Oh boy I'm going to try to catch up now. I can't just sit and read, caring for dd and doing house stuff a bit. So it's taken me an hour and a half of off and on reading to catch up

I wonder how long it'll take me to type this up? I rely on the multi-quote feature to make sure I reply to everyone, and with the new forum skin I can't tell if I've selected it properly or not. So I hope I don't miss anyone/anything!
Sweetz, that's so wonderful that you have the green light to ttc again! That's so much quicker than you had feared! Really happy for you. Glad your lil guy is feeling better! And that was a lovely tribute to your angel baby. So thankful that Xan is ok.
Hi florence. I'm ashamed to say I can't recall if I've welcomed you already or not. So just in case...so sorry you find yourself here, but welcome.

Hope you get your bfp quickly! I can try to help best I can with the OPK stuff but first...are you taking them just AM only or are you also taking them at night? I agree though if you're not temping I'd try to at least do every other day for a while longer if you can, but don't pressure yourselves.
Hi wishing! Welcome to you as well. So sorry for your loss.
ttcmoon, I guess testing day is coming up now. Hope you get a wonderful surprise. That is really exciting about the new place! (Also, it just occurred to me, there's a saying "new house, new baby" and that is what happened to me with dd. Fx it works for you.

ES, sorry your back issues are continuing. The Art Therapy thing sounds really cool! Got me thinking, I still think it's other things that were occurring around the same time, but I was a lot hornier

with more "textbook normal" cycles back when I was playing violin all the time. Maybe that's further motivation to dig back into my music.
ES, just got to the part about your test results. How frustrating. I hope it doesn't have you down too much and you can look forward to knowing the next step. Will you still be able to do the art therapy? I agree, might as well practice while you save up. You never know.
Kat, it's so wild how real those kinds of dreams can be. Fx for you. I imagine it's too early to feel anything anyway?
Unexpected, hi and welcome to you as well. What an emotional rollercoaster (understatement). Glad you're feeling better now. Hope you get your rainbow soon.
Heather, welcome (wow so many new ladies, so great to meet you all even though I wish it were under better circumstances)! Praying for a sticky bean for you. I tried Mucinex just one cycle and couldn't really tell that it did anything. Have you done it before?
garfie, sorry AF got you. Come on garfie's rainbow baby, get in your momma's belly! I don't know anything about those saliva microscopes. I hear they are good though they have a bit of a learning curve.
lisa, I've been hoping and praying that all is well. I would be scared too if I saw the kinds of things again that I had at the start of my m/c. But there are stories of women and one of my good friends had spotting throughout her 1st tri. So praying so hard it has no real meaning and you continue to have a healthy pregnancy!
pink, sorry you're having a tough go of it, but glad you got to get a little pampering in. You deserve it.
I'm sure I missed some people. All the other pregnant ladies...starry, left, tricia...hope you're doing great.
Everyone else, *waves*