can never upload pics properly so just changed avatar to piccy of me and William!
it was a slow start to labour, contractions like period pains from 1am, rang hospital at 8am they said to stay at home until the pain was unmanageable! went to hospital at about 3 or 4pm cos I wanted to be checked to see if I was getting anywhere. Pains about 5/6mins apart and bearable.
got checked about 5ish, was 4 cm dilated, pains more frequent and stronger, but bearable with back rubs from hubby.
got into a birthing room at 6pm, straight into birth pool with gas and air as contractions now almost all the time and strong.
Turns out I'd gone from 4cm to 10cm in an hour!!!!! William was born at 6.45, and I got to pick him out the water myself! Magical!