mowat - I'm sorry about the bfn. I hope the next cycle works out for you and you can get your sticky bfp.
unexpected - pregnancy announcements are always so very painful after a loss. It's a stark reminder if what we had but lost. Not very many ladies conceive again straight after a loss but it doesn't have to take a long time either. I am hoping that this cycle will bring you a happy announcement of your own.
pink - oh wow, Stella is coming so soon!! I don't have a calendar nearby but isn't that under 2 weeks? She may even decide to come on her own before that so you can avoid induction. I'm sorry the doctors weren't very kind or understanding. Normally you wouldn't wish pain on someone else, but if they could feel what you are feeling perhaps they'd be more sympathetic.
eyemom - I'm glad you were able to connect with a woman who understands what you're going through. It is so helpful to know you aren't alone. And I'm always hopeful that this is the cycle that brings you your bfp.
afm - the doctor thinks Dh has the influenza virus. Dh has been doing better since the bad night two nights ago. He now has a prescription for the anti-viral drug Tamiflu. I'm hoping that's all it is. I mean, right now he's setting up the tree and doesn't seem ill. He's not coughing or struggling to breathe like he was the other night. And his coughs from the other night didn't have much phlegm and the doctor said that was more indicitive of flu than brochitis or anything more serious.
Now I'm just concerned that DS or myself will catch it. But we're not sharing a bed right now. We're not fighting but I can't sleep with him when I'm pregnant. He keeps me awake at night and he shakes the bed so much that it makes me ill. I'm hoping that makes a difference. I had the flu when pregnant with DS and that was the sickest I had ever been.