Afternoon ladies.
Really happy for you Redsox, must be such a relief!
In my previous pregnancies I only ever had mild ms on and off for a few days round about the 10 wk mark.
This time however, it's all day and night, every day and night since 5 weeks and I hate it.
Yesturday I was like the shedevil, how I didnt end up getting divorced I'll never know. Just felt really irritated by absolutely everything and everyone, it was horrible.
Just hope today is going to be better.
I'm sure I'm already developing a mini bump....anyone else? Seems way too early for that. OH's mum keeps on chuckling and reminding me of the many, many sets of twins in their Not funny!
I've got a scan date for 9th sept. just seems so far away, really wanted an early scan. Oh well, just have to wait I guess.
Emma xxx