Morning ladies.
I've gained a bit of perspective this morning, and have decided that allthough this week is going be be odd with the doctor haveing prescribed complete rest, I am just going to put the "coming and going heartbeat" down to the fact that my dates were mixed up. I did some research into my LMP date (in my ticker), VS my conception date, which could be as late as CD22 according to my EWCM (I NEVER O on CD14...EVER). So if that IS the case, then it would move my dates and make me just 5+5 preggo.....prehaps just too early to detect a strong heart beat at the scan yesterday!!
I know it sounds a bit tenuous, but I really need something to cling onto.
Might have to get me some to the Becks Blue. I'm usually a wine drinker, but it's lager I am craving a bit, so might be just the ticket!
Also, I keep laughing to myself with some of you ladies talking about sex, and stuff. Am I the only person who is so turned off at the moment? Sex couldn't be further from my mind!!! I know that could be down to the food poisoning, but still! Sex? Urgh, no thanks!!! My poor, poor OH! xxxx