to kill me and I had heart palpitations/tremors/passed out at least 2x/week. I almost didn't make it through it. At the time I swore no more kids because it was so bad. I literally cried every day all day from 6 weeks to about 26 weeks or so due to sheer misery. Now, I'm TTC and I would go through it all again in a SECOND if/when I can get a sticky baby. It's funny how time changes things.

I am only 32 but I am ready to be DONE. Between the TTC Hell and how horrible pregnancy is for me (assuming I can actually go through a pregnancy anymore, which isn't the case lately), I am very ready to be done.

I know exactly how you feel. DS was so very wanted that I would be in the middle of being sick and think, "Just hang in there buddy, we'll get through this and then I'm never doing this again!" I thought that with every PICC line infection, every needle poke, every ambulance ride. Now I would (and will, if given the chance) do it all over again.

Difference is, I KNOW and 100% mean it that this will be my last time.
Hi MamaTex! Hope everything is still going great, and hope you're still in baby bliss!

TTC moon, looks like we posted at the same time apologies was definitely not trying to ignore ya. But DH and I cold aren't as bad as I thought it would be a couple sniffles here and there and I'm beginning to get use to the idea of my DS having a cold bc now his other cousin who stayed with his aunts today had a fever and a cold :shrug:I guess there's no way of getting away from it when you have your child around other people. I'm just a germ phoebe but I'm working on it. Sounds like you're really busy! How great is that moving into a new home and get to be busy with the interior designing, your slate is definitely full, but I do understand your mind is stuck on baby blues. My learning had stopped too when I was in school (not sure if that's your case) but all I could think about was how I would be with my baby. And now that he's here I'm still in disbelief. My FX for you moon, that you get 2 dark blooming lines soon

Kat S: I'm on my toes!! Pleasassssseeee! My FX!!

Garfie: Booo to that horrible AF! She's like a mosquito but instead of taking she brings us blood. Fresh start next month if DH is on board. Haven't heard of saliva microscope but once one gets to our point, anything is worth a shot. Good luck Garfie. You think stress may have pushed your cycle further longer?

Tricia: Don't worry, prego brain gets the best of us even me and I'm no longer pregnant :dohh:

Eswemba: O ES :nope::hugs::shrug: so much to go through and find out about yourself when u do get your rainbow baby I know you're going to be a super mom look how much work you're putting in to get him/her. It's so hard for the women who really want them and can give them so much love. ES I'm always rooting for you I really am. I know it sounds cliche but gosh I can't express it any other way. You and so many others here deserve your babies. Don't give up on your body.

GrGirl: I hope you get your baby so your family can be complete. I can attest to the misery but still will do it all over again.

AFM: Well......No triple threat here :dohh: AF came home to visit this morning and just hanging around. Not to sad to see her though, I'm more on the mellow side bc I have so much I need to accomplish first but if it happens then everything once again will be put on hold. I want to chime in on the topic of no more kids. As most of the ladies here know, I want 5 of them rotten sweet babies. My pregnancy wasn't the best, I started with twins lost one had bleeding in and out, back pain constantly, gained 60lbs. Had sciata everynight once I hit 3rd trimester. Never could sleep. My looks was horrible. Then on delivery day I had to get a c-section. The labour pains was excruciating before I got my epidural due to cesarean. While I was getting cut I felt everything cut, stitch, I cried and yelled on that table for dear mercy bc I felt everything then I got out to sleep and woke up not to my screaming baby but to be stuck in a small room where only a picture of him was shown to me. All I could think of was is he living? Is he living? Y can't I see him, what's wrong with him. Then 5 painful months of Breastfeeding ( but the feeling is awesome as an experience that we as women can supply such a growth agent for these human beings).......Skip to home with baby...No sleep anymore, post partum I cried from stress and I cried from my DH being on the road. I cried every minute. Skip too now....I watched this beautiful miracle grow from1 day old to rolling over to laughing to crawling to saying "da da" to watching him stand up to watching him light up when he sees me or dad. To holding him in my arms now as he sleep. Gosh after all I went through with him which took a whole year to conceive him and 3 m/c's HECK YES I would do it again and again and again and o yea.......Again. My DH and I have so much love to give that we can't only share it with our DS, we want to share it with as many kids as God blessed us with. But everyone is different and to try again after so much trouble with getting pregnant or keeping them we're all super women in my eyes. Good Day ladies!!

Halloween in the US is a couple days away!! I still haven't gotten DS and Halloween outfit for his Halloween party... I saw a cute pumpkin outfit I might get it...
I read everybody's post but my memory is the pits. I will try.

Never- Sorry that your son is still sick. And OMG if you are pregnant again!!!! That would be the craziest thing!!!! You would only be 2 weeks behind me! Just thinking about it makes me laugh! Keep us posted! :baby:

Florence- I totally understand not wanting to take your husband on this roller coaster ride. My husband is the best but he is on a need to know basis. I actually didn't tell him I was pregnant this time around until a week in b/c I didn't want the disappointment again. Dont get me wrong- I would still tell him if I had an early MC. You have to do what works best for your relationship.

Starry- I'm glad your good days are outweighing the bad. I hope your MS ends soon. It is definitely no fun.

EsWemba- I am sad that you're in that situation but I know it is a relief to finally have confirmation of what the issue is. Now you can move forward girl! Keep your head up!

Sweetz- What a scary and beautiful story. Glad that your son was OK.

AFM- Not feeling many symptoms but I'm kind of glad. I sure don't want MS like last time. I just queasy a few times a day and have lots of CM. So I'll take the good days while I have them. At the moment, I am at peace. Had to push back my 1st appt by a week. So I'll be headed to the Doc in 2 LONG weeks! :)

Hi to everyone else! Bamagirl- Where are you? :hi:

Hey lisalee :wave: I am here, silently stalking! I don't have too much to say! My girls are getting big & the baby is getting into all the "fun" stages now! They are a mess for sure! I am still study study studying! I actually just got inducted into the honors society for educators, which I thought would NEVER happen! I am holding my breath until I graduate next December!!! :happydance:

As far as ttc we have decided that the two girls we have are just enough for us! I still think about the baby we lost every day, especially since his/her due date is quickly approaching. I keep thinking I would be planning a first birthday party, but I can't be too upset because I have a beautiful 6 month old little girl! I will certainly celebrate his/her bday on November 5th with a cupcake & balloons!

I think of you all often & pray that you all are doing well! For those of you ttc I constantly am sending :dust: your way! For those waiting :thumbup: you got this! To my preggo mamas out there can't wait to see those presh babies :D
Never.....BOOOO HISSS HISSSSS!!!! I am with you on the TTC for more. My pregnancy wasn't near as bad, but it still was VERY difficult...but I do want one more.
Sweetz: I know....boooooooo :cry: but it still can be the triple threat with these wonderful ladies...Looks like Lisalee is already ahead. And yes u still went through and still is going through a lot but we're in here together.

Bamagurl: YAYYY so glad to hear all is well with the babies and the studying. And graduating soon, how awesome is that!! I so wish I could've said that too, but I have a bit to go. I still think about my first everytime that time come it's only normal. I'm also worried about my baby 1 year birthday party too. I'm not sure how or what I should do:wacko::shrug: I'm so new at this :blush:
Never, sorry she came for you even though you're not quite ready.

Bama nice to see you're still about and things are going well for ya.

It's 2am and I'm still up, I went to bed slept for an hour but woke up due to terrible hip pain again, everytime I lie down no matter what side it hurts my hip and knee, I can't imagine at the moment going through this again but who knows, my oh tells me how well he thinks I'm coping with it all but I don't feel like I'm doing well but I can't do much else really, I cried earlier because he went out, mental huh I just feel like I'm stuck in this darn house, got the midwife tomorrow at least I get to leave the house.

Anyway who's testing this week anyone?
Tricia & Mackjess- I am with you in regards to forgetting the posts after reading 5 pages. Here's a trick I used to do. Read each page and start typing a response at the bottom of the pg in the reply section. Then "copy" "paste"what you typed and go to the next pg. Repeat until you get to the last page and that's it! Now even though I told u that, I didn't do that this time myself. :)

Garfie- When did you have your last baby? How involved is your husband in the baby making process (besided BD :)? Do you tell him about the OPKs, temping, or whatever method you're doing? Maybe it's not the BD that he's opposed to but maybe it's just the whole process. Perhaps if you didn't give him too many details, he'd be more on board and it would be more fun? I don't know......

Never- Oh well! On to next month. After reading your post, it just hit me how hard your pregnancy was. Wow! You are a trooper!

Grgirl- I had something to say to you but can't remember right now. I'm going to reread your post and reply.

Bama- It's great to see you on! It's nice that you and your husband have decided that you're happy with your current family size. I'm sure you have many happy days ahead with them.

AFM- I was at peace yesterday. But last night and today, I started spotting pink and a little orange. I fear the worse now b/c I had brown spotting with my 1st pregnancy before miscarrying. Last month, I just had straight red spotting immediately. I called the Dr to see if they can see me but they want me to come in twice to get blood drawn and that's difficult with my work schedule. So I'm in limbo. If this is another MC, it would be my 3rd. Instead of NTNP, I will be NT and PREVENTING next month b/c I wouldn't be able to take 3 MCs in 3 months. Apparently getting pregnant is not a problem for me- it's STAYING pregnant. :cry:
Grgirl- I guess we have a lot in common, huh?

MamaTex- Nice to see you on.

Hi Mowat,Sweetz, TTCMoon, & Kat S! :hi:

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