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March Mummies 2011

And ange... Feeling but better. Nausea is lots better. Still sicking but think that's cause of post-nasal drip :(
Rach hope you feel better soon!

Celtic, so exciting WTT!

Blessed, I am SO sorry about the mastitis and other bfing woes. That is NOT fun!

hi ladies! haven't been on much this month, been so busy working, traveling, and family life. hope all the new babies/mommies/toddlers/pregnant ladies are doing well! we are doing pretty good. O is cutting another top molar, ugh. She's not too miserable but it totally disrupts her sleep...and thus mine :/

O is talking up a storm and active as can be. she loves to swim/be in water...she seems to have no fear--which is a bit scary too but i'm glad she loves the water. she's definitely a summer baby! She might hate winter this year if it means indoor activities. We may just have to let her play outside in the rain all winter...

She is still blonde as can be, which is still so weird for me, she looks NOTHING like me..LOL. but looks every bit her daddy who was blonde as a baby, so I guess that's where it comes from (he's darker now).

We will discuss TTC #2 in the spring when O turns 2. I don't want to still be BFing and be pregnant, although I know it's perfectly safe to do, it's too energy zapping for me while trying to work too...so I'm hoping she weans at 2, or I may have to help her wean at 2, then maybe we'll TTC #2 in June. If we decide it's not the right time then we'll wait a year and TTC in June 2014. After that I told Dh I'm done considering it...I'll be 38 then and I dont' want to have kids after that. So--that's our plan for the next one :) We feel busy enough now with 1, so we aren't in any rush but we do want another.
Hi all, im very well thanks, life with 3 is good !!

Really not as tiring and difficult as i expected it to be, the kids are a dream really, to be honest, although we have tried evie in her own room tonight and she did not like it at all we had to move her back in with us but i am secretly liking it because i just do not feel ready for her to to move x
celtic- yay congrats! hope your not waiting too long :happydance:

membas- sounds like a good plan! :thumbup:

natty- so glad everythings going good :flower:

angela and rachel- how are the pregnancies going???

the nursing seems to be going the easiest it ever has. im so happy!! :D
Hey! All went well at scan! 13 weeks today (must change ticker!) xx
Hello ladies,

Sorry I havent' been on for awhile we've been having a real crappy time with poor little Brody. His brother pushed him last week and he fell onto the tv cabinet and cut his lip wide open. He had surgery on friday to close the wound, on saturday the stitches fell out :o( Back up at the hospital and he had it glued, that came off within the hour, so monday back up the hospital another surgery to stitch the wound. Both under general, well yesterday I noticed that some of the stitches had come out again and the wound was opening up so we've got to go back to the hospital on monday to see the surgeon again. If he has another surgery that would be 3 general in just over a week... that can't be good can it.... :o(

All this and he has the worse case of Hand Foot and Mouth that I have ever seen... I feel so sorry for him.

This is a photo of his lip the night before he had surgery and the other is a picture of him after this 2nd surgery in the hospital. Mini cheddars cure everything, but unfortunately do not keep wounds closed :wacko:


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    Brody Lip.jpg
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  • Brody Hospital.jpg
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Oh dear Hun, what a rough week for you all. Hope he doesnt need more surgery. Poor thing. But youre right... Mini chedders really can cure anything! ;)
Oh Susan I'm so sorry! I hope they can fix it without more surgery. hugs!
So sorry Susan! That must be so hard! Max has hand foot and mouth right now to, along with two ear infections. He went 48 hours refusing to eat and crying day and night. He is now feeling better, getting his appetite back and nursing again. He has also had surgery twice in his short life, although not all in the same week! Poor Brody!
Max has an appointment to go see the ENT doctor to schedule surgery to put tubes in for his ear infections. Hopefully all goes well. We also just found out our oldest got into a charter school, which is pretty much a private school that is publicly funded. He was on the waitlist for 4 years! I am so happy he doesnt have to go to the public middle school! I will have to drive 30 minutes each way, but I am sure it will be worth it! Hopefully the other kids get in this year too, if not they will next year for sure. I am excited they get to wear uniforms! The kids are not very excited about that part. I think it will be easy to manage though!
Hope everyone else is doing good!
I'm here too, just running at about 1/3 normal speed at 7 months lol! We are well, how is everyone else?

im here too brai! we started home school so its been busy around here.

angela- 7 mos!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:
Quietly lurking when I can, time passing so quickly and I just found out that OH thought due date was a month later than it is no wonder he has been off when I've been pushing for things to get done lol

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