May 2011 - 53 days and counting... (DUE DATES PG1)

i cant believe how many team blues there are in may lol
I know! So many boys!!

Had my MW appointment earlier and everything went really well, I got a little telling off for not being able to pee on demand for the MW though :dohh:
Heard baby's heartbeat and it would appear I have a cheeky little monkey in there, he/she is laying transverse! :haha:
lol hun sprout is transverse most the time though he does spend more head down lately,
Hehe, I'm just glad bubs isn't using my ribs as a bumrest for a while, it was getting sore.
Just had my 28w MW appointment this afternoon too and my little sproglet is also favouring the transverse position at the moment! It explains why my bump has felt so stretched underneath if she's lounging in it like a hammock! Mind you, she's been so active this past week that I expect she's tried out every possible position - it really takes my breath away sometimes when she does a big flip!
i almost jump into the air when i get a flip lol.

glad mw appointment went well :)
Glad your MW appointment went well hun, seems like our babies are being cheeky today. hehe.
Had my 28 week checkup and sonogram, My baby girl is head down, weighing 3lbs 2 ounces already! :happydance: She is measuring 11 days ahead putting her due date at April 28th, but the Dr. won't change it, they are going to keep it at May 9th! & my placenta moved up too! yaaaaaaaaay! :happydance:

Add me too please, due 16th May with my second little boy....I'm officially in the third tri today :happydance:
ooooh reading all your posts makes it all so exciting. getting nearer!

anyone else getting major contractions. nothing pattern wise but real false labor. the bh's are much different for me. annnnoying contractions. hopefully it means less of a labor
Had my 28 week checkup and sonogram, My baby girl is head down, weighing 3lbs 2 ounces already! :happydance: She is measuring 11 days ahead putting her due date at April 28th, but the Dr. won't change it, they are going to keep it at May 9th! & my placenta moved up too! yaaaaaaaaay! :happydance:

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Brilliant news about the placenta!!!! congrats!:happydance::thumbup: Hope mine has moved out of the way too...wont find out until 33 weeks though.

My LO has been head down since 25 weeks....and she need not get any ideas of coming out early either! I keep telling her that every night lol.
Hi I'm due over tomorrow, my little fidgety man is due 19th May! :haha:
both my girls are transverse, twin one (wholl be first out) has been transverse since my twelve week scan.
hoping she will move as she needs to be head down for me to deliver naturally

I have scans ever four weeks, next ones March 1st cant wait, theyre monitoring position and growth etc

Im very achy but then theres two in there, and already looking full term, need to keep them cooking another 12 weeks at least
Morning all!

My little one is hyperactive at the moment - I hardly had any sleep last night because it was boinging around, kicking, prodding, dancing... At one point I did actually beg it to go to sleep at which point I got kicked even more! I think this little person will be a determined type that knows exactly what it wants... oh dear, just like Mummy!!

I've discovered I'm miles better ache and pain wise if I'm busy. If I sit down on a night and do very little or just sew / read I end up with serious backache, whereas yesterday morning I cleaned the house, vac-packed some clothes in preparation for the move, did some scrapbooking and some flute practice and didn't feel a twinge! Definitely keeping working up to 21st April now!!!

Mind you, I must be mad - applied for a promotion at work (why not - use those maternity rights and make sure they don't discriminate eh?!) and the interview is at the end of next month - 2 DAYS before we move house....
Yey!!!! Goodbye eggplant!!!!

Flugella, I'm in agony if I do too much. my siatic nerve is playing up due to my hips being loose. I did a whole day of housework and then couldn't move for two days, I was in agony lol. It doesn't help that I'm obsessed with cleaning at the moment either!! Xx
i think i'm getting a UTI or something. all day it's been painful when i pee and i'm getting a sharp pain on my ride side, half way up my bump.
Don't think I ever posted Team Blue (for May 6th)! :)
I'm the same way flugella. I am so much better if I've been moving around a lot. I teach so I'm on my feet all day. I feel better after working then I do when I sit around on the weekends.

Milosmom, hope it goes away soon.

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