March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Ps, I think she has dropped a bit, I can't tell by looking really but I've been leering like a racehorse and today my pelvis us so painful I can barely walk at all and I'm wondering if it's extra pressure down there, I hope so, I will cry if she says I'm no further along after two weeks an two sweeps.
It happens. I've just never had it happen like that before O_o

Nothing really new except a bit more spotting this AM. Me and DH DTD last night and when he bumped my cervix it hurt, which has me concerned because the last two times it hurt was when I had PID. Appt tomorrow afternoon so I can figure out if it is PID... And maybe (Fx'd) get a beta done lol.

Pink - Do you think you'll go over 40 weeks? I hope she comes on the 29th :D (Muh birthday :D) much new stuff!

I just realized my would have been due date for my MC last year came and went this year and I didn't even realize........acceptance maybe? I'm glad it passed me by. It was Nov 17th. Anyway, just an observation!:flower:
I'd say acceptance. If I hadn't lost both of mine I'd have had a 1st and 2nd birthday party at the beginning of the month.
ttcbabyisom - I read the first page of your journal, big :hugs: for all you have been through... I have my fingers crossed that this is your month!!

eyemom - thank you for your kind words. I know that whenever I get pregnant again, I'm going to be so much more cautious about it and announcing it and all that. With my son, we announced to our families at just over 5 weeks. I kind of doubt we'll do that whenever we are blessed with another BFP. Kind of sad! I hope you got your +opk!

lisalee - thanks for your input! I'm hoping for an earlier O than usual, come on ovaries! :dance:

left wonderin - good luck on the GD, is this just the initial one hour one? hope it won't be too bad!

ttcmoon - thank you and thanks for your PMA :)

pinkcasi - so sorry you're going through that with your OH... pregnancy is stressful enough as it is. Is this your first? I feel like men kind of lose their minds about it sometimes.

AFM - I'm feeling a bit more positive today. Had a nice drive over to a friend's house to meet her newborn, it was a lovely sunset and I felt kind of peaceful about everything, more so than I had.

And happily my OPKs went negative yesterday afternoon and my HPT was negative this morning (or it was last time I looked at it, there may be enough HCG to still make a little evap line - it is kind of amazing how sensitive those tests are, just the little ICs. I mean I have to guess my HCG is like, close to 5 by now). Very interested to see what my HCG beta was on Friday and compare that to the line I got on the HPT that day.

Wishing you all the best!
Hi everyone

Sorry I'm not responding personally got an awful cold!

Don't know if I'm cut out for this. So many of my friends are pregnant and i'm so jealous.

My friend just announced she's pregnant with her third and she'll have three under three!

I just feel so sad every time people announce a pregnancy because I feel like that should be me. I should be pregnant. But I'm not because I had a M/C

Also my OPK's are doing my head in. They vary in darkness every day and are confusing me

Good luck and baby dust to all of you on the same journey as me!!
eyemom: Bronze Boobies is breast feeding at 3 months

ttcmoon: Sky is doing great!! She is getting longer and longer! She is sleeping now, which allows me to hop on real quick.

Unexpected: When I was TTC, I totally felt how you felt and had to work very hard through jealousy, as well as anger. My best advice is to turn your focus on something else. Get involved in something outside of TTC that can take your mind off the intensity of it all, because it can be all consuming. TTC put a strain on my marriage and on a friendship, which I eventually had to walk away from because this person who is now an ex friend would complain about her 3 kids all of the time when I was trying to have just one. On Facebook I hid friends from my news feed that were pregnant or had just had babies. It was too much for me to deal with.

AFM: It is cold and raining here in Houston, Texas so I will spend the day here at home. I tried to do all my major errands before today because I knew it would be miserable outside. I am still going to have to run outside to the shed in the back of the house where the washer and dryer is. My husband always forgets to turn in his uniforms, so I have to wash them at home.

It happens. I've just never had it happen like that before O_o

Nothing really new except a bit more spotting this AM. Me and DH DTD last night and when he bumped my cervix it hurt, which has me concerned because the last two times it hurt was when I had PID. Appt tomorrow afternoon so I can figure out if it is PID... And maybe (Fx'd) get a beta done lol.

Pink - Do you think you'll go over 40 weeks? I hope she comes on the 29th :D (Muh birthday :D)

No I won't go over 40 weeks that's a done deal I'm booked in for induction on my due date of 4th dec I was a bit hmm about it as it sounds horrid and I really wanted her to come on her own but the last few days the pain has been so bad if they offered induction now today I would do it.

Tho I still really hope she comes on her own before induction it's kinda nice to know there is a definate end date, It might take a few days after the induction starts but at least I know it'll be over soon.

Sorry no personals just a catch up

Qwk thanks it is our first but his second so he should know what's going on but I know things are different now, he was young then and didn't live with his sons mother.
He came with me today and was lovely and supportive, I told him I don't know what's going on part of me still wants him to go but at this stage with Stella coming and me being in pain and feeling so vulnerable I need him here, I can't do it on my own.
Pink - I hope she comes soon for you .I remember the heavy uncomfortable feelings all too well. She'll be in your arms before you know it.

Tex - Thank you. It is consuming me way too much. Everytime my OPK is negative I feel down. I worry about late ovulation and luteal phases. Sometimes I wish I didn't know as much as I did. I'm trying to keep busy with friends and family and it is affecting my marriage.

Trying so hard to chill out about it all!! I need to relax.
Typing up personals. Sorry for anyone I left out. Running back and forth to check on the baby to see if she has woken up yet.

Left wonderin: GL with your GD test.

Starry: Sorry to hear about DH. Hope he gets to feeling better. Sounds serious.

TTCsecrets: I have heard of the baking soda test and the Kool Aid test (lol). I don't know if that has to do with testing the PH, but there are so many different methods to guess at gender!!

lisalee1: Oh, I hope you are able to eat. Having no appetite and feeling sickly is no fun!!

ttcbabyisom: Sorry to hear of your losses. I hope you continue to respond to treatments and get your rainbow baby!

Tricia: Glad to read the baby is doing good. You are a little over half way there!! Woo hoo!!

ttcmoon: Sky is ding great. She is sleeping now, which allows me to hop on for a little bit.

Pinkcasi: If you don't drop right before your due date or on your due date, that is ok. The baby will come down eventually. Lol. I can't believe how close you are to 39 weeks!!! Oh my goodness. I did not drop but felt the increased pressure in my pelvis. It's not fun, I know. Towards the end, I limited my movement because it hurt to do anything! You really are uncomfortable. Just remember, it will all be over soon and you will have that beautiful baby!!!

In regards to your partner, do you have someone else lined up that can be in the room with you? Sorry if you answered this already.
ESwemba84: I forgot about the anniversary of my due date this year and didn't feel bad about it. I made cup cakes the next day to mark the birthday-to-be, but I decided to not make too big of a deal about it. I agree with DSemcho that it could be acceptance.

DSemcho: Hope you get the results you want
Sorry I realised that I didn't actually tell you what I wanted to, the reason for logging on here doh baby brain.

So I went to the hospital this morning, saw a different dr than I saw before she was not nice! I was really upset so much pain and I went in and the receptionist ignored me for 5 mins then said 'that lady was first' so I had to wait which is fine in itself but the pain was so bad I just burst into tears, by the time I went into see the dr I was more composed but as soon as she asked 'how have you been' I burst into tears again, I must have seemed so rude I hardly spoke at all but I just knew if I tried I would just cry. She examined me and was not as gentle as my mw, she made me feel like I should wait and let her come on her own even tho they offered me induction, it's not like I asked for it, then she said she had to go ask the consultant I'm like wtf! Don't you dare say no now bitch!

So she gave me another sweep and booked me in for induction on 4th, I'm happy there's an end in sight but I kinda feel like a total failure, obviously pregnancy is not my forte, I feel like after the mc then desperately ttc and then having this awful pregnancy and the labour/birth is going to be taken out of my hands it's like the universe is telling me I shouldn't have kids, I know I'll have my princess soon and it'll all be worth it but I just hate that none of this is how I wanted.
ttcbabyisom - I read the first page of your journal, big :hugs: for all you have been through... I have my fingers crossed that this is your month!!

eyemom - thank you for your kind words. I know that whenever I get pregnant again, I'm going to be so much more cautious about it and announcing it and all that. With my son, we announced to our families at just over 5 weeks. I kind of doubt we'll do that whenever we are blessed with another BFP. Kind of sad! I hope you got your +opk!

lisalee - thanks for your input! I'm hoping for an earlier O than usual, come on ovaries! :dance:

left wonderin - good luck on the GD, is this just the initial one hour one? hope it won't be too bad!

ttcmoon - thank you and thanks for your PMA :)

pinkcasi - so sorry you're going through that with your OH... pregnancy is stressful enough as it is. Is this your first? I feel like men kind of lose their minds about it sometimes.

AFM - I'm feeling a bit more positive today. Had a nice drive over to a friend's house to meet her newborn, it was a lovely sunset and I felt kind of peaceful about everything, more so than I had.

And happily my OPKs went negative yesterday afternoon and my HPT was negative this morning (or it was last time I looked at it, there may be enough HCG to still make a little evap line - it is kind of amazing how sensitive those tests are, just the little ICs. I mean I have to guess my HCG is like, close to 5 by now). Very interested to see what my HCG beta was on Friday and compare that to the line I got on the HPT that day.

Wishing you all the best!

So so sorry about your loss. :-(
Sorry I realised that I didn't actually tell you what I wanted to, the reason for logging on here doh baby brain.

So I went to the hospital this morning, saw a different dr than I saw before she was not nice! I was really upset so much pain and I went in and the receptionist ignored me for 5 mins then said 'that lady was first' so I had to wait which is fine in itself but the pain was so bad I just burst into tears, by the time I went into see the dr I was more composed but as soon as she asked 'how have you been' I burst into tears again, I must have seemed so rude I hardly spoke at all but I just knew if I tried I would just cry. She examined me and was not as gentle as my mw, she made me feel like I should wait and let her come on her own even tho they offered me induction, it's not like I asked for it, then she said she had to go ask the consultant I'm like wtf! Don't you dare say no now bitch!

So she gave me another sweep and booked me in for induction on 4th, I'm happy there's an end in sight but I kinda feel like a total failure, obviously pregnancy is not my forte, I feel like after the mc then desperately ttc and then having this awful pregnancy and the labour/birth is going to be taken out of my hands it's like the universe is telling me I shouldn't have kids, I know I'll have my princess soon and it'll all be worth it but I just hate that none of this is how I wanted.

Exciting, your baby is almost here!!!
Left, good to see you. Sorry you're not feeling well. :( Hope you're feeling better soon! How'd the GD test go?

Starry, I hope it's not pneumonia! Hope he's feeling better soon too!

TTCSecrets, I have never heard the urine pH one, sorry! Sounds fun though, if you can get your hands on some pH strips, give it a try and let us know how it goes. ;)

lisa, thanks for popping in, good to see you. Hopefully as you get closer and closer to that 2nd tri you'll be feeling better!

ttcbabyisom, thanks for sharing your experience about the Femara! Hope all your efforts result in your rainbow very soon!

Tricia, hi! Glad you're doing great! Wowwww, your 3rd tri is just around the corner!! ;)

DSemcho, hope it's not PID! Depending on where I am in my cycle it hurts me too, so really hoping you're fine! But a +beta would sure be nice!

ES :hugs:

qwk, thanks, and glad you're having a good day. Sometimes it's amazing the difference a new day can make. :) Feels weird to WANT a stark white negative, right? But hopefully you'll be on the road to your rainbow soon.

ttcmoon, thank you, FX for you!!!

Unexpected, get well soon! What's with all the sick people. :( So sorry, it's so hard to hear of others' pregnancies. <3 What exactly are your OPKs doing?

mamatex, thanks for educating me on the bronze boobies. :haha: Congrats again on the milestone, well done! :thumbup:

Pink, <3 <3 I hope the relationship issues get sorted. Sorry you weren't pleased with the different doctor. But hey the countdown is on! There are so many things on this journey that don't go according to plan, but it works out. Keep your eye on the prize! You are NOT a failure. Come hell or high water, you are bringing a beautiful baby girl into this world! You're superwoman already right?? ;) Sweet baby girl in your arms in a week and a half or less! I agree with DSemcho, have her on her birthday. Just a few days away!

AFM, got my +opk last night, a really dark and obvious one. So we BD last night and temps were still down this morning. So I think we nailed the timing. :) Gonna go again tonight and maybe tomorrow for good measure. ;) But I'm feeling good about it. At least I'll know we'll have done our part! Also met with the woman from church (who has been where I am) this morning. We talked about our ttc journeys and a bunch of other stuff. It was nice to visit face to face with someone who really gets it. We talked about some other things too like our families. We have more in common than we realized. Really glad to know her.
Eye Mom - My OPK's starting getting progressivley darker. Then went faint, almost not there faint now they are getting darker again. I'm not due to ovulate till Saturday anyway so it's not a huge deal just worrying i'm surging but not ovulating.
Eye Mom - My OPK's starting getting progressivley darker. Then went faint, almost not there faint now they are getting darker again. I'm not due to ovulate till Saturday anyway so it's not a huge deal just worrying i'm surging but not ovulating.
Ah well that is confusing. But maybe it doesn't mean anything as long as they still weren't as dark as the control line before. I wish all of this could be straightforward and easy for all of us. :P
Gosh me too. Everyone I know who really wants a baby and who would be amazing parents cant seem to catch a break with getting pregnant or staying pregnant. The people I know who don't really want a baby or have ones they aren't fussed about as it is seem to get pregnant at the drop of a pin!

No they were never as dark as the other line. I think it depends on how long I've held my pee and stuff. Sometimes they are darker lines than others.

Last month when I got my positive it came up straight away and was way darker than the other line so we shall see.

Thanks x
Left, good to see you. Sorry you're not feeling well. :( Hope you're feeling better soon! How'd the GD test go?

Starry, I hope it's not pneumonia! Hope he's feeling better soon too!

TTCSecrets, I have never heard the urine pH one, sorry! Sounds fun though, if you can get your hands on some pH strips, give it a try and let us know how it goes. ;)

lisa, thanks for popping in, good to see you. Hopefully as you get closer and closer to that 2nd tri you'll be feeling better!

ttcbabyisom, thanks for sharing your experience about the Femara! Hope all your efforts result in your rainbow very soon!

Tricia, hi! Glad you're doing great! Wowwww, your 3rd tri is just around the corner!! ;)

DSemcho, hope it's not PID! Depending on where I am in my cycle it hurts me too, so really hoping you're fine! But a +beta would sure be nice!

ES :hugs:

qwk, thanks, and glad you're having a good day. Sometimes it's amazing the difference a new day can make. :) Feels weird to WANT a stark white negative, right? But hopefully you'll be on the road to your rainbow soon.

ttcmoon, thank you, FX for you!!!

Unexpected, get well soon! What's with all the sick people. :( So sorry, it's so hard to hear of others' pregnancies. <3 What exactly are your OPKs doing?

mamatex, thanks for educating me on the bronze boobies. :haha: Congrats again on the milestone, well done! :thumbup:

Pink, <3 <3 I hope the relationship issues get sorted. Sorry you weren't pleased with the different doctor. But hey the countdown is on! There are so many things on this journey that don't go according to plan, but it works out. Keep your eye on the prize! You are NOT a failure. Come hell or high water, you are bringing a beautiful baby girl into this world! You're superwoman already right?? ;) Sweet baby girl in your arms in a week and a half or less! I agree with DSemcho, have her on her birthday. Just a few days away!

AFM, got my +opk last night, a really dark and obvious one. So we BD last night and temps were still down this morning. So I think we nailed the timing. :) Gonna go again tonight and maybe tomorrow for good measure. ;) But I'm feeling good about it. At least I'll know we'll have done our part! Also met with the woman from church (who has been where I am) this morning. We talked about our ttc journeys and a bunch of other stuff. It was nice to visit face to face with someone who really gets it. We talked about some other things too like our families. We have more in common than we realized. Really glad to know her.

Woohoo on perfect timing! I am rooting for you this cycle!!! :hugs:
Hi all GD went well and passed with flying colours :) delighted its over , it was the four hour test ! So a loooong morning . Also got to see LO briefly , well his head and tummy . Measuring to dates still and head down . All looking good so far thank god :)
Glad your gd test went well left, and always lovely to hear lo's doing well, he'll be here in no time *big grin* x

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