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March Mummies 2011

hope your wait for another baby is short celtic :)

hope all the march mommies, toddlers and new babies since are doing well, and the pregnant ladies are feeling fine :)

we are doing well, had a beach weekend and we are tired. every once in a while we talk about baby #2 but no plans yet for TTC--we always said we'd wait til she was at least 2 and we'd like to try for another spring baby (it works out well with my job), so if we do decide to TTC when she's 2, it'll be in June, which isn't really that far off, but not close enough for us to really have to make a decision. Some days I think I could do it, other days I think no way...I just wonder how O would cope with another little one around. I guess they get used to it huh?
I hope they get used to it hahha!!

Excited for ttc stalking and testing! Although hope it happens first time for everyone!
Thank you ladies!!!

membas they do and once you prepare them they look forward to it as well. my lot love each other and it is very cute to see them playing and being affectionate they do argue as well but I be worried if they didn't. good luck and I do not think you will regret having another :flower:
Hey Celtic - whens that TWW up?!

I think Wednesday the 19th, that would make CD 30 which is normally when I am due AF although the last few cycles have been much shorter 22 to 26 days compared to what is normal for me. I keep running and checking to see has she come!!! nothing yet! IF she does not arrive! I will test Thursday morning eeek!!! I am trying not to get my hopes up though!

Thanks for asking :)
membas- they love siblings so much! i agree with what celtic said. its so lovely to see them cuddling and playing. and preparing them is a must. i have found that the jealousy thing only arises if you try to make the older one stay away from the new one. if you still make time for one on one and include them with the new baby they just cant get enough of them. :cloud9:

celtic- c'mon thursday!!!:happydance:
membas- they love siblings so much! i agree with what celtic said. its so lovely to see them cuddling and playing. and preparing them is a must. i have found that the jealousy thing only arises if you try to make the older one stay away from the new one. if you still make time for one on one and include them with the new baby they just cant get enough of them. :cloud9:

celtic- c'mon thursday!!!:happydance:

Very true my 4 year old DD loves her baby brother and even thanks me for giving her a baby brother :) :happydance: very cute

I am not holding out much hope brown spotting this morning so more than likely AF is on the way!!! but sure I can wait a little longer :flower:
hope its ib celtic! :flower:

AHHH thanks :hugs: it had crossed my mind but Ive never had that in my other pregnancy's but I do get spotting before AF starts some cycles!! cramping a little now as well.. I was a little disappointed but I am OK and figure I will just have to wait only hope it doesn't take as long as it normally does!! :happydance: might try taking temps again and may be those things OPKS is that what they are called ? LOL
Yep, opk's are a huge help if you want to actively ttc (as opposed to NTNP). We use the clearblue digitals (not sure if available in UK, but maybe something similar is available?) they eliminate the guesswork by giving you a smiley face when you OV... No line interpretation :) I just threw a whole box away or I could send you some! :dohh:

hope its ib celtic! :flower:

AHHH thanks :hugs: it had crossed my mind but Ive never had that in my other pregnancy's but I do get spotting before AF starts some cycles!! cramping a little now as well.. I was a little disappointed but I am OK and figure I will just have to wait only hope it doesn't take as long as it normally does!! :happydance: might try taking temps again and may be those things OPKS is that what they are called ? LOL

opk's will definitely help for ttc. i had ib with 2 of my 8 pregnancies. i think it only happens sometimes. if you normally have spotting before af its probably that though. boo
Yep, opk's are a huge help if you want to actively ttc (as opposed to NTNP). We use the clearblue digitals (not sure if available in UK, but maybe something similar is available?) they eliminate the guesswork by giving you a smiley face when you OV... No line interpretation :) I just threw a whole box away or I could send you some! :dohh:


Yep I can get them here!!! I have never used them before but I am hoping I can narrow the window a bit more and a friend used them and found them great as well :) and thank you :hugs:

hope its ib celtic! :flower:

AHHH thanks :hugs: it had crossed my mind but Ive never had that in my other pregnancy's but I do get spotting before AF starts some cycles!! cramping a little now as well.. I was a little disappointed but I am OK and figure I will just have to wait only hope it doesn't take as long as it normally does!! :happydance: might try taking temps again and may be those things OPKS is that what they are called ? LOL

opk's will definitely help for ttc. i had ib with 2 of my 8 pregnancies. i think it only happens sometimes. if you normally have spotting before af its probably that though. boo

it is still very light but think I she will be here in full force by the morning! I might not have even noticed only I was watching lol onwards and forwards :hugs:
hey hun! i havent been on much. its been busy around here. how are you???

and how is everyone else doing???

we did all of our halloween decorating today. and DH painted the trim on the house. i really love fall :flower:
Hey! I love Halloween! And I'm so excited for Christmas! Cannot wait to put up my tree!

All well here. Apart from very sore back and hips. Been sent urgent referal to consultant as in quite a bit of pain. Only thing that helps is my doing anything! Not exactly possible with a 20 month old!!

Hope everyone is well?

If you are about natty - what dd they do for you with your SPD second time?
Morning ladies!

We are well here, just struggling thru the last few weeks of third tri! Tired all the time and uncomfortable most of the time - ready to get this show on the road lol! Otherwise well!

Looking forward to getting the nursery done in the next couple weeks, then we will just be waiting! :coffee:
Hey rach they put me back on crutches with belt pretty pointless really as Ethan was not even 1 when I had Evie let alone carried her so no chance I could carry him and use crutches ! The belt did help I must admit but other than that it was cocodomol :( it's v difficult putting up prams etc etc not good hun feel for you x
sorry about spd rach :hugs:

angela you are so close! i cant wait to hear the good news :happydance:

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