March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Anyone hear from Kat lately? Kat, are you there?

"Hi" to all the new ladies. Nice to have you along for the ride.

Took a hpt this morning and I got a BFN, so I decided to stop the progesterone. REally hoping AF arrives tomorrow and we can start again. I have family arriving on December 18, so I need to ovulate before that! Not to whine, but I really want a BFP for Christmas.
mowat - I'm sorry about the bfn. I hope the next cycle works out for you and you can get your sticky bfp.

unexpected - pregnancy announcements are always so very painful after a loss. It's a stark reminder if what we had but lost. Not very many ladies conceive again straight after a loss but it doesn't have to take a long time either. I am hoping that this cycle will bring you a happy announcement of your own. :hugs:

pink - oh wow, Stella is coming so soon!! I don't have a calendar nearby but isn't that under 2 weeks? She may even decide to come on her own before that so you can avoid induction. I'm sorry the doctors weren't very kind or understanding. Normally you wouldn't wish pain on someone else, but if they could feel what you are feeling perhaps they'd be more sympathetic.

eyemom - I'm glad you were able to connect with a woman who understands what you're going through. It is so helpful to know you aren't alone. And I'm always hopeful that this is the cycle that brings you your bfp.

afm - the doctor thinks Dh has the influenza virus. Dh has been doing better since the bad night two nights ago. He now has a prescription for the anti-viral drug Tamiflu. I'm hoping that's all it is. I mean, right now he's setting up the tree and doesn't seem ill. He's not coughing or struggling to breathe like he was the other night. And his coughs from the other night didn't have much phlegm and the doctor said that was more indicitive of flu than brochitis or anything more serious.

Now I'm just concerned that DS or myself will catch it. But we're not sharing a bed right now. We're not fighting but I can't sleep with him when I'm pregnant. He keeps me awake at night and he shakes the bed so much that it makes me ill. I'm hoping that makes a difference. I had the flu when pregnant with DS and that was the sickest I had ever been.
I took a test this AM to (10/11DPO) and it was BFN. I still have some pink coming out of my cervix (barely) but I'm surprised by that because my cervix feels super closed O_o

ALSO, I got one of those fertility readings done by Cheri22.

They are showing me a little boy and they relate him to FEB so this is either birth month, conceive month or the month you find out in

They are showing me someone who I always going to see exactly what is needed and then takes care of it. He is the type that is always going to be honorable. The type that is always going to ensure that he understands what is needed of him and he is always going to pull through. I am seeing him always looking for what he can do to make better, and always very logical in his approach of things. Often using common sense with things, that people seem to forget, and coming up with ideas that make it a lot easier, faster and better than how it was being done previous.

I am seeing him with his hair a bit more on the fine side, and seems to start to go bald in his 20s. They are showing him to always have a slender build, and wears clothes that are a bit more 'dressy casual".

When it comes to career paths, they are showing him working in engineering.

When it comes to marriage I am seeing him closer to 28. They will have two boys of their own
mowat - I'm sorry about the bfn. I hope the next cycle works out for you and you can get your sticky bfp.

unexpected - pregnancy announcements are always so very painful after a loss. It's a stark reminder if what we had but lost. Not very many ladies conceive again straight after a loss but it doesn't have to take a long time either. I am hoping that this cycle will bring you a happy announcement of your own. :hugs:

pink - oh wow, Stella is coming so soon!! I don't have a calendar nearby but isn't that under 2 weeks? She may even decide to come on her own before that so you can avoid induction. I'm sorry the doctors weren't very kind or understanding. Normally you wouldn't wish pain on someone else, but if they could feel what you are feeling perhaps they'd be more sympathetic.

eyemom - I'm glad you were able to connect with a woman who understands what you're going through. It is so helpful to know you aren't alone. And I'm always hopeful that this is the cycle that brings you your bfp.

afm - the doctor thinks Dh has the influenza virus. Dh has been doing better since the bad night two nights ago. He now has a prescription for the anti-viral drug Tamiflu. I'm hoping that's all it is. I mean, right now he's setting up the tree and doesn't seem ill. He's not coughing or struggling to breathe like he was the other night. And his coughs from the other night didn't have much phlegm and the doctor said that was more indicitive of flu than brochitis or anything more serious.

Now I'm just concerned that DS or myself will catch it. But we're not sharing a bed right now. We're not fighting but I can't sleep with him when I'm pregnant. He keeps me awake at night and he shakes the bed so much that it makes me ill. I'm hoping that makes a difference. I had the flu when pregnant with DS and that was the sickest I had ever been.

It's a week tomorrow! Omg that's insane! I am hoping she'll come on her own but planning for lots of time sat around the hospital, going to put a load of stuff on the laptop so we have something to watch and planning on catching up on the reading that I never seem to have time to do even tho I've had loads of time on my hands lol

Glad to hear hubby is feeling a bit better hope you and ds don't get it too!
So I just got back from the doctor, and she swabbed my cervix and there was quite a bit of orange/red on it. Then when she swabbed again there was nothing. And she said she didn't see anything abnormal in my vagina or with my cervix, so either I'm pregnant or AF is coming! She said that maybe the pain I had Sunday night was just from my cervix experiencing the "trauma" that is my husband's penis lol.
Dsem - :happydance: this could be your month then - I have only had orange/red (an unusual colour) when pregnant or red (a normal colour) when not - fingers crossed for you hun - why would your cervix be experiencing trauma - does it normally hmmmm thought not:haha:


Normally my husband hits my cervix during sex. But on Sunday when he did it hurt O_o

I'm SO excited, but the test I took this AM was a BFN…. Thur/Fri is my actual test dates.
Still a few days left then :happydance: come on BFP

So have you been tested for endometerosis if sex is always painful hun?


It's not usually painful. This was the first time in a while. Last time was the two occurrences I had of PID. Plus they can't test me for Endo here anyways. I bought a FRER for Thanksgiving morning lol.
Sorry I realised that I didn't actually tell you what I wanted to, the reason for logging on here doh baby brain.

So I went to the hospital this morning, saw a different dr than I saw before she was not nice! I was really upset so much pain and I went in and the receptionist ignored me for 5 mins then said 'that lady was first' so I had to wait which is fine in itself but the pain was so bad I just burst into tears, by the time I went into see the dr I was more composed but as soon as she asked 'how have you been' I burst into tears again, I must have seemed so rude I hardly spoke at all but I just knew if I tried I would just cry. She examined me and was not as gentle as my mw, she made me feel like I should wait and let her come on her own even tho they offered me induction, it's not like I asked for it, then she said she had to go ask the consultant I'm like wtf! Don't you dare say no now bitch!

So she gave me another sweep and booked me in for induction on 4th, I'm happy there's an end in sight but I kinda feel like a total failure, obviously pregnancy is not my forte, I feel like after the mc then desperately ttc and then having this awful pregnancy and the labour/birth is going to be taken out of my hands it's like the universe is telling me I shouldn't have kids, I know I'll have my princess soon and it'll all be worth it but I just hate that none of this is how I wanted.

What exactly are you a failure at? Your pregnancy is just different from other people's. You are no less of a mother because of how the child comes into the world. If you remember, I was going on and on before Sky came about induction. I didn't want it at all. I will repeat again what I said earlier in this thread. How things turn out will only be a big deal if you allow it to be. You still have control over your child birth experience. You give up control when you throw your hands up in the air and get despondent. The universe is obviously telling you that you should have a kid because there is a baby in your uterus woman.


I am sorry to hear of your treatment at the doctor's office. It is amazing how unprofessional people can be. A simple acknowledgement goes a long way for a patient, even if he or she has to wait a little bit.
It's not usually painful. This was the first time in a while. Last time was the two occurrences I had of PID. Plus they can't test me for Endo here anyways. I bought a FRER for Thanksgiving morning lol.

Good luck for testing on Thursday!!! :dust:
Left, woo hoo! Glad you got good news and a glimpse of the little guy. :) Sounds like everything is great!

Mowat, ss for the bfn :hugs: Fx you get your Christmas BFP.

Starry, thanks for the kind words. Yuck, stinks about the flu, but I'm glad it doesn't have him down too bad. I've heard Tamiflu is amazing, but no personal experience! Praying you and your DS stay healthy!

DSemcho, glad everything looked normal. Hope this morning was just too soon and you get your bfp in the next few days. That would be a HAPPY Thanksgiving!

So have you been tested for endometerosis if sex is always painful hun?
Could this have been for me? If not then disregard. :P But for years before I had my DD sex was excruciatingly painful for me. I ultimately saw a specialist and was diagnosed with vulvar vestibulitis. My issue was more external (not really external, but ***TMI*** the source of the pain was more at the vaginal opening). I tried various steroid creams and ointments and was on a couple of oral medications and nothing helped. After I had my DD, finally I was "cured." I had been bound and determined to have a vaginal delivery because I'd been told that the stretching there can help, so it was basically my only hope of ever experiencing sex that wasn't painful. (I'm getting back around to where this is not totally out of left field lol.) Anyway, I don't experience pain like before at all, but still anytime DH hits my cervix too hard or at the wrong angle (it's not often), I'll feel a jab of pain. But I was under the impression this was normal??? Does this not happen to anyone else?

Anyway, AFM, dtd last night and we were both tired and not really in the mood but we got the job done. :P This morning my temp was somewhat up and I was feeling mittelschmerz type cramps this morning, so I think the window is finally closed. I kinda wanna take a break tonight but I wonder if we should do it for good measure. We already got in 2 nights after my +opk but we should be good. But then I think...the more (sperm) the merrier??? Ah well. I guess this puts me testing not this weekend but the next.
Working hard Eyemom! I think you've got your bases covered this month!

Still no AF for me. Will really be shocked if it's not here tomorrow. Having a beer tonight. Look out December---I've got your number!
I am such an awful poster.....I hope everyone is doing fine. I am just getting over that horrible flu but not 100% yet. I am so sorry I haven't been on top of things here. I am totally supporting all of you no matter what place you are at in the journey. Much love to you all..please forgive my absence.
It's not usually painful. This was the first time in a while. Last time was the two occurrences I had of PID. Plus they can't test me for Endo here anyways. I bought a FRER for Thanksgiving morning lol.

Good luck for testing on Thursday!!! :dust:


DSemcho, glad everything looked normal. Hope this morning was just too soon and you get your bfp in the next few days. That would be a HAPPY Thanksgiving!

And a HAPPY birthday lol. (Bday is next day)
Just a quick peek in to say hi! Sorry, I went away for the weekend with the girls and had a great time. Once I got home, I had a million things to do...unpacking, cleaning, getting ready for Thanksgiving, and working.

9 dpo for me and for once my "day 7 curse" (diarrhea 7 dpo) hasn't shown up. I had some breast tenderness that showed up 6 dpo, but it was gone when I woke up this morning, so that makes me think AF is on the way after all.

Hope everyone is well!!
eyemom - it sounds like you have all of your bases covered and you and your dh deserve a rest. Good luck during the tww.

DSemcho - good luck with testing. Hope you have extra reason to celebrate this week. And have a Happy Birthday and Thanksgiving.

Kat - I'm glad you had a wonderful weekend with your friends. Fingers-crossed that AF stays far, far away.

Sweetz - no one expects you to post when you're sick, pregnant and have a little one to take care of. I had the flu when pregnant with DS and there was no way I could keep up with people on a message board. I hope you feel better soon!

afm - we put up our tree and lights the other day and everything feels so happy and colourful and festive. We still need to hang the ornaments on the tree and other put out the other decorations but we still have time before Christmas.

DH had a rough day yesterday but the Tamiflu seems to be doing its job. Thankfully, I am getting a bit more energy so was able to take care of some things though I'm still limited. I improvised a gnocchi soup for supper yesterday and it was so, so good. I want to run out and buy another package of gnocchi to make it again. And DS actually ate it. He's so picky that I celebrate whenever I try something new and he likes it. We told him it was pasta as he refuses to eat potatoes.
Glad everyone seems do be doing well

Good luck to those testing soon

OPK's have officially stumped me this month. They have been getting darker the last few days and almost as dark as the control line last night

However I couldn't test all day as I was at work and now the line is fainter. So wondering If I missed my surge or I'm just not ovulating
Need to decide if tomorrow is my test day or Friday… O_o I think if I got a BFN tomorrow I'd just say I'm out and buy a bottle of Riesling… Idk.
Welcome back Kat! Hope you're wrong about AF.

Yum, gnocchi soup. Did you use a recipe Starry? My son loves soup---but is picky about almost everything else.

Sounds like you might have ovulated overnight Unexpected. I hate opks, they drive me mad.

Well, seem to be having another weird cycle. Thought it was going to be short after the last one being long, but now AF hasn't arrived (should have been here Monday or Tuesday). Hmm. HOpe it comes today. I thought luteal phase length was somewhat consistent.

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