AHHHHHHHHH HI PINK(smiling from ear to ear) I missed ya girlie!!! But yes ma'am like Mowat said, the oldies jump on from time to time to welcome and cheer on everyone.that was totally funny, we all still care!!! Stella I bet is a princess! princess Kate is pregnant with #2 so now you have twice the chance for your daughter to become the princess!!!! I wish I had bf for a year but my stress level was so high that I'm sure it dried it up. Does she have teeth yet, did y'all record her crawling? I bet it was a holiday in itself just watching her crawl for the first time! Don't feel bad, my boy who is 18months now is an attachment baby. He only goes to me and DH and grandma and grandpa but luckily I'm a stay at home mom so I don't have to worry ab Him crying at the door at daycare waiting on my return. We co slep and sometimes still do when he's fussy but I love every minute of it EXCEPT it makes it harder for you to have #2!! So now I'm helping him to be more independent at home.( I don't mind him not going to anyone else though bc i don't like to trust people with my son(I know it sounds crazy) O well. Glad to hear from you pink!!!!
Mowat: You're 9 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The time is flying by!!! And you got past your milestone when you had your previous m/c's. It makes it feel alittle more real, doesn't it! It's your time girlie........EMBRACE IT!!!!
Typing on my IPHONE: so ignore my misspelling due to autocorrect.
I've just realised I didn't reply to most of this lol oops baby brain never goes does it ha ha
Stella is a total princess yes and I think the age gap with her and George would be prefect lol
She has 4 teeth and a 5 just coming through, she's been a bit bitey the last few days we don't get much trouble with teeth but she does have a lil nibble on my boobs when she's tired and her teeth are hurting, thankfully it doesn't last too long lol
I had a lush video of her chasing the cat around the house bless, didn't catch it the first time it was at my mums house and before I could get my phone out she'd stopped, we'd been waiting for the crawl for weeks, my mum says that neither me or my sister crawled so we thought maybe she'd go straight to walking but her dad has been down on all fours showing her how it's done ha ha.
Wow I can't believe your lo is 18 months that's insane! Are you ttc no 2 yet?