As far as baby size goes, Freyja was just under 8lb (7lb 15oz) and to be honest still seemed pretty small to me! When she came out and i picked her up, my first thought was, "oh, thought she'd be massive?!"
My cousin's little boy was 9lb 10oz, and still didn't look so huge
I think alot of it is just to do with body fat, they are still the same size from like 7-9lb, but the 9lbers just have more fat reserves, which is a really good thing for establishing feeding
FT - That's how my cervix was, not much dilated (bare in mind i had a baby before, so likely was about 1cm since then) but really soft. I do expect its the EPO having some effect there
My sweep did bugger all too, but then a week later i was in labour, so hey
Who knows?
Mitch - Have some lovely pampering, such a good idea at this stage. I like your philosophy that things will happen when they happen. Despite the fact i was feeling really unwell and crappy, i think mentally i was a bit more relaxed about the baby coming once i knew there was an end date in sight
Well, i'm feeling so much better already! I can move around alot more easily! I managed to get down on the floor today and properly play with Roh, which was ace, i've struggled to do that for maybe 2 months, since the SPD started. Thats nearly gone now, hurrah!
My bleeding has turned alot more to period like, which is a good sign i think. I woke up this morning is sooo much pain with afterpains i was nearly crying, but since then i've felt good, and i think i'm nearly contracted back. I've been keeping up with the RLT, which i think has helped loads
Still a bit sore with the little "nick" i have (small 1st degree tear which they didn't do anything to) but nothing desperate. Boobs are killing me though!
I look like Jordan at her most inflated!
Poor little Freyja, it must be like trying to feed off a cliff face!
I meant to post this before, but all i posted was the clean and tidy picture of Freyja, but this is a photo from less than 10 minutes after the birth. In fact after finding a hat for Freyja this was the first thing the MW did when she arrived, took this picture. This is before the 3rd stage! Will leave it up for a day or so, as poor OH doesn't need his face on here for too long
I look a bit messy!!
Just enjoying a bit of quite time now. In the living room on my own, Roh is aseep and OH is snuggling with Freyja in the bedroom. Lovely
We've got her weigh in at some point today. I'm just hoping she's within the 10% loss. Went through a nightmare with Roh's weight and got a bit obsessed, so would love to feel more relaxed about it this time. Fingers crossed!