March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

I would like to introduce the most perfect lady in all the land, Miss Stella Moi Shallis-Liddell

She arrived at 7.40pm on fri 6th dec it was so speedy that I had no time for an epidural.

I went to the labour ward at 4ish I was only 1cm dilated despite the dr last night saying I was 2-3 so they put a cannula in for the hormone drip, the contractions were so bad she face me some pethodone that was the one I didn't want but I agreed as it was so bad from there I was so drowsy and out if it I don't know what happened and all of a sudden I'm screaming I need to push, so with the help of gas and air I pushed and she was there at 7.40 the midwives were so surprised with how fast it went, they did shift changeover at 7.30 and at 7.40 out she popped.
She came straight onto my chest just as I wanted and she snuffled to breast feed all on her own tho we had some latching issues and I'm scared about the next feed.
She was bang on 8lb they had estimated about 10 so I got lucky tho she won't fit in the lovely super baby grow :-(
Now I have to go get some sleep before this 3am feed that I'm going to have to wake her for.

Congrats Pink!! She's adorable!!!

DS, that stinks, ouchie.

mowat, :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Pink, she's so perfect <3 <3 congratulations dear

Indeed it does!

So sorry Leelou to hear of your losses and the recent ones. I've been there before trying right after a loss but when u want something so bad nothing even matters until u get it so go for it!! FX for your rainbow baby!!!

P.s: O'd twice is awesome to me!

Hello Ladies!!

O'ing twice sucks. Literally the day AF was due I O'ed again instead =/ LITERALLY started my TWW all over again.

So nothing new since my last update, except since before my appointment my nipples have been KILLING ME! Just brushing my finger or hand over them hurts =/ It's been over a week now so boo.... I've got about 8 more days until AF is supposed to show, and I couldn't be happier to see her. This is the longest cycle I think I've had in 3 1/2 years! Dunno if me and DH will get to take advantage of the December cycle because he is supposed to go to the states for work for 3 weeks at the very beginning of January and I O within the first few days of that month (IF AF COMES ON TIME!!!!!!)
Congrats pink!!

Eye mom - still got my fingers crossed for you....

Dsemcho - starting the tww over sucks! That happened the first cycle I went off bcp, but it ended up in a bfp for me so wishing you the best!!

Think I am ovulating today, will have to wait and see if my temp goes up tomorrow.... :)
Pink, I have actually come to a place where I am able to feel joy for those who have babies. It doesn't bother me anymore to see pregnant women or babies. They make me happy. So I loved hearing about Stella! And, I really am happy for you.

My insurance said that there was not enough evidence of instability in my spine. They don't even care how painful it is. It's bullshit. They authorized the diagnostic test to determine if a fusion would help, and the test showed that it would. Then, they authorized the Bone Growth Stimulator that I have to wear after surgery to help my spine heal. Why the f*** would you authorized those things and at the last minute refuse to authorize the actual surgery??! It's all a technicality and bureaucratic bullshit to try to save them money. My doctor is going to call them and hopefully make them realize this is medically necessary. Ugh.
:wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:I go away for one day and !!!!!!!!!

PINK yahooooooo I get to to my happy dance :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance

She is so perfect :) welcome to the world Stella your mum has been waiting a long time for you :) how are you feeling Pink :cloud9: how is the hips ????

ES I cannot believe they cancelled the op !!! Its so crap ! Hope it all works out
:wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:I go away for one day and !!!!!!!!!

PINK yahooooooo I get to to my happy dance :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance

She is so perfect :) welcome to the world Stella your mum has been waiting a long time for you :) how are you feeling Pink :cloud9: how is the hips ????

ES I cannot believe they cancelled the op !!! Its so crap ! Hope it all works out

I'm good left, the pelvis is still sore but nowhere near as bad I recon a few days or so and I'll be fine.
I know I'm biased but she really us the most perfect thing I could just stare at her all day I'm fact that is kinda what I've been doing lol
We came home today so that is super nice.
Breast feeding isn't as easy as I hoped, it's ok but were both getting used to it and my nipples are so sore I really want to preserve with it tho it's worth it to see her contented lil face after a feed she just falls right to sleep on my chest lol.

Anyway left hoe are you doing, it'll be you next!

Give me a few days and I'll try and catch up, I hope your all well I know I'm a little sidetracked and self obsessed just now.

Thanks es I know it is hard so I'm pleased, for you that you are 'there' with acception if that makes sense, so sorry your being dicked around can't your dr tell the insurance that aside from the physical pain there is a very real mental and emotional issue as your back problems have a direct effect on your fertility? It might help maybe ??!?!? I don't know as I'm in the ok so don't deal with medical insurance, but it's not a lie really.
Lansinoh nipple cream is the bomb! Give it a few days and it will be smooth sailing. The first few days are tough!
persevere and BFing will totally be worth it! I got blisters on one side and it hurt every time my son latched at first, but it wasn't long til it was easy as pie and we are still going strong here at 2 years lol.
What they said. I gave up bf'ing too quickly and I've always regretted it(was knackered after a traumatic birth and unwell)

I plan to try and bf with the next one :)

You sound like you are doing great pink :)
Oh believe me it's all an elaborate rouse I cried on fri when I got into the ward and my oh left, I was totally alone the one other person on my ward was asleep, I was struggling to feed and when I called the mw she was so unhelpful I almost just freaked out, I had never changed a nappy before and I was just left on my own with a newborn baby! Obviously it was fine somehow I figured it out but I just feel like I'm stumbling about innthe dark.
I'm home now and my oh is not talking to me because I told him off for smoking and him mum was here I don't think I was outbid order I told him I didn't want him smoking after I had Stella and he did so I was annoyed, it's just like he's been so wonderful the last few days been there at the hospital every day being surrportive and stuff but then as soon as I get home and people leave it's like he can't bear to be around me, I feel like shit, I've just had a baby 2 days ago in agony, I'm totally exhausted, hormones are all over the place I honestly don't know if I'm coming or going and he's just ignoring me.
I'm sorry I'm just venting, ranting, over sharing, I just can't share this stuff with anyone irl, it's prob just my hormones and lack of sleep or something.
I'm sorry pink!
It's all so overwhelming at first. I was also left alone with a newborn when I had my dd. After labor, my mom thought I was mad at her so she left as well as the rest of the family and the sperm donor left too. I had never breastfed before and they were busy so a nurse didn't come help until 2+ hours later. I had to figure out everything by myself. But honestly it was really good for me because I had to learn to be independent quickly.
I was really hormonal too after. I snapped at my mom constantly who was my only supporter at the time. But it gets better! I promise! Everyone will forgive you. Just be honest and sweet as you can be about your feelings :) vent here too. It helps!
Sorry for the selfish post today but it's my angel's due date and I'm bit of a wreck. :cry::cry: I think everyone here knows I'm so super happy and grateful about my current baby but right now I keep thinking of the baby that could have been and how it would be in my arms now instead of me having to wait another 5 months to see if all ends well or not.

My due date is also making me miss all my other angels. I want to have all my babies with me. :cry: My first angel's third birthday is on Tuesday. It's a little hard that I've been denied both of my Christmas babies.:nope:
:hugs: hon.... ^^ thinking of you. Wish I had something more useful to say!
I just passed the due date of my second, and have the third coming up at the end of January. For some reason it doesn't bother me. Maybe because I'm trying again? Not sure, but I really expected to be really upset.

Thinking of you Pink. Those first few weeks are really horrible. Breast feeding sucks until you figure it out. But stick it out! It's so worth it! Hope your OH gets his act together. Those hormones are crazy for the first weeks and months---make sure you warn him.
I'm sorry Starry :( I think I haven't been emotional because I have an automatic defense mechanism to guard my emotions. I barely reacted to the chemical this month. Just trying to stay positive!!
ES, good luck. Hope that Dr is persuasive and whoever he talks to with the insurance company has half a brain.

Pink, glad your pelvis feeling better! Breastfeeding IS hard at first. I was glad I had people to tell me that ahead of time because for something natural it takes a lot of work at first. I'd say give it a month before you're really feeling like you're getting in the swing of things. If it happens sooner, then that's awesome! For me it took about a month to feel like we were really hitting our stride (this is the time frame my OB had given me also) and by 6 weeks I actually really enjoyed it. And oh man, in the beginning, it hurt enough to make my toes curl. Especially after a few days and my nipples would crack. But they toughen up and it DOES get better. Another trick is to let a little breast milk dry on your nipples. Anyway, no apologizes necessary, you are totally justified in your obsession with your sweet lil girl! Oh and about your next post, hope your OH can be understanding. Hormones and emotions are gonna be all over the place for a while. <3

Starry, :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: This baby is a wonderful gift but still he/she doesn't replace your angels. So sorry you're having all these milestones to deal with. I think holiday time is extra hard too. Sending lots of love to you. <3

AFM, 13 dpo, not testing anymore since my BFN yesterday (used my last test). Unless by some miracle I'm late and I have to go buy more. Feeling strangely okay about it still, but that may be a different story once AF gets here. Expecting it to start tomorrow night or Tuesday.
Sorry you're feeling bad Starry. I agree with Leah Lou, I think I'm just trying to keep on trucking and not feel the losses. It's hard.

Still hoping for you Eye.

Friday was my OH's birthday, and our son came down with a fever. Today was his fourth birthday, and we had his party even though he barely felt up to it. Somehow he always times he illness to correspond with my fertile week. Hopefully he'll be better when I ovulate later this week (assuming my cycle is back on track).
Sorry for the selfish post today but it's my angel's due date and I'm bit of a wreck. :cry::cry: I think everyone here knows I'm so super happy and grateful about my current baby but right now I keep thinking of the baby that could have been and how it would be in my arms now instead of me having to wait another 5 months to see if all ends well or not.

My due date is also making me miss all my other angels. I want to have all my babies with me. :cry: My first angel's third birthday is on Tuesday. It's a little hard that I've been denied both of my Christmas babies.:nope:

I know how you feel :/ If I hadn't lost both of mine I would have had a 2nd and 1st birthday party to throw mid-November :(

*hugs* I hope it gets better.

AFM- not a single symptom but my nipples are still killing me.
Not selfish at all starry, these milestones are hard regardless of how lucky we go on to be, having Stella has made me think of my lo and how Stella should have a big brother or sister to come home to, but if I'd have had that baby I probably wouldn't have Stella right now, who knows who I would have instead.
There's nothing wrong with mourning the loved ones we've lost regardless of how briefly we knew them. Xx

Thanks for your kind words ladies, I think I'm just so all over the place hormonally, and to be fair although oh doesn't have that same excuse the last few days, hell the last few months haven't been easy on him either, he's hardly slept especially this week and I know he gets really stressed out tho he thinks he hides it, it's a shame our homecoming was tainted but it's ok.

Afm last night was a nightmare! Stella has been so wonderful the last couple of days and then as soon as we go to bed she's acting up, she just wouldn't settle, everytime I put her down she would start screaming and want feeding, I'd feed her (agony) then put her down, lie down in bed then right on que she'd start again, I woke oh eventually cos I just didn't know what to do and he came downstairs with her and I went to bed she wasn't hungry just screaming for fun but eventually she wanted food again and course I'm the only one that can do that, she was giving all the signs of hunger but when faced with 'the tap' shoved in her face she just screams, eventually she fell asleep on my chest that was about 8 am it's now just gone noon and she's still sleeping! I just don't get it at all, I'm now awake and she's sleeping like a bloody baby!
She was so wonderful for those 2 days in hospital she didn't cry at all and only fed 6 hourly, but last night I just felt like I couldn't cope, please god don't let this be my life.
Has your milk come in yet?

My first night at hospital and first night home with Tristan were easy. He slept loads. Bam second night and the fun began. Just how you've described. It will get easier. I promise.

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