My birth story
Went to the labour ward at 4ish got examined my forewaters were still in tact so the mw popped them, I was very constipated and she seemed to think this may have stopped labour progressing so she gave me a couple of suppositories that quickly did the job, I was only 1cm despite the dr the night before telling me I was 2-3 so she started me on the hormone drip, the contractions were almost unbearable so she gave me some pethidine, I was so out of it, it made me high as a kite! Then all of a sudden I needed to push and when people have said this before you think it's a choice but your body just pushes you can't do anything it's so weird, there was a bit of pushing and then she was here, straight onto my chest as planned my beautiful gorgeous girl.
The midwifes couldn't believe how fast she came, I had no time for an epidural or even my tens machine!
The midwives dud a shift change at 7.30 Stella arrived at 7.40 the midwife that I started with came back in as she hadn't left yet she couldn't believe it.