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May 2011 buddies...UPDATE!!

Steffymae. Hi + welcome :wave:
Hope your doing okay hun :D

Mirrie - Awwh, I love your smuggly cuteness, you do cheer me up :haha:

Rach - I hope someone gets off their bums + has the house of you soon, so you can get settled before bubs arrives!!

By the way girlies, I managed to persuade OH to let me up the christmas tree up today, it's a little early I know but I LOVE christmas + I used the 'it'll make me feel better' excuse :blush: :rofl:

Hope your all okay :D xx
Steffymae. Hi + welcome :wave:
Hope your doing okay hun :D

Mirrie - Awwh, I love your smuggly cuteness, you do cheer me up :haha:

Rach - I hope someone gets off their bums + has the house of you soon, so you can get settled before bubs arrives!!

By the way girlies, I managed to persuade OH to let me up the christmas tree up today, it's a little early I know but I LOVE christmas + I used the 'it'll make me feel better' excuse :blush: :rofl:

Hope your all okay :D xx

I have been begging my hubby for over a week to put the tree up! I have all my presents wrapped and no where to put them! So he drug it out last night, so hopefully within the next few days it will be up :) I guess with a baby on the way this year I am super excited and just want to start the Christmas spirit sooner than normal! lol
Hehe! I feel more chritmassy this year too, I think it's the organisation too.
Pregnancy makes me super organised so I want to make sure everythings done :haha:

We've booked a private gender scan for 1st Dec!
It's not that far away either..
My mum thinks it's silly because my NHS one is at the end of December, but I wanted to know what bubs was before christmas so we felt more connected to him/her.
If I ever make any sense that is :rofl:

I think I'm finally getting better :D xx
Kateycakes are you nesting already :haha:

I'm jealous!! I wanna 16wk scan but hubby says we cant afford it when the nhs one is only 4wks after....4wks does he understand how long that is in pregnancy weeks?????????????? :baby: will be dating by then... lol

Can wait to see what team you are on :happydance:

Anyone else getting an early scan? xx
Kateycakes are you nesting already :haha:

I'm jealous!! I wanna 16wk scan but hubby says we cant afford it when the nhs one is only 4wks after....4wks does he understand how long that is in pregnancy weeks?????????????? :baby: will be dating by then... lol

Can wait to see what team you are on :happydance:

Anyone else getting an early scan? xx

I got one at 15 weeks 1 day yesterday! Team :pink: But here in the US 16 week scans are pretty common, we don't have to wait until 20 weeks!
Oooooooh a little girl! How excited are you??!

Katey - you must be feeling better if you're cleaning!

We had a very positive viewing on the house last night so I am VERY chuffed!!! Although I do have morning sickness today of epic first trimester proportions and I have to spend the day sat in a mobile surgery in Tesco car park doing mouth cancer screening. Lovely.
I've got a feeling it's team blue myself. OH seems to think the same.
I had a bad dream about losing bubs the night before last, OH had to wake me up because I was screaming, I told him I was worried about bubs + suggested we had a private scan to stop me from stressing, so he said if we have a private one, then we'd be better off finding out the sex at the same time..

Plus I made him feel guilty cos he was tellling me labor was going hurt!
Like he's an expert on it anyway, silly boy!! :haha:

Rach - I'm loads better thanks! Finally managing to do the dusting :happydance:.
I saw on facebook you were out + about today, at least it's somewhere different.. xx
Blessed Twice Congrats! i have my scan tomorrow ill be 15+5 hopefully we will be lucky like you and be able to clearly tell the gender

Katey im envious of your organization i cant seem to put myself to good use and clean yet
Blessed Twice Congrats! i have my scan tomorrow ill be 15+5 hopefully we will be lucky like you and be able to clearly tell the gender

Katey im envious of your organization i cant seem to put myself to good use and clean yet

Let us know what you find out about the sex!! :D
I heard babys heartbeat today! It's a showoff cos the midwife said it would be hard to find and there it was straight away, and kicked the probe too for good measure!
Yay! Good to know baby is strong + healthy then Rach!

Who's finding out the sex? xx
Blessed Twice -Congrats on ur girl x xx

huntjump1989- Let us know how scan went- pics plsss!!

Flugella- Aint it lovely when u can hear it nice n clear, bet u glad u gonna have a kicker?? :)

KateyCakes- Good to hear ur feelin better & tidying again lol - bet you cant wait till ur scan hey???

I'm deffo gonna find out the sex AS soon as I can xx :hugs:
Yeah! A WEEK + 3 DAYS!!
I wake up everyday + tell OH how long we've got till we see baby :)
+ Mirrie, I thought you said 'bet your glad your going have knickers' to flugella..
I was like 'huh? Bit of a weird question' :rofl: xx
Yeah! A WEEK + 3 DAYS!!
I wake up everyday + tell OH how long we've got till we see baby :)
+ Mirrie, I thought you said 'bet your glad your going have knickers' to flugella..
I was like 'huh? Bit of a weird question' :rofl: xx

I just spat my lemonade at the laptop!!!! :haha: Classic!

It's nice to know it's a little booter definitely - but anyone who reminds me of that when I'm moaning in about 20 weeks that it's bloomin' painful may get shot! :winkwink:

Katey - how excited are you??! Under 4 weeks til we see ours again - I'm hoping for a repeat of the backflip! That would be fab!

How is everyone today? I am STILL throwing up (at least it's only once a day) but generally I feel pretty good!
Well I AM glad I'm gonna have knickers :shrug:

Katie I think you may be losing the plot :dohh: Good job we all love ya :haha:

Had a lovely day with my sis in law and her 3 month old at the weekend.. was SO cute seeing my step daughter being all mummy like with him and making him giggle- she cant wait for her little bro or sis now :cloud9:

Cant believe your still pukin Flugella...I was hopin I'd have stopped by now but at least I actually wanna eat now (Normal food other than sweets and crisps!!)

Anyone got Sciatica yet? I've had it for 4 whole weeks and finally caved in and called the physio dep at the hospitial, they have a cancellation and can get me in on Thurs- whoop whoop :happydance:
Poor you Mirrie! I'm rather surprised NOT to have sciatica as I usually have back probs but it seems like pregnancy has sorted them for now (frantically touches wood!).

The puking is nowhere near as bad as it was but when you have a bit of a sore throat and the start of a cold it is rather uncomfortable, to say the least.... One of my friends was sick all the way through her pregnancy and I really hope that doesn't happen to me! The thought of another 5 months of puking every day is hideous!

On the plus side, I'm pretty much eating normally, it's just that I can't eat more than about 1300 calories before baby decides I've had more than enough and sends it back. I get the feeling it could be a fussy eater....!
Oh for god's sake, i've wrote this about 3 times now, my laptop seems to be playing some sort of joke!!

Maybe, it's stopping me from making a show of myself AGAIN :haha:
I always seem to make things sound dirty too :blush:

I cried my eyes out cos I'd been cocoa buttering myself like crazy!!
(Ooops, told you I make things sound dirty :haha:)

I have back problems too, been reading about exercise balls, they are supposed to help baby get into the right position for birth but they also help with back + sciatica troubles if you gentle bounce on them...

(Oh dear katey, that sounded dirtier than I first thought, think I need to stop talking :haha:)

Hope your all okay girlies xx
I'm due on the 19 May and very excited already :flower:
Same date as me Charl! Welcome to our little group of nutta's :hugs:

Katey, I've got one of those balls...they're really fun :blush: Hopefully peeps at hospitial will give me some idea's on how to use it properly!! My poor ol hubby has been havin to help me up stairs!! Feel propa old :cry:

So guess what I may get on thursday??? My pram!! Too early really but it is such a bargin my mums just like- lets do it!! 2nd hand but looks new :happydance: May take my dog out in it for a test - Ha I would inall :haha:

You guys got a preggo pillow yet? Mine was the best £35 I've EVER spent (6ft long from ebay) I may dump OH and marry it... haven't quite decided...may write a list of pro's and cons.

I'm gonna stop talking now :dohh:
Oh and Katey- your stretch marks are your war scars ..beautiful & strong to prove you are a mummy :hugs:

Or use bio-oil that will get rid within a few months:bodyb:

ps I've lost the plot. The End.

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