~Mark of Love~ c-section mom/mum support group

I'm having a "want a VBAC" day. It changes often. Part of me wants to see if I can do it. I think if I did I'd go in completely open to an epidural. I'd love to have baby placed on me straight after birth and try BF. Then I wonder if I'll feel guilty that(/if) I preferred that birth to Ellie's?

Can you stay in hospital as long as you need? Only I'd rather have BF established before I left this time.
Children/s name/s & birthdate/s: Morgan 27/04/04 (vaginal) Naomi-Mae 21/07/05 (vaginal) Honey 16/05/07 (vaginal) Kaysie Blossom 12/05/08 (section) Bubble ??/??/11 (TBC)
EDD: Morgan 28/05/04 Naomi-Mae 11/08/05 Honey 07/06/07 Kaysie Blossom 14/05/08 bubble 2/08/11
Number of elective Caesareans: 0
Number of emergency Caesareans: 1
Number of vaginal births: 3

Hey girls,

I hope you dont mind me joining? My youngest was an emergency section due to her distress, it was an induction, my consultant had given strict instructions of what she wanted to happen, the mw didnt follow this, which I believe contributed to Kaysie's distress and therefore our section.

I am nearly 21 weeks pregnant, and hopeful of a vbac. I just wanted to say you can have scans to look at your scar through out pregnancy. I had one done at 12 weeks, will have one at my anomaly scan on Tuesday and one at 32ish weeks :thumbup:
Can I come in please? :wave:

Reagan, 25th December 2005, born at 29 weeks by emergency section due to PET (staples used)

Amber, 29th October 2010, born at 38+6 by semi elective, again due to PET (staples used)

And ummmm, baking again :blush:
Welcome ladies, congrats on your pregnancies! :flower:
I didn't know about the scar scans Tasha, very reassuring to know.

Mrsraggle i'm not sure about staying in hospital? would be worth finding out about:thumbup:
Congratulations you&me !! Can I ask what PET means please ?

Also you live in my most favourite place - My parents were both born in Letchworth and up until my nan passing last year I have spent so much of my life there. xx

I didnt know about the scar scans either so that was good to know. xx
Oh, how lovely to read everybody's stories!
My details:
Children/s name/s & birthdate/s: Barry, born 22/12/2010
Number of elective Caesareans: 0
Number of emergency Caesareans: 1
Number of vaginal births: 0

After a 30 hour labour Barry was born via emergency c-section due to 'failure to progress'. I felt extremely disappointed in my body right after the birth. But the midwives of our local, small rural hospital were AWESOME. They debriefed me awesomely. They helped and helped and helped with establishing breastfeeding. My milk only came in on day 5 - in streams. Which was problematic, as the let down and flow were horrendously fast. If it weren't for the support of these wonderful women, I never would've continued bf'ing.
I had staples in my wound, and they were taken out on day 5. I never had any problems and think that the pink stripe is a small price to pay for my and my babies' health.

I think debriefing and explaining what happened is very important for the woman. I now know that not only was my baby posterior and big, but he had turned his head skew - in such a way that forceps and vacuum would not have been effective. To get him out would have meant a lot of intervention, and a big episiotomy for me. Who knows, bladder and or bowel incontinence as well?
All in all I am very thankful for medical science and the c-section. My baby is wonderful and worth it all.
Next time... I really don't know. I just don't - part of me wants to, the other part says, why get 'both ends' scarred?
I like Letchworth, was born here, and other than a short spell living in the USA I have either lived here or Baldock :thumbup:

PET = Pre-Eclamptic Toxemia.
Hi all,

I had to have an emergency section due to faliure to progress, being in labour for 6 days and baby was back to back - due to this I am pretty scared next time and want to know can we request an elective section? The midwifes after did say you are only allowed to "tiral labour" for 6 hours usually then they would suggest a section, which is something but I would feel alot better able to cope if I had the option to have an elective section if that makes sense!

Most people want a VBAC so I've read loads on that, but not seen many people who just want antoher c section.

I assume all areas are different, I am in scotland and none of my friends have had sections yet so dont have much experince of this and with planning TTC no 2 this is my biggest worry after the trauma of my first labour!

At maternal request they should give you an elective if you have previously had a section...they cannot force you to trial a VBAC.

At maternal request they should give you an elective if you have previously had a section...they cannot force you to trial a VBAC.

Thanks for the quick reply :)

I had thought they would push you to have a vbac, so that is good to know!

Its so hard to decide what is right to do, for me if I knew next time my body would actually progress then I would have happy to do vbac, however when I think of the 4 days before going to hosp & 2 days being induced, with less than 4 hours sleep until admited to hosp and no food from being sick then i would deffo want an elective!

For those who had faliure to progress, and have had a 2nd baby, was your labour similar or completley different?

On the plus side, since the months before lo was born were so hard due to SPD, and the week before being totally horrific, no matter how little sleep I get or how much lo is a nightmare some days it all feels 100 times easier now baby is here :thumbup:
welcome Luzelle :wave: Sounds like you had a really supportive hospital :thumbup:

Hey Clara! I was a 'failure to progress' so will be interested to hear some experiences on baby #2's, especially as we will be TTC soon.
Welcome to all the newbies!

My Dad's wife is having those scar scans and she's been told they're pretty pointless as they can't really see anything on a scan :shrug:. I've just googled it and it seems pretty reliable though. Who knows!! That's reassuring if it is true though.

Did anyone here get skin to skin contact immediately after their (c-section) birth?
Welcome to all the newbies!

My Dad's wife is having those scar scans and she's been told they're pretty pointless as they can't really see anything on a scan :shrug:. I've just googled it and it seems pretty reliable though. Who knows!! That's reassuring if it is true though.

Did anyone here get skin to skin contact immediately after their (c-section) birth?

Olivia was passed to me about 10 minutes after birth (she needed abit of oxygen) and laid on my chest. Once I was moved to recovery I made my sister strip her down and I fed her. We then had skin to skin contact for about 2 hours. I just couldnt let her go !! I even threw up twice whilst still holding her !!
mrsraggle, my c-section scar scan has showed that my scar isnt healed on the inside, so for me those scans have been and will be very important. I have my anomaly scan at 11.15am, they will do another of those scans then so I will let you all know tomorrow how it goes.

I had immediate skin to skin, just for five minutes, then OH had a cuddle and then she was taken, all the stuff she needed done was done, then I had her back as I was taken to the high dependency unit.
Caitlyn had oxygen and since she had pooed in the womb she was cleaned a bit then within a couple of mins or so I was given skin to skin contact with her for ages then DH had a go then she came back to me - at some point she suckled but I cant remember exactly when and she has barely been away from me since!

Mizze xx
Hope it all goes well Tasha let us know how you get on :)
Hi ladies, I wondered if I could join you?

My name is Elaine and I had my beautiful baby girl Maia by emergency c section 2.5 weeks ago due to failure to progress and meconium in waters.

I planned for a waterbirth without pain relief but when my waters broke at 2cm dilated my LO had pooped so I had to be hooked up to monitors and put on an induction drip to strengthen contractions and try to speed things along. This went on from 9am on the Saturday morning to 4am on the Sunday morning when I was taken to theatre after being stuck at 9cm dilated for 2 hours. Maia was safely delivered at 4.34am. I did get skin to skin immediately but I was severely anemic and had lost lots of blood so I had very little awareness of anything at the time.

I breastfed for 2 weeks but we experienced latching problems from the outset due to my pain and general weakness from my anemia and after a damaged nipple became infected and I got double mastitis I threw in the towel and switched to formula feeding.

I love my little girl and I'm so grateful was delivered safe and well but I feel guilty sometimes, especially as I couldn't continue to breast feed. I think I saw myself as a bit of a 'natural earth mother' but it's turned out quite the opposite.

I thought you ladies might understand how I feel and look forward to talking with you xxx
:wave: welcome Elaine, Congratulations on baby Maia!

I had that guilt feeling after not being able to BF my LO, which has made me more determine to succeed when we have baby #2.
It was quite weird actually, when i was in the bath with her today she was poking my nipple and laughing :laugh2: I found it quite amusing as she wasn't really interested in my boobs before now lol
I also had meconium in my waters, i hear of people saying baby poo's if they are distressed but my DD was absolutely fine the whole way through my labour, the MW even said she was asleep at one point :shrug:

How is your scar? hope your healing well x
Congratulations Elaine! Try not to feel guilty about BF - you tried really really hard and that's really commendable, you gave your little girl a great start!

Hope you're healing well x

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