Well thankfully got a good (ish) nights sleep last night (I say ish as my son got up crying at 5am for the 3rd morning on the trot zzzzzzz) No rioting or helicopters so all good. Hope everyone else was ok xx
Firsttimer - Once you have had a mc it is very difficult to connect with your pregnancy as I think it is a defence mechanism that kicks in. I refuse to even think about it - which obviously I do because I freak out regularly thinking there isn't a baby growing anymore - but I mean think about the future etc until I know that I've had a good 12 week scan. I have friends that didn't connect either in first trimester after mc and they were sick as dogs. They just felt so rough as Wouldluvabub says that they wouldn't wish it on anyone and it didn't make them connect anymore.
I suppose what I'm saying is please don't worry. Even after my 12 week scan it wasn't until I started feeling movement that I really started believing that I was pregnant and 'bonding' with my baby.
Sambles/Firsttimer - As for the doppler, I didn't have one first time round as I thought it wouldn't do me any favours at all. BUT I've changed my mind this time and I've just received one that I've rented as I thought why not (hi-bebe). I played about with it yest, not to hear baby as obviously too early, but just to hear some other sounds. It did pick up a wow wow sound which I think is blood flow. My mw found it difficult at my 16 wk appointment to even find it! She eventually did.... after 5 mins of searching!!!! I remember sitting there and trying not to freak out. So it just goes to show, even professionals can't find it at times. Can yo uremind me of that when I freak out next week when I can't hear anything
Pristock - Good luck with your scan.
Loo - I will comment on your thread once I get to it.
Niknak - I want to be an olive
By the way - am I the only person that doesn't have boobs over a size E??? I'm a measly 30C and not quite as plump after breastfeeding.. I'm waiting for them to plump out and hurt but nothing yet either