March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Well, I did pick the tickers because I liked the info! And I was hoping this would be my final pregnancy and I wanted to go all out.

We don't know for sure what kind of twins they are, but we did IVF and transferred two, so I'm guessing they're not identical.

Just freaking out mostly still! Really hoping they stick.

OMG TWINS!!! :cloud9:
Nice to see you back TTC!

Yup, twins. So far so good, although it is early days. Still, I've made it farther than the last 3 pregnancies so I'm hoping we might make it.

Good luck this cycle! It's so nice when you have a plan in place.
Hiya everyone, I'm not sure how many of the old faces are still here does anyone remember meeee?

I haven't gone through all the posts as there are like a gazillion! I've missed so much. I'm sorry I've been so preoccupied with Stella and stuff, I just wanted to drop by and say hi to you all, I hope it's going well for everyone.
I spotted that mowat you got your bfp! Congrats I'm sooooo pleased for you you totally deserve it girl!!
If anyone does remember me (and cares lol) I'm good Stella is now 9 months, she's just crawling and getting into all kinds of mischief I could not be happier, my oh and I have even been discussing the possibility of trying for number 2 but we'll see.

I wish everyone the best, the people I know and the people I don't, this group have me so much love and support in the dark times you all deserve the very best.

Much love xxx
Wow Pink, so nice to see you here! Us "old" ladies seem to be here once in awhile. Can't believe Stella is 9 months already! And you're ready to get back on the TTC road again---things must be going well!
I can't believe your 9 weeks!!! That's so awesome and twins? Huge congrats!

Yeah well not right now as I'm still nursing Stella and I plan to carry on past 12 months not sure when we'll stop really but she's such a boobie monster that af hasn't returned so that rules that out for now. It's nice tho that we had the conversation, my oh said previously that he didn't want any more but now it's back on the table at least he's just concerned about the logistics of it, finances etc, I'm more worried about how is find the time and energy to parent how I want to with two, I parent responsively (attatchment parenting) we co sleep and baby wear etc but I guess we'll figure it out, just need a bigger bed lol

So tell me all about your bundles, twins huh was it ivf?
What other new have I missed?
Pink :) hello stranger :) I'm so pleased to hear from you and even happier that you sound like your doing great :) there are alot of us old timers around :) sounds like your loving being a parent :) well I'm doing great , Sean is now heading for 7 months and the love of my life . I can't get enough of the little guy . He NEVER stops smiling and brings sunshine to every day . I am actively trying for no2 as time is against me lol..... So far two cycles BFN , so keep your fingers crossed for me ;) I'm so thrilled you checked in :)
AHHHHHHHHH HI PINK(smiling from ear to ear) I missed ya girlie!!! But yes ma'am like Mowat said, the oldies jump on from time to time to welcome and cheer on everyone.that was totally funny, we all still care!!! Stella I bet is a princess! princess Kate is pregnant with #2 so now you have twice the chance for your daughter to become the princess!!!! I wish I had bf for a year but my stress level was so high that I'm sure it dried it up. Does she have teeth yet, did y'all record her crawling? I bet it was a holiday in itself just watching her crawl for the first time! Don't feel bad, my boy who is 18months now is an attachment baby. He only goes to me and DH and grandma and grandpa but luckily I'm a stay at home mom so I don't have to worry ab Him crying at the door at daycare waiting on my return. We co slep and sometimes still do when he's fussy but I love every minute of it EXCEPT it makes it harder for you to have #2!! So now I'm helping him to be more independent at home.( I don't mind him not going to anyone else though bc i don't like to trust people with my son(I know it sounds crazy) O well. Glad to hear from you pink!!!!

Mowat: You're 9 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The time is flying by!!! And you got past your milestone when you had your previous m/c's. It makes it feel alittle more real, doesn't it! It's your time girlie........EMBRACE IT!!!!

Typing on my IPHONE: so ignore my misspelling due to autocorrect.
Yey lefty nice to know your doing well, wow Sean's 7 months it's really flying by!
Never, thanks lovely, I'm super happy with the way we parent it just comes naturally I could never leave Stella to cry it out or anything like that, I was several months in before I realised that my parenting style had a name lol my oh thinks I become more of a hippy every day lol we've just switched to cloth nappies (diapers to you) I get a lot of funny looks and judgments even from family but I know I'm doing the best thing for my baby even if that does mean that I can't go out as no one else can put her to bed and I've not had a drink since I found out I was pregnant!
Hey form what you say I think I'm one of those hippy parent too :) didn't know there was a name on it ! Definetly no crying it out here !
Today I'm 5weeks, feeling very excited and something tells me this one will stick.
Last pregnancy LO stopped growing at 5w6d, making it past this will be awesome as long as I keep these symptoms. Soooo many more than last time.

Thank you Pink ;)
Yeah attachment parenting or gentle parenting basically it's baby led parenting, allowing baby to explore the world on his own terms, wearing baby in a sling keeping them close means baby feels secure and safe. We go through so much to get these babies some of go through a lot of heartbreak they're so desperately wanted and then they're here and they're expected to sleep alone in their cot and not cry?! My mum says baby should fit into your life don't change your life to fit baby, I think I don't want that life anymore, I want my baby close to me if she's in the buggy instead of a sling I actually miss her lol
I feel really passionately about it all now lol I could talk about it for hours, ..... But I won't ha ha
I was like this with my DS 1, though when he was 8 mounts old I got a BFP and had to slowly have him move into his cot. He was such a fantastic baby.... (Now 12) :) and still mummy's boy! When ds2 was born I would bf both at the same time in bed with me. It was such a great bonding time for the three of us. I bf ds1 until he was 2 and ds2 until he was 22 months while being pregnant with dd and I found that the boys were more snuggly than dd she became very independent very quick. Now at the ages of 12, 10 and 8 I'm wondering how amazing it will be to have only one baby in the house and not having a toddler or two to run after.... My children are so excited that they can enjoy this baby when he/she gets here.

Also DS 1 was on boob every hour or less and never would except a dummy or a bottle, only if I was to feed him the bottle lol. I wouldn't have had it any other way :).
I though it was demand parenting as the baby demands and you give. Timed feeding and scheduled time giving, sleeping and such is so harsh.
AHHHHHHHHH HI PINK(smiling from ear to ear) I missed ya girlie!!! But yes ma'am like Mowat said, the oldies jump on from time to time to welcome and cheer on everyone.that was totally funny, we all still care!!! Stella I bet is a princess! princess Kate is pregnant with #2 so now you have twice the chance for your daughter to become the princess!!!! I wish I had bf for a year but my stress level was so high that I'm sure it dried it up. Does she have teeth yet, did y'all record her crawling? I bet it was a holiday in itself just watching her crawl for the first time! Don't feel bad, my boy who is 18months now is an attachment baby. He only goes to me and DH and grandma and grandpa but luckily I'm a stay at home mom so I don't have to worry ab Him crying at the door at daycare waiting on my return. We co slep and sometimes still do when he's fussy but I love every minute of it EXCEPT it makes it harder for you to have #2!! So now I'm helping him to be more independent at home.( I don't mind him not going to anyone else though bc i don't like to trust people with my son(I know it sounds crazy) O well. Glad to hear from you pink!!!!

Mowat: You're 9 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The time is flying by!!! And you got past your milestone when you had your previous m/c's. It makes it feel alittle more real, doesn't it! It's your time girlie........EMBRACE IT!!!!

Typing on my IPHONE: so ignore my misspelling due to autocorrect.

I've just realised I didn't reply to most of this lol oops baby brain never goes does it ha ha

Stella is a total princess yes and I think the age gap with her and George would be prefect lol
She has 4 teeth and a 5 just coming through, she's been a bit bitey the last few days we don't get much trouble with teeth but she does have a lil nibble on my boobs when she's tired and her teeth are hurting, thankfully it doesn't last too long lol
I had a lush video of her chasing the cat around the house bless, didn't catch it the first time it was at my mums house and before I could get my phone out she'd stopped, we'd been waiting for the crawl for weeks, my mum says that neither me or my sister crawled so we thought maybe she'd go straight to walking but her dad has been down on all fours showing her how it's done ha ha.
Wow I can't believe your lo is 18 months that's insane! Are you ttc no 2 yet?
Yep, IVF. Turned 40 and decided not to mess around anymore. What is the point of having retirement savings when you didn't live when you were young (isn)? Anyway, so far it is the best decision we have ever made. Well, actually I made the decision and DH just had to go along with it.

I was just thinking about diapers the other day. Not sure if I'll be able to do cloth again with two at the same time. Guess we'll try and see how it goes. I am going to buy a twin breast feeding pillow tomorrow. A lady in town was selling a used one and I decided to go for it even though it's early. My DS was a milk monster so these two might just kill me!
Hey form what you say I think I'm one of those hippy parent too :) didn't know there was a name on it ! Definetly no crying it out here !

Left, haha, I didn't know it was a name for it either until all my friends and family started getting on me about how rotten I had him. We're fine Left, I love that title!!!

I was like this with my DS 1, though when he was 8 mounts old I got a BFP and had to slowly have him move into his cot. He was such a fantastic baby.... (Now 12) :) and still mummy's boy! When ds2 was born I would bf both at the same time in bed with me. It was such a great bonding time for the three of us. I bf ds1 until he was 2 and ds2 until he was 22 months while being pregnant with dd and I found that the boys were more snuggly than dd she became very independent very quick. Now at the ages of 12, 10 and 8 I'm wondering how amazing it will be to have only one baby in the house and not having a toddler or two to run after.... My children are so excited that they can enjoy this baby when he/she gets here.

Also DS 1 was on boob every hour or less and never would except a dummy or a bottle, only if I was to feed him the bottle lol. I wouldn't have had it any other way :).
I though it was demand parenting as the baby demands and you give. Timed feeding and scheduled time giving, sleeping and such is so harsh.

Bushmama: I still can't imagine having an arm baby and a toddler so I'm sure you're going to have more one on one time with this new baby!! How do y'all bf until 2 years old!!!! I'm so afraid of TEETH!!! That's what my family told me too that I don't suppose to let him rule me but it went in one ear and out the other!! He's a freaking baby he will get enough discipline when he can understand me better why torture the poor baby. HAPPY 5 WEEKS!!!! Every day progressing is a milestone!!!

AHHHHHHHHH HI PINK(smiling from ear to ear) I missed ya girlie!!! But yes ma'am like Mowat said, the oldies jump on from time to time to welcome and cheer on everyone.that was totally funny, we all still care!!! Stella I bet is a princess! princess Kate is pregnant with #2 so now you have twice the chance for your daughter to become the princess!!!! I wish I had bf for a year but my stress level was so high that I'm sure it dried it up. Does she have teeth yet, did y'all record her crawling? I bet it was a holiday in itself just watching her crawl for the first time! Don't feel bad, my boy who is 18months now is an attachment baby. He only goes to me and DH and grandma and grandpa but luckily I'm a stay at home mom so I don't have to worry ab Him crying at the door at daycare waiting on my return. We co slep and sometimes still do when he's fussy but I love every minute of it EXCEPT it makes it harder for you to have #2!! So now I'm helping him to be more independent at home.( I don't mind him not going to anyone else though bc i don't like to trust people with my son(I know it sounds crazy) O well. Glad to hear from you pink!!!!

Mowat: You're 9 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The time is flying by!!! And you got past your milestone when you had your previous m/c's. It makes it feel alittle more real, doesn't it! It's your time girlie........EMBRACE IT!!!!

Typing on my IPHONE: so ignore my misspelling due to autocorrect.

I've just realised I didn't reply to most of this lol oops baby brain never goes does it ha ha

Stella is a total princess yes and I think the age gap with her and George would be prefect lol
She has 4 teeth and a 5 just coming through, she's been a bit bitey the last few days we don't get much trouble with teeth but she does have a lil nibble on my boobs when she's tired and her teeth are hurting, thankfully it doesn't last too long lol
I had a lush video of her chasing the cat around the house bless, didn't catch it the first time it was at my mums house and before I could get my phone out she'd stopped, we'd been waiting for the crawl for weeks, my mum says that neither me or my sister crawled so we thought maybe she'd go straight to walking but her dad has been down on all fours showing her how it's done ha ha.
Wow I can't believe your lo is 18 months that's insane! Are you ttc no 2 yet?

Awww Pink!!! That's exciting!!! I love hearing dads bond and play with the babies!!!! My DH just will sit and smile at DS and you can see how grateful he is. I didn't catch DS crawling the first time either but the 2nd one was just as great and momentous so I'm sure she's going to enjoy watching it when she gets old! Yes time has flown my LO is moving so fast I'm still in awe that I just had him last year. We aren't plan on TTC until next year but my baby fever is rising and I so want a playmate (a brother hopefully) for my DS, bc I have to call my in laws to bring their DS over so my DS can play with other kids and it saddens me some bc when we go to the stores he gets excited when he sees other little kids and tries to talk so e type of language with them. But I can't imagine having another until he's at least 3 bc he's so attached, he fusses and whines when I lay on DH. With all these crazies in this world killing and hurting these babies I could care less what others say about how rotten or attached I have him. Pink I bet you were surprised when oh mentioned #2!

Mowat: HOW EXCITING THAT IS TO BUY TWIN ITEMS!!!! I know it's so fun!!!! I wouldn't know where to start with the buying list or what to get bc I'll be too excited. I think ill do like you next time i try and go ahead and get my ticker with twins on it! I'm thinking that's part of the trick too!!! O how Great is this!!!
Mowat, good in you I'm so pleased it worked out, you've been waiting so long you totally deserve it! And hearing you talk about buying baby things just makes me sooo happy!!!

Never: don't be afraid of teeth if babies latched properly the teeth shouldn't be in the way it's normally when babies teething that they bite because it hurts, when they latch all the blood rushes to the gums so it's sore it's not their fault it only lasts a day or so and we move on.

As fir the discipline comment, at such a young age babies brain can't actually understand, and the people that try to 'teach' their babies things like sharing a child's brain isn't developed enough to understand this until about 3 it's pointless, it's not learning to share it's just a learned response to something they have no idea why.
I love this stuff I've done my research lol I'm such a knob with it all, just like babies are incapable of self soothing when they 'cry it out' they're not self soothing they're realising that there's no point in crying but the stress hormone still floods the brain.
And google attachment theory ap babies grow to be confident independant little people not clingy whiny children like people think. I don't care what anyone says I know I'm doing the best for Stella.
Pink you sound so happy and contented . You sound like a very confident parent the complete opposit to all the fears you had before she got here . I remember how anxious you were , my goodness but you have flourished :) I'm so so happy for you :)

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