May 2010 Clomid Round 2 Buddies

Hi Lola (OMG indeed!)

I started with a bleed on Monday 27th April and it was lighter and shorter than normal. It only really lasted about 2 days and was bright red in colour on CD2. I then had a couple of days with yellow/brown thick discharge which I thought as strange but since I had a bleed just carried on with the clomid. I was a total emotional wreck last week and even left home Wed night (returned home at 10pm lol). THIS EXPLAINS IT!!!!!!!!

I am getting NHS direct to call me back about taking the clomid... when I researched there is mixed feelings about the impact but can't do anything about it now! I am trying not to panic!

Kel x
OMG OMG OMG kel, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!! Congrats! That makes two of us now!!!!! I hope everyone else joins us soon!!!! What fantastic news after the couple of weeks you've had! hehehehehehe I am absolutely thrilled for you! Now we can be bump buddies as well!!!!!


So SO SO happy for you!!!!!
Thanks Lola! Read the article and feeling positive but cautious! Whoop....whoop!
Kel CONGRATS!!!!!! :happydance:

I am so happy to see some BFP's from clomid!!!!! I am kinda in the same situation as you (well before your BFP)
My DH and I have also been TTC for 4 yrs now - unexplained infertility (had 2 miscarriages). This month I decided to give clomid a chance. Nothing to loose right? I ovulate every month, so maybe this will give me the boost!
Today I am cd12 and another HIGH on CBFM. I see you didn't get your PEAK until cd16. I am thinking same will be for me.

I am taking prenatals, royal jelly and robitussin for cm. I really hope it works!!!!

Anyhow - congrats girl and enjoy it!!!!!!!! ( i know you are being cautisly optimistic - but enjoy as much as you can!) :happydance:

Keep us posted!!!!
Welcome Jmg! Let us know how your scan goes. What's your story? How long have you been ttc?

Nina, I had my peak last month on CD17 or 18, can't remember right now. It was 8 days after my last pill. Good luck to you. After 4 years, you're overdue for some good news!
Thank you lola....sometimes I just think it will never happen. It's been very long and hard 4 years of TTC. When I got my bfp last January (it was a miracle) I was in disbelief!!!! It never happen to me naturally before. Anyhow, it was a very short lived dream - I m/c 3 days later.

Now....I am trying to stay positive and deep down I know I'll be a mommy one day, but when??? I don't think I can wait much longer....

Anyway, I really hope you and all the other ladies who are TTC, get their bfp soon!!!!
OMG KEL!!!!!!!!! I was out for dinner last night so I didn't get to log on! And now this morning I see this!!

NO WAY!!!!!!

Here comes the emoticon super-combo!!


It didn't even occur to me that maybe you were having an implantation bleed! I am SOOOOOOOO delighted for you!

I agree with the girls, I think the NHS will tell you it's all good about the clomid, but do let us know! I read somewhere that the baby can't absorb anything from you for the 1st 5 weeks, but not sure if that's true.

Wow, this month is off to a great start!!:happydance:

Nina, welcome to the thread. I'm really sorry to hear about your previous losses and the long road you've been on. I hope you have great success with clomid, like some of the other girls in this thread have had.:hugs:

Lola, what day are you on now honey? Finished your clomid yet?

Sarlar, hope all is good with you!

lots of love and babydust!
Hi ladies,

I'm still feeling cautious.....

Just a quick update: I have had brown spotting today so went to the hospital to be checked out. They confirmed that I am pg (yippeee!) and that my HCG indicates pregnancy too. The doctor examined me and said my cervix were closed (which is positive) and did not seem overly concerned about the brown spotting. I am beginning to think that this may be a result of bding yesterday. I have got to go back on wed for them to check my HCG again...just to make sure that the my levels are increasing nicely. Oh... I am starting to feel a little more positive just writing about it!

Dasii: Thanks chick! It would be great to be bump buddies.... we even live in the same area (Midlands...small world or what?) I hope everyone else is able to join us soon. Just out of interest have you had any spotting?

Nina: Welcome hun! I too never ever thought I would be writing this on here. I am still in shock and keep on checking my clear blue digi lol. Before clomid I ov around cd14 but last cycle it was cd16 (two days later). I also used conceive plus which seemed to keep the swimmers up there a little longer :p Good luck with your journey.... just does happen even to us long time TTCers so don't give up hun :)

MrsJA: Hello my lovely! I'm loving the super-emoticon combo! Can't believe I have got a BFP! It really explains my emotions last week. I have now got to do a total u-turn on my work decision though! I was going to hand in my letter this week but it just seems stupid as I would lose out on my maternity benefits. Knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel makes me think I can get through it! Do you think I am mad???

Going for an early night and rest!

love to all hunnies

Kel x
I had my follicle check today and 2 mature follicles! One in each ovary. Now I'm wondering if "both" will release... (No trigger shot)..
Evening ladies!

Kel, I agree about your job. You might as well stick it out so you can get the maternity leave. Just ease back a bit now and try to dial down the care factor! Hopefully now that you are pg you can just try to do the bare minimum!
I'm looking forward to hearing the update on Wednesday about your HSG levels!:happydance:

Nina, how you getting on with that peak? I ov'ed on CD19 when I did my clomid cycle, but I am usually way later than that. My cycles are all over the shop!

jmg, great news on the follies. What CD are you up to now?

All good with me. Day 2 of down regulation (which is the first bit of my IVF cycle.) I might see if I can get a ticker going... It's hopefully about 37 days til our embryo transfer. Exciting!

Lola, sarlar, hope all's great with you guys!:hugs:
Hey all! I still cant believe we are two bfps already :woohoo:

mrs. ja- great to hear you about the ivf starting. what happens in down regulation? hope it is going well-so exciting to already have a date for embryo transfer!!

JMj-Awesome two follies!! twinS?? lets hope for at least one release and some strong swimmers!!

Kel/daisi: so excited to hear about your ladies each and every step-and i mean EVERY detail:)

lola-hope the month is off to a positive start. are you done with the clomid? what days are you taking this month?

nina-welcome to the thread-hoping for a short visit for you:)

I had my 21 day labs but havent got results yet. DYing for them since i want to know if I ovulated BEFORE i go on vacation. Dont wanna be drinking if there is even a possibility of a little bean!! hopefully get them soon and will have updates.

Have a great week ladies!!
Jess - I didn't know the timeline for IVF - 37 days is just around the corner. Very excited for you.

Jmg - great news on 2 follicles. That should double your chances right there.

Sarlar - Have a great vacation. I wouldn't worry about having a drink or two. Here's to your progesterone levels!

Nina - I know what you mean about feeling like it will never happen. I feel like I'm on autopilot with ttc - same steps, same result, repeat. But you've had a BFP, so you know you can get another one. Hoping the clomid helps you.

Daisii & Kel - each day that goes by means big progress on your little beans! Keeping you both in my prayers.

Chez - I hope you're ok. Buzz in if you can regardless of how you're feeling.

AFM, I'm supposed to start clomid round 2 today (CD5). However, I'm feeling really depressed & I don't know if I'm going to take it. I'm not happy with H (D intentionally omitted) and I just don't know if I want to try. Sorry to wallow in self-pity, just want to be honest.
Hey Lola honey,
You are totally allowed to wallow here, we are all on hand to support you.
I tell you what, it is a real emotional rollercoaster this LTTTC business. I have good days and bad days too.
I can't tell you what to do re the clomid, but if it was me, I think I would just take it for the next 5 days, and then decide during the ovulation window whether I wanted to try or not.
Otherwise you might that find you feel better/happier in a couple of days, but you've missed the cycle.
PS - men can unfortunately be quite useless and don't really understand what this is like for us.
Sending love :hugs:
lola, don't get too upset with your DH. I am not sure what heppened, but if it's regarding TTC then don't mid him. They just don't get it!!! I have couple of friends going through the same thing as us, and they say the same thing. Men are just not getting it. They can be very insensitive about this topic. My husband and I went through the whole ordeal with really tested our relationship. Fortinately we are still together and trying our best to deal with it.
Like MrsJa said, take your clomid and decided what to do around your O time. Maybe by then things will get better between the two of you.

MrsJa -I can't wait for you to start your IVF. I really believe you'll get your BFP!!!!

Jmg - 2 follies?!?!? Twins??? I am sure you would be estatic with only one!

Dizzikel - what is happening? Have you had a chance to go for your second beta? Don't worry about spotting - brown means old blood. Many women get it and go to have a healthy 9 months!!!

AFM - I am on cd13 and still getting HIGH on my cbfm. I am hoping by day 16 I'll O. Have to make sure I have some sexy time..... :wacko:

Kel: I agree about your job, might as well get the maternity pay!!!! I have not had any spotting al all (fingers crossed). But I am getting plenty of dull cramps really low down, feels almost like I would be getting a UTI but don't think I am. Alsostill snotty, especially in the mornings and getting some nausia, and soooooooooo tired. But I don't mind!!!!

I went to the doc's today. He didn't even do bloods, just booked me a midwife appointment for June 8th and a scan for 15th June!!!! My normal doctor is off for two weeks, but I'm thinking of going back when she is there just to get a check up etc....

Congrats again! :happydance:
Good luck everyone else, am I right in thinking you are all approaching the marathon!!!!!!
Hi ladies,

It has been busy on here today...good to see everyone!

Woke up today and the world seems like a different place. I feel like the big black cloud above me has disappeared... even work was ok! (as ok as it can be). I sat down as much as I could and tried to remain stress free and relaxed. I am feeling soooooooo :sleep: though and it won't be long before I am in bed fast asleep.

My brown spotting has almost gone now and the last couple of times I have been to the loo there has been nothing. :happydance: Got to go to to the hospital in the morning so they can check my HCG levels again so FX they are going up nicely. I am going to ask them to call me when they have the results tomorrow so I should be able to tell you a bit more tomorrow. Didn't believe I was pg today so did another pg test when I got in and it came up positive straight away.... that has got to be a good sign [-o<

I went and told my manager my news this morning since I said I was handing my notice in on Friday lol. She was lovely and said she was delighted for me.

Guess what? I haven't :cry: is amazing given my emotional state over the past few days.

As well as the tierdness I have also gone off :coffee: tea which is really unlike me. I am usually such a tea belly! DH can't believe it lol. I have been having waves of feeling sick and can't stand the smell of cat food or fish!

MrsJA: Great news about your downregging... you will be PUPO before you know it! Go girl!

Sarlar: FX that you ov and that you will be joining us soon hunny! :) Keep us updated about your results!

Lola: :hugs::kiss::hugs: I totally know where you are at hun. It is an emotional rollercoaster but you WILL get your BFP! Sorry you are feeling low...I thought about not taking my clomid but pleased I did! H (D) don't understand at all! They don't have the emotions that we do and can't see why we get upset after each cycle of it not working. Be brave hunny!

Nina: thanks hun... I have put deatails above but don't want to upset anyone. Good luck for your ov!

Dasii: Good news about no spotting chick... It really scared me. I already had an appointment booked with my doctor on Friday so will see what they say. I am hoping they may scan early with me spotting but not sure. Did you have to take a urine sample? Sounds like we have similar symptoms.

Jmg: Great news about your follies. I was not tracked this cycle...wish I had been! Go get em girl!

Good luck to everyone and THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support! :hugs:

Kel x
Just a quick note to say thanks for the encouragement. I ended up taking the clomid this afternoon, even though I felt unsure about it. Later this evening, DH realized the error of his ways and apologized. I'm so glad I'm not missing out on a clomid cycle. BTW, the argument wasn't about TTC, so I couldn't let him off the hook too easily :)

Sounds like everyone had a good day & made forward progress from wherever we are on the path. Thanks, girls!
Nina-good luck and happy :sex: !!!

Kel and Daisi: Sounds like great signs for both of you! :cloud9:Continue to take care of all four :baby::flower: :baby::flower:

Lola: sorry to hear about troubles with the dh, but i am REALLy glad it all was worked out and you didnt miss out on a cycle!! This just may be the one :winkwink:

AFM, still waiting on labs. I think i am gonna call tomorrow and bug them!! Of course, you know how it goes....I dont even know if i ovulated and i am imaging all these "symptoms". For example, cramps, side aches, tired, nauseaous here and there, beginnings of tender (.)(.), cold like symptoms. But....I am also working a bunch of 12 hour night shifts in a row so most of these symptoms can really be explained by tiredness and approaching af. :wacko: Ah well trying to relax and wait it out. Focusing on packing for vacation.....
Lola: so pleased you took the clomid hun! FX

Sarlar: your symptoms sound fab! I will update mine later when I get home from work!

I am ok this morning, just about to leave to go the hospital so will fill you in later.

Have a good day everyone. :)

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