May 2010 Clomid Round 2 Buddies

I personally think it's time for Kel & Daisii to change their status. Add a ticker while you're at it! I imagine you're partly still in disbelief. Maybe you need to see a scan first.

Have a great day, everyone.
Hi ladies,

Got my results and my HCG levels have increased from 400 on Monday to 1100 today! :happydance::happydance:

I am sooooooooooooooo pleased! They have also booked me in for a scan on Friday so should know how many pips are in here!!

Lola: lol! Think I will change it after my scan on Friday!

Kel x
Lola - i am very happy that you have decided to take clomid!!! See, we always kinda forgive our dh's.....(well if they appologize of course!! : )

dizzikel - I am glad to hear your spotting has stoped! I am sure everything will be perfect! Gosh I am sooooooooooooo happy for you!!!!

Sarlar - do you plan to POAS????? I am so bad when it comes to it!!!

AFM - I need your advice ladies! Today I am on day another HIGH, but the lines are so dark that I think by tomorrow morning I will definitely get a PEAK. So here is my question - DH and I had :sex: last night!! Do we continue tonight as well, or do we skip one day and go full force tomorrow!!! :saywhat:
According to CBFM, once you get a peak you will O 24-36 hr if I get a peak tomorrow morning, I will O on Friday??? Right??
Anyway, please let me know what you think. I know some say to have :sex: every other day, or does it really matter??? Again we bd-ed last night, so when do we do it again?!?!? :happydance::wacko:

oh my lord, I have missed so much!!!

Kel: So So pleased for you. Wish they would give me a test to check levels!!! My doc did not even do a urine sample!!!! He just said well you have been waiting for this for some time, then booked me a midwife app and a scan date.!!!!! Weird! But the doctor who I normally see is away for 2 weeks, so I might go and see her when she's back, just to get checked again.

I keep doing internet cheepies everyday 'cos I don't believe it!!!!! I like to see that the line is now really really dark and has gone progressively darker over the last few days from lightish pink to a real red-pink!!!!!! I can only assume this means my hcg levels are uncreaseing.

Nina the two days I got highs last cyle were a sat and sun. We bd sat morning, sat evening, sunday night and monday night!!!! I realise tmi, but it seemed to work!!! (mind you I was flipin' exhausted!!!!!)

Lola, sorry to hear about your stresses, glad it seems to be better and that you took the clomid! I would add a ticker but I don't know how and last time i tried it dd not work!!!!!

JA- good luck hope it is all going well for you.

I'm sure I've missed people, my brain is complete fuzz at the moment! I keep walking into rooms and not remembering why I went there!!!! There is no hope for me in old age!

best of luck everyone

sarlar, good luck chick, enjoy your break!
there you go Lola, status changed and ticker added! get me and my technological genius!!!!!! hehehe!:comp:


Thought we could all do with a glass of wine. A real one for those who can, and an emoticon for those of us who have to abstain for either baby or potential baby!!!!

caz how have I missed that you are 10dpo!?!? Good luck! when you testing?
ty hun i tested this morning with an ic :bfn: so going to leave i now hun if :af: dosent come then i will test friday because that when its jew xx xx
Nina: I was the same as you. I BD on CD 14 (had a break on CD15...even though the line was darker) and then got a Peak and BD on CD 16. This was the last time we BD that cycle but we had done it quite a bit up to CD14 too. Personally, I would do it tonight...just in case, but obviously it didn't matter for my BFP so it depends if DH is up for DH was knackered after the marathon from CD7 lol!

Dasii: I know how you are feeling... I did another test last night because I did not believe it! Go back to your doctor when she returns. They have only taken blood etc as I took myself to A&E with spotting on Monday. Can't wait to see how many little pips I have inside though! I have a doctors appointment on Friday so hopefully they will book me in for a scan for early June. I have just had reflexoolgy with someone who is maternity trained. I have been seeing her for a while and not feel lovely and relaxed. I had been stressing all day thinking the worst so just need to take it easy.
Finally, thanks for the wine! :)

Lola: Got my FX for you.... also added a ticker :)

Kel x
I told my sister because I am her bridesmaid in sept and I thought she should know that I will hopefully be nicely fat by then!!!!! Just wanted to check she still wanted me as a bridesmaid! My boss at work is some kind of psycic ninja and guessed on tuesday!!!!! (she did not know we were tryine either!!! but is now sworn to secrecy!). And my parents in law know. I am seeing my parents at the weekend and want to tell them face to face. Part of me wants to shout it from the roof tops, put an add in the paper and pay for a plane to tow the message behind it etc etc etc!!!!!!! But I am terrified of jinxing it (I'm not even supersticious!). Also if the worst were to happen I would want that to be a private affair. So none else is to know yet!

How about you? and have you had any cramps? I am getting dull low cramping, which I am sure is perfectly normal but I am stressing non the less!

Caz: I got bfn on 10dpo last month too. So your not out yet! Fingers crossed for you.
Hello beautiful girls!
I was out again last night - it looks like I have missed plenty of chat!

Lola, I am SO pleased that you and the H (D) (I love that by the way, hilarious!) have made amends and that you didn't miss the cycle. I so want this one to be the one for you! We are going to get those BFP's in the end, you and me...

Kel, YAY on your HSG levels!:headspin: It sounds like you are on cloud 9 and it must be such a relief to get that first blood test out of the way. PS - speaking of telling people, have you told us how you told DH? I want to hear that one!

Daisi, lol - I'm loving the red wine emoticon, very nice! I have been enjoying a glass of red most nights this week. I figure what the hell... once I get to the injectables stage in a couple of weeks, I will be on a strict zero-alcohol diet, so I might as well take advantage while I can!
Tell us how your parents react on the weekend, I bet they will be so thrilled.

Caz&Bob, I'm sorry about the BFN love. I hate the BFN :growlmad: Let's see how you go towards the end of the week. My fingers are crossed for you.

Nina, sounds like everything is progressing very nicely! My doc told us that every second day is good, but I know plenty of people who BD every day during the peak too. Provided you guys have good swimmers, every day is fine. If they are not so great, then you're better off doing it every second day. Good luck honey!

Sarlar, you on holiday yet? Hopefully you will get to tell us about your day 21 results before you go, but if not we'll look forward to hearing all about it when you get back!

Lola, last one...I agree about doing a ticker. Can you tell me where/how to do one?? I will do a special IVF one so you guys can see where I'm up to...

Have a great day ladies!:hugs:
aw ty hun i hope i get mine this month i can join yous ha xx xx
Daisii: I have told my very close family and friends! It is amazing..... I have had a mixture of screams and tears (all in a positive way!). As everyone knows we have been trying a long time everyone is delighted! I am still getting some cramping ... but have not felt sick today which is good.

MrsJA: WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? :) I really am on cloud nine.... now I have had my levels back I have started to relax :)
Telling DH: I went out sunday night for a HPT (DH knew as I told him about the positive OPK). I went up stairs to do the test on my own. The first test line came up and then I was convinced I could see a faint 2nd line. I took it down to DH and said that I thought I could see two lines. DH then sat looking at it and said.... it's getting darker! I just started to shake like mad and felt VERY scared! It has taken until now to sink in and still does not feel real at times!

Kel xx
how long have you been trying hun and what did you do diffrent xx xx
Hi Caz,

We have been trying for 3 years and all of our test results have been fine - another case of unexplained infertility!

This month I used my fertilty monitor, conceive plus (for the first time) and obviously clomid (First cycle). I also cut back on high impact exercise and tried to BD as much as we could. We were on holiday the week after I started clomid so think that must have helped me to relax. Think that was about it really..... I decided to go for a 'tripple effect'.

How are you feeling? Have you had any symptoms? I need to write all of mine up but it might take me a while lol. I will aim to do it by the weekend :) Good luck!
It's interesting that both Kel & Daisii said they stayed away from intense exercise last cycle. Did you guys exercise normally before Ov? Also thanks for sharing when you BD'd. I always freak out that I didn't give it my best shot. Kel, on the day of your first peak, did you BD in the morning or evening? Yes, I realize I'm obsessing!

Jess - you're a doll, thank you! You will be a wonderful, fun mom some day soon. I looked at the typical ticker sites and they don't seem to support IVF tickers well. I think you need to adjust the length of the cycle & then add a footer to to say which stage you're on. Does that make sense? Let me do some more digging & see if there's a better way.

Nina - this might be a little late, but I say, if you can do it, go for it!
Lola :flower: I normally exercise thoughout my cycle - Body pump and circuit training mainly! I am going to continue with pump but lower my weights and cut out the high impact work in circuit training. Up to now I have not wanted to exercise but am going to do a little bit tonight....but take it VERY easy :)

Not a problem about the Bd thing - I was worried that I had missed the day before I OV but clearly it didn't matter. I personally think the concieve plus helped keep the swimmers moving and up there. By CD17 we had had enough and just thought what will be ....will be! Reading through my diary it is interesting to see that I had no expectation of the clomid working. I don't feel that I was negative but just didn't expect ANYTHING....and BANG it WORKED!! We BD at night thoughout the cycle, including on my peak.

DH thinks I have been swapped.... he said yesterday that I have swollowed a happy pill! PMSL. Just makes me realise what a miserable thing I have been lately! My hormones have not been as bad as last week :change:

Jess: Challenge on: You need to find a way to include the FLASHER emotcion on your next post!

Got my scan tomorrow.......whoop! :bunny: (I had to add the bunny)
ye hun i have symptoms bloated traped wind heartburn hun i have had these since 4or 5 dpo i use preseed this month so just hope i get a :bfp: xx xx
Oh My God lola, I am the same as you!!!! I am also obsessing about bd-ing at the right time!!!
This morning (cd15) I had my PEAK!!! But the test line wasn't as dark as my control line....anyhow I'll just go with it. According to CBFM booklet, once you get a PEAK - you will O 24-36 hr later. So does this mean that I will only O tomorrow morning at earliest??? Is ti possible to O on the same morning when you get your peak??? I am sooo confused.

Anyway, we :sex: 2 nights ago, and late last nite (actually it was 1AM) and today we can only do it around 11pm (my DH has a work function!!!). So am I okay??? Should I also continue tomorrow??? C'mon :spermy: get to my eggie!!!!!

This is making me go mad!!! ](*,)
nina: I would do it tonight and tomorrow just to make sure!!!!! Then have a good rest!

Lola I usually jog 3 1/2 miles five mornings a week, walk about 6 miles a day and usualy fit in about 40 miles cycling a week as well. Last cycle I stopped all but the walking from ovulation. I am still only doing the walking just in case!!!!! I also did not drink any alcohol after ov (i'm not a big drinker anyway, but it couldn't hurt to be extra careful!, and now I can't drink at all!!!!)

good luck with the marathon girls, and the testing caz. I really really really want you all to join the bfp side!!! Then we can move these threads to a different board!!!!! "clomid buddies continued!!!!" fx for all of you.

I am away for the weekend so if I don't get on t'internet I have not forgotten about you all. I will have to read it all when I get back!

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