Mitch - awesome news!! Love the name Mia
and very excited about seeing pics, not on FB either - I have a thing about babies with lots of hair!!!!
hope you get home ok and get settled in ok and you're not inundated with visitors! Bet your family are so excited about having a little girl one! xxx
KK - Evelyn is our first choice girl name - I LOVE it!!! Glad she's here safe and hope your recovery from your C-sec goes ok...lots of rest and baby cuddles are needed! xxx
MsC - I'm with you hun...Noah having a grumbily day today - not sure if its one of those growth spurty days? He slept really well last night with 3 hr feeds but just unsettled today...already had 4 feeds since 9am
boobs feeling a little bit softer and more normal today - was just squirting milk everywhere yesterday and he was feeding really well so i'm assuming it was just another burst of milk coming in! left boob just about recovered from sunday visitors and crappy feeding - still really intense when he gets on but can breathe through it. slathering on the lansinoh. i love that stuff.
FT - Noah's stump still on, bit minging but redness not spreading onto his belly - and yes, we bathed him with his stump still on - from what i've read it seems ok to do that!? Hope it is anyway!!
Nik - any progression???!
WT - how are the twins?? How are you???! How is the BFing going??? You are my hero xx
I'm very excited that Mitch's cookies can be frozen. I'm going to attempt to make a batch whilst he's snoozing...