thought i would introduce myself!
Name - Rachel
EDD's - 09/09/09 and 03/11/11
DoB's - 03/09/09 and 04/11/11
Planned c-section - 2
Emergancy c-section - 0
Vaginal birth - 0
My twins were born via c-section due to the complicated position my daughter was laying in. I was told if i even attempted a natural birth to get her out my pelvis would had to have been broken to get her out and would more than likely break her back, the safest option was a section.
My youngest was a planned VBAC my external scar was none existant at first they didnt believe i had had a section (until they read my hospital notes lol) everything was looking great, until 38 weeks, was taken into hospital due to non movement in 32 hours. hooked up to a monitor everything looked fine. midwife made a comment about her feeling very small and me carrying alot of water. was fine to go. just about to leave consultant stopped me and said she had 'concerns' about baby. having a feel of my belly she said she felt tiny and with lack of movement added to her 'concerns'. her advice - wait until term, if natural labour doesnt start then another section. had to go in to be monitored four more times under strick instructions from consultant. each time she mentioned her concerns i think in a way to scare me into agreeing to the section. in the end i agreed section. little lady was born not breathingand blue
scary thing.
she was 'tiny' in size but not in weight lol she fit into newborn clothes with heaps of room but still weighed 7lbs 8oz if they had known this they wouldn't have had concerns about her size
only problem is now due to things happening during both sections i am now scared of having another section in the future. (lost lots of blood both times, BP dropped dangerously low both times lower the second time (59/27!) being sick, loss of conciousness etc) i am seriously petrified another section will be the end of me but i want another baby lol.
things 'seem' to have healed well again (can just make out a scar this time lol) PMS cramps are a little worse after my sections (even now a year on from my last section!) do you think 'when' i next get pregnant i could push for a vaginal birth due to my new found phobia of c-sections?
how are all your c-section scars now? x