yey for being 24 weeks, klabro!! Such good news all round for you! I understand you feeling nervous about not seeing the same doc's each week, but you can always make an appointment straight away if you feel something isn't quite right. And I'm sure they would make you a priority.
AFM - I'll be 22 weeks this weekend. Feeling this little wriggly baby so much now which I love! I've been so so tired though, I sleep 11 hours each night but still feel wiped out. I had my iron levels checked this week as I used to be anaemic. After the appointment I checked my blood results from the test done at 8w and they were low then. I'm a bit annoyed with my mw about that as they are flagged up with !!! but she never mentioned it. Anyway, she recommended some iron rich water to take regardless of the results of the new test. Part of the fatigue might be that I haven't had any time off since August so I'm desperate to finish for Christmas, roll on the 22nd!