Hi all - I've been lurking lately as I've been raging hormonally and didn't want to just post about my rage!
I am like the incredible Hulk!
On a very good note I had some followup HCG betas done yesterday and my results were great!
So far:
11 dpo - 55
16 dpo - 578
23 dpo - 10,025(!!!!)
So I am trying to just celebrate the moment today and feel secure that things are progressing in a healthy fashion. I just set up my first scan for August 10th (I should be 7 weeks 4 days) as I wanted to be certain we'd see a heartbeat, but now that I see all of the six week scans with heartbeats I am oh-so-tempted to see if I can move it up!
As for the sex issue - shame on me, but we've been almost abstaining! I had bleeding last time and it was likely wholly unrelated to my m/c but I can't help but worry! The one time we have had intercourse DH didn't go too deep and I didn't have any spotting, so I think we're all finding the same thing here.