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May 2011 buddies...UPDATE!!

Yeah me too!
I'm getting bored of the question.. do you want a boy or a girl?
I want a new question :haha:

No harm in asking tho is there :) xx
Yeah me too!
I'm getting bored of the question.. do you want a boy or a girl?
I want a new question :haha:

No harm in asking tho is there :) xx

I have two boys, so eveyone automatically knows we are hoping for a girl. So it's always "is it a girl?" "how's the girl doing" "you got a girl in there this time" everything to do with a girl..People even refer to it as she...and becaue of all this, I bet it's a boy haha, Oh well, as long as it's healthy :D

Is this your first?
Yeah it's my first :D
Everyone refers to mine as 'he' or 'him'
Apart from my mum, she wants a grandaugther :haha:

I've got an instinct that I'm having a boy, we've got boys names but no girls.. :shrug: oppss :haha:

Hope you get your girl hun :D xx
Yeah it's my first :D
Everyone refers to mine as 'he' or 'him'
Apart from my mum, she wants a grandaugther :haha:

I've got an instinct that I'm having a boy, we've got boys names but no girls.. :shrug: oppss :haha:

Hope you get your girl hun :D xx

Thank you :) I've got a boy name, but am clueless as to a girl name..girl names are so hard!!
Morning all - how are you all?

I'm not finding out the sex unless it's blatantly obvious at the 20 week scan! I quite like the idea of a surprise. We've got names for a girl and a boy but I've been calling bump by its girl name all week. I am convinced it's a girl for some reason! I'm not majorly bothered either way but I just have this feeling it's a pink bump...

Good luck for the interview Katey - it sounds like the perfect job and think how handy the discount will be on all future presents!!!
Hello ladies, I'm also due in may, the GP and the midwife don't agree on whether it's the 7th or the 10th :D

Hey honey. Welcome! How are you?
Have you had a scan yet? xx

Thanks! I'm doing pretty good, overall. I've had an ultrasound at ten weeks, which was amazing. I got to see the baby move its little arms and legs, something I totally hadn't expected. :cloud9:
Im finding out the sex at my 20 weeks scan on 13th dec..... I so HAVE to know!! We have two girls so it would be lovely to have a boy, but would be just as happy with another girl, which we are both convinced it is x
Add me please. Due date May 28, 2010. First baby! :)
Hi everyone,

We are not finding out whether it's a boy or girl - we want a surprise, although we are convinced we are having a girl.

How did the interview go Kateycakes? I hope you are feeling better. I have also been having headaches in the evenings. I have had a really hard week of work and personal news and lost some blood on thursday night - really scary! Has anyone else had any spotting?

I am trying to rest this weekend. I know excately what you mean about wanting to be beautiful and glowing when you are pregnant! I also don't feel like that. Washed out and shattered is more like it!

Have a good weekend girls,

Hi everyone!

Elly- I have spotting around the time my period would normally be due, but it all depends on how much + if theres no pain or cramps then I'm sure everything will be okay.
-I didn't end up going to the interview! Doctors sent me in hospital that day with a suspected blood clot! Typical!
Everythings fine tho, i've got a chest infection along with a kidney infection + they haven't ruled out the blood clot theory -OH has to keep watch to make sure I have no swelling in my legs etc..

Oh what a lovely pregnancy I'm having! Hope you girlies are experiencing a better one!

OH said we can have a private gender scan before christmas if we want, then we can announce baby on christmas day to our close family :D

+welcome samiam congratulations :D xx
Oh dear Katey, you really are having a rough time aren't you!! How rubbish!

I'm doing ok - very tired today though so planning on an easy night in front of the tv to take my mind off it. We lost the buyer for our house an hour before we were due to sign the contracts (thankfully the part exchange option is still open) so it's back to frantic tidying which is really annoying!

Has everyone else had a good weekend?
Still no luck with moving then?
I'm getting beteer, managed to do a load of washing today + clean the bathroom..
I got all excited seeing a gleaming white bathroom :blush: I'm sad :haha:
Hey ladies, checking in again. When is the soonest we can find out the sex via ultrasound?
Hey hun. I think it's 16 weeks, but it's recommended it's best around the 18 week mark.
Hope your okay xx
Hi Ladies, Just a little note to say hope everyone is OK xxx Sending you all love & Healthy smuggles (what ever that means) :happydance:
I like the idea of healthy smuggles, whatever they are!!!

We are still moving - it just means we get less for the house if we part exchange it. We have until the roof goes on (around Christmas) for the house to sell before the part ex comes in so it's not the end of the world - it's just rather frustrating!!
Must be Flugella, but you've got a bit of time so fingers crossed xx where you moving to? My OH is from Yorkshire but now has to put up with us Southern Jessies :rofl: Bless 'im xx
We're just moving to the other side of the village - DH's 2 bedroom batchelor pad has been far too small for about 5 years so baby has forced us to do something!

Why oh why oh why am I having really bad morning sickness today when I've not been too bad for the last week??? Not fair!
im due the 18th of may with my first biological child

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