Left, good to see you. Sorry you're not feeling well.

Hope you're feeling better soon! How'd the GD test go?
Starry, I hope it's not pneumonia! Hope he's feeling better soon too!
TTCSecrets, I have never heard the urine pH one, sorry! Sounds fun though, if you can get your hands on some pH strips, give it a try and let us know how it goes.
lisa, thanks for popping in, good to see you. Hopefully as you get closer and closer to that 2nd tri you'll be feeling better!
ttcbabyisom, thanks for sharing your experience about the Femara! Hope all your efforts result in your rainbow very soon!
Tricia, hi! Glad you're doing great! Wowwww, your 3rd tri is just around the corner!!
DSemcho, hope it's not PID! Depending on where I am in my cycle it hurts me too, so really hoping you're fine! But a +beta would sure be nice!
qwk, thanks, and glad you're having a good day. Sometimes it's amazing the difference a new day can make.

Feels weird to WANT a stark white negative, right? But hopefully you'll be on the road to your rainbow soon.
ttcmoon, thank you, FX for you!!!
Unexpected, get well soon! What's with all the sick people.

So sorry, it's so hard to hear of others' pregnancies.

What exactly are your OPKs doing?
mamatex, thanks for educating me on the bronze boobies.

Congrats again on the milestone, well done!

I hope the relationship issues get sorted. Sorry you weren't pleased with the different doctor. But hey the countdown is on! There are so many things on this journey that don't go according to plan, but it works out. Keep your eye on the prize! You are NOT a failure. Come hell or high water, you are bringing a beautiful baby girl into this world! You're superwoman already right??

Sweet baby girl in your arms in a week and a half or less! I agree with DSemcho, have her on her birthday. Just a few days away!
AFM, got my +opk last night, a really dark and obvious one. So we BD last night and temps were still down this morning. So I think we nailed the timing.

Gonna go again tonight and maybe tomorrow for good measure.

But I'm feeling good about it. At least I'll know we'll have done our part! Also met with the woman from church (who has been where I am) this morning. We talked about our ttc journeys and a bunch of other stuff. It was nice to visit face to face with someone who really gets it. We talked about some other things too like our families. We have more in common than we realized. Really glad to know her.