I gave up on testing early and left it to nature, if af came then on to next cycle. My cycle fixed itself to 27dc. I'm now 4 days over. DH and I set our wedding date 3 weeks ago and said that if we didn't concieve by November cycle we would put it on hold until after the wedding. Then af didn't show I waited an extra day and then had to go buy a 3pack of frer's! It was 4:30pm and I thought well I'm just gunna do this..... POAS and the line showed dark straight away also showing before the control line did. I believe Ive got a sticky bean!!
Outdoorgirl, I hope you get your BFP real soon!! I also believe that the strees of TTC is tough and once you relax and it is not consuming your most every thought your body will except and BAMM it happens!

that's what I done, I stopped POAS for O seen I had input info into Ovia and had a mark of when o was, we just went for it.
I reported the normal things like cm and period and sex and symptoms. It was a way to keep myself knowing we were trying but with out the stress.
Never Darlin thank you

it's like a dream, I don't feel scared a little anxious of the past although I'm positive that this will be our take home baby

Thanks to all for the congratulations


to you all!!!