Sweetz, that was really beautiful. Thank you for sharing that.
Sorry I'll get to the personals tomorrow. I just wanted to give an update as I got my lab results back today.
Nothing has changed much, and it looks like the first RE was right about me having a diminished ovarian reserve. It looks like I'm dealing with Premature Ovarian Aging. Basically I'm 29 with the eggs and ovaries of a much older woman. It looks like IVF is going to be our best bet. So when people say to me "oh you're so young, you still have so much time".......their point is invalid.
On the bright side, it is NOT Premature Ovarian FAILURE, which is harder to treat and usually requires donor eggs. So I'm at least happy about that. But it is still going to be very hard for pregnancy to happen on its own.
I'm very hopeful that once we figure out financials, IVF will work for us.