March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Mowat, ugh I'm so sorry they are just not being helpful. It's sooo frustrating!! Can't we just fast forward until everything is better?

Pink, OMG!!!!! I have to say it: SO JEALOUS!! She's gorgeous. What a sweet baby for you to cherish forever!
Mowat- Sorry to hear they are not being very supportive :( *hugs*

Pink - Congratulations. Well done mama :) She is gorgeous.
Leahlou - Welcome. Sorry to hear about your losses.

Eyemom - I've been poking my own boobs today so you are not alone lol
Oh yes, the boob pokes and add on the nipple pinches. I would do that all the time! ha ha TTC makes us do funny things.
Congrats Pink, I pray that I will go full term and have a healthy baby soon as well!!!!!!

And welcome LeaLou. I am new as well to the group
And EyeMom there is nothing wrong with poking your boobs. We all do it...

AFM- I've been waking up every morning very hot (the only other time this happened was with my last pregnancy) and sore throat and headache! Very similar to my last pregnancy symptoms! I just don't want to get my hopes up...
Hahaha thanks ladies. So glad to know I'm not alone! I brought this up in another thread and basically got the same response. I guess you could say I'm relieved. :haha:

Mariahs Mom <3 I know what you mean, but sometimes you can't help but hope. Wishing you the best.

AFM, I woke up again this morning around 3:30 -_- I've decided that this insomnia can't be a good sign. It's just PMS. I was trying to look up what causes this, and consensus is it's low estrogen and progesterone preceding AF. I went ahead and took my last IC (today's 12 dpo) and BFN (expected). I'll order more when I order my OPKs for next cycle. I went ahead and emailed my Dr saying I'm 3rd cycle out from HSG, still not pregnant, and ready to discuss the next step. Asked if I'm crazy to wonder if there could be some hormonal issue causing both the insomnia and the infertility. Not completely sure the message went through, haven't used that system before. They say give 2 business days for a reply, so if I haven't heard anything by Wednesday or Thursday then I'll just call. It's *remotely* possible I'll have a sneaky BFP, but I really, really don't think so. Still I'd rather get this show on the road and just feel silly in the unlikely case I just emailed him for no reason.

Talked to my DH this morning and I think with all the craziness around Christmas (since I expect to ovulate Christmas Eve...hectic!) we're going to take this cycle easy and then hopefully start whatever else in the new year.
Insomnia has been a pregnancy symptom for me both for my son and my MC so don't rule it out yet!
I guess not, but the luteal phase insomnia has been going on for over a year (with varying severity) and no bfp yet. I know they say every pregnancy is different, but with my last pregnancies, I'd wake up at 7 am (about an hour earlier than my norm at the time) feeling super refreshed. It was later in the day when the fatigue hit hard. I'm sure I'll hang on to a tiny thread of hope until AF shows...that's how I am every cycle even when it feels crazy to hope at all. <3
Really hope you get your BFP this cycle Eye. Still, it's nice to have that back up plan in place.

Hoping I'll ovulate this coming week, which would mean I'd start testing around Christmas. Really don't like that timing---unless, of course, it's positive. Sure won't be a happy holidays if I get a BFN!
So sorry Leelou to hear of your losses and the recent ones. I've been there before trying right after a loss but when u want something so bad nothing even matters until u get it so go for it!! FX for your rainbow baby!!!

P.s: O'd twice is awesome to me!

Hello Ladies!!
My birth story

Went to the labour ward at 4ish got examined my forewaters were still in tact so the mw popped them, I was very constipated and she seemed to think this may have stopped labour progressing so she gave me a couple of suppositories that quickly did the job, I was only 1cm despite the dr the night before telling me I was 2-3 so she started me on the hormone drip, the contractions were almost unbearable so she gave me some pethidine, I was so out of it, it made me high as a kite! Then all of a sudden I needed to push and when people have said this before you think it's a choice but your body just pushes you can't do anything it's so weird, there was a bit of pushing and then she was here, straight onto my chest as planned my beautiful gorgeous girl.
The midwifes couldn't believe how fast she came, I had no time for an epidural or even my tens machine!
The midwives dud a shift change at 7.30 Stella arrived at 7.40 the midwife that I started with came back in as she hadn't left yet she couldn't believe it.


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I'm totally jealous an in love with her Pink! :cloud9: Congrats again!

My surgery got cancelled because my insurance won't authorize it. I'm so f-ing pissed. My doctor is calling them Monday to see if he can get them to change their minds. Nothing I can do until then. Oh this journey has some pretty tall mountains sometimes! :growlmad:
Oh es I'm so sorry to hear that, that's gutting what reason could they possibly have?!?!

I'm so sorry if my story makes any of you sad and or bad I am confident that you will all have your own wonderful birth or adoption stories to share soon enough, I guess I just want to share that some dreame really do come true.

Thi time last year 6/12/12 a friend at work had a baby boy and I was so sad and jealous I couldn't be happy for her, I couldn't look at pics on Facebook or anything because I had had a loss and I couldn't cope, a year on literally to the day he turns one and my baby daughter is born and if you'd have told me a year ago what I'd have now and how I would feel I would have kicked you lol but my heart is full once more and I have never felt so much complete and utter love for another human being it's completely insane how I would give my entire life for this lil person that I didn't even know yesterday!
ES - that totally reeks! Sorry, but there is no other way of putting it. Doesn't your insurance company know you need it?? You're too young to have to put up with those levels of pain. Gah! The Money Man makes me mad sometimes....a lot of times. :growlmad: I hope your doctor can pull the right strings.

Pink - thanks for sharing the birth story. And you're so right about the urge to push. It's not just an urge. Your body is pushing with, or without, you!! I was totally not prepared for that. I wasn't allowed to push and fighting that was one of the toughest things I ever did. I admit I lost control and had a massive, massive panic attack. :blush:

Leelou - welcome to our group of ladies. I'm sorry that you've had to go through so much in a short time. I hope the doctors can figure out what is causing the chemicals so you can go on to have your rainbow.

eyemom - I'll also be hoping for a sneaky bfp. We know our bodies so it's hard to ignore certain signs and I understand putting a back-up plan in place. I hope your message got through to your doctor.

afm - not too much to report. Haven't felt much movement lately and after having a nightmare last night of losing the baby I've been feeling rather down. I know it's too early to feel consistent movement but I would like one roll or kick to let me know my dream really was just a dream. Struggling a bit with headaches lately but nothing major.
Pinkcasi: I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU Feel, so in love with this little person who relays totally on you. CONGRATS TO YOU MOMMY!!!! I'm so jealous that your labour went so fast and you experienced a natural labour I hope one day I can do the same. (I'm just joking on the jealous part it's just seething to say ). Thanks for sharing your story it was beautiful.

Es: Sorry about the procedure being cancelled I so hope it works out for you.
mowat, good luck. <3

ES, oh I am outraged for you! Hopefully your doctor just has to code it a different way for your insurance to play nice because that's just totally nonsensical. Crossing everything I've got that your doctor can persuade them and there's hardly any delay.

Starry, thank you. Not that it makes it feel any better, but hopefully it was "just" a manifestation of your fears and otherwise had no meaning. Praying your dream has no bearing on reality and you can get some reassurance soon. Come on baby, give momma a swift kick to let her know you're alright! You're right about it being early though. Maybe drink some juice and lie down for a bit to see if he/she gets more active while you're being still? You've probably tried that already though.

AFM, the scantiest amount of spotting earlier today. I'm just so sure I'm out. Sort of feeling okay about it atm, but that's always subject to change without notice. The message I sent to my doctor, it seemed to go through fine, but when I look at my "sent messages" on their website, it showed nothing. I sent a website support email asking if this is normal, and that one DOES show in my sent messages. Sooo I don't know. It's not a big deal to call my doctor, I just don't want to pester him if he's already going to get the first message on Monday.
Eurgh so I got my hopes up thinking I had ovulated yesterday. Turns put I didn't :(
This cycle is very different. I usually have EWCM right up to O but this time I've had hardly any. Also and here's the TMI part I'm finding that during :sex: I am really dry! That's never happened :( It's putting me off DTD but I'm doing it because I have to get our BFP!

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